Help Our Emergency Services at the Great Park on October 18 and Get a Free Tote Bag and Pumpkin!

You are invited to attend the multi-city Point of Dispensing (POD) exercise at the Great Park and help OC cities plan for emergencies and practice the rapid distribution of medicine in the event of a public health outbreak.

In a real emergency, PODs save lives by getting needed medication and supplies to our community quickly and efficiently.

The Great Park POD exercise on Thurs. October 18 from 4 to 6 p.m. will offer both a walk-up option and a drive-thru option. During the event, participants will be directed through the exercise by local police and fire authorities and will be asked to complete a brief intake form, proceed to a nurse or nursing student who will distribute exercise materials, then be directed through the exit station.

Participants will receive a commemorative tote bag, local emergency planning materials, information about the AlertOC emergency notification system, and a free holiday pumpkin!

Watch an informative POD video here.

No reservation or RSVP is required.

For more information on the POD, visit

To receive vital communications in the event of an actual emergency, residents are encouraged to sign up for notifications at .