Thanksgiving is a Time to Give to Those In Need

We have much for which we are grateful.

We are grateful for for our freedoms, and for those whose sacrifices, past and present, have made those freedoms endure for generations.

We are grateful for our families and friends, and for the love that makes life worthwhile.

We are grateful for our beautiful City of Irvine, our beautiful state of California, and our beautiful planet.

We are grateful for our frontline health care workers, especially during this pandemic.

We are grateful for our firefighters, police and first responders, and for our soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen.

We are grateful for everyone in our community and our nation who protects us and serves those in need.

We are grateful for the volunteers who comfort the sick and care for the young and the aged.

We are grateful for those who offer food, shelter, and medical care to those who have no home.

We are grateful that we are fortunate enough to be able to help others.

Our family, especially during the holidays, supports, a service of Vietnam Veterans of America. will pick up your used clothes and household goods at your convenience and use them to support programs that address the needs of all our veterans.

We also support Families Forward, an Irvine-based organization that assists Orange County families in financial crisis to achieve and maintain self-sufficiency and helps these families to once again become independent, productive residents of the community. During the holidays, Families Forward also provides in-need families with festive food baskets and personalized holiday gifts.

Another worthy organization is the California Association of Food Banks, founded in 1995 to help hungry people throughout California, including our local Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County and the Community Action Partnership of Orange County Food Bank.

Our City of Irvine proudly and gratefully supports the Irvine 2/11 Marine Adoption Committee, which provides charitable and educational activities and support for the benefit and welfare of the United States Marines and their families assigned to Camp Pendleton, California, with special emphasis on the Marines and families of the 2nd Battalion, 11th Marines.

Donations of toys can be made to the 2/11 Marines Holiday Toy Drive benefiting families of Irvine’s adopted 2/11 Marine Battalion. Help bring joy to these families during the holidays by donating a new, unwrapped gift suitable for infants or children ages 12 and younger.  Donations can be dropped off through December 14 at the Irvine Civic Center, Irvine Police Headquarters, and the Great Park Visitors Center.

We also endorse giving to Socks for Heroes, which ships socks along with other essentials to United States Marine Corps combat infantry units, provides Marine children the ability to take advantage of swimming lessons, sports, and camps, and provides other programs for single Marines and Marine families during deployments.

Gift cards for Firefighters can be mailed or delivered to the OCFA Firefighter’s Benevolent Association for Firefighters in need.  Monetary donations can be made to Firefighter organizations such as the OCFA Foundation and the Wildland Firefighter Foundation.  Donations can also be made to the California Fire Museum and Safety Leaning Center.

This year, through the involvement of my son, I learned about the great work of Wound Walk OC, which tends to the wounds of unsheltered people in Orange County.  Founded three years ago by filmmaker Michael Sean Wright, Wound Walk OC’s mission is to “Practice equity in action. Bring relief to those most in need. Inspire empathetic future healthcare advocates and field medics. Provide encouragement to communities by showing what caring volunteers can accomplish.”

The members of Wound Walk OC, including our son, Max, are street medics who go to where unsheltered people live — in parks and other areas — with a “wound wagon” filled with emergency medical supplies donated by the community.  They offer emergency first aid/medical care to homeless people with wounds and other injuries that, without Wound Walk’s intervention, would go untreated, with serious and potentially deadly consequences. They also provide food, drinking water, underwear and socks. Their work in helping unsheltered people with wounds and other medical issues is truly on the front lines of the homelessness crisis — even more so under the dangerous conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. As Spectrum News One has reported, “While doctors and nurses continue to battle on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, Wright [and Wound Walk OC] is in many ways on the front lines of its humanity.”

This Thanksgiving is a perfect time to help Wound Walk OC care for our unsheltered brothers and sisters, by donating or visiting their Amazon wish list for needed supplies.  If you would like to know more, or learn more about how you can help, contact Wound Walk OC at or call 949-973-3317.

Each year at Thanksgiving, we remember our friend Michael Kinslow and his beautiful Prayer of Thanksgiving for those who protect and those who serve:

Thank you God for every woman and man who risks their life for my freedom and safety.

Please bless their families with peace.

Thank you God for every child, woman, and man who volunteers in my community. All of those who feed the hungry, provide shelter, and all who put their hearts, minds, and souls into building up others and caring for all of your creatures.

Please bless them in their own time of need.


Wear a mask. Stay safe.


Melissa Fox for California Assembly: What’s at Stake

The California Assembly makes decisions that directly affect our everyday lives.  Who we send to the Assembly to serve as our representative will determine our response to the COPVID-19 pandemic, our response to climate change, the quality of our schools, the vitality of our local economy, the cost and availability of healthcare, and the extent of our reproductive freedom. 

In addition, this election asks us whether we have the courage to respond to the alarming rise in bigotry and prejudice by committing to respect the rights and dignity of all residents of the 68th Assembly District.

Here’s what’s at stake:

COVID-19 Response and Economic Recovery

The most important issue facing all of us right now is the COVID-19 pandemic that has killed more than 225,000 Americans and sickened millions — and the economic crisis it has caused.

​For the foreseeable future, the primary role of government must be stopping the spread of this disease, helping to provide treatment and support to those who have become ill, fighting to get more protective equipment to frontline workers like nurses, firefighters, and grocery workers, and helping people and small businesses survive the pandemic’s devastating impact on our economy.

Help must include financial assistance to workers who have lost their jobs, families that need help to stay in their homes, and small businesses that need help to keep their doors open and their people employed.

I believe that we should protect lives and minimize the number of people who are infected by the coronavirus, even if that means being gradual and careful on re-opening the economy. As the pandemic subsides, the primary focus of government must become helping families recover their financial stability, students recover lost their educational opportunities, and the small businesses that energize our communities recover their vibrancy.

The coronavirus has made it clear that we must invest in the health and safety of our community. Public health emergencies like the COVID-19 pandemic require strong leadership grounded in respect for science. In sharp contrast to my opponent, who has flagrantly rejected the advice of scientists and public health experts, voted with anti-vaxxers, and given his unquestioning support to the disastrous mishandling of this pandemic by the Trump administration, I’ll listen carefully to the voices of scientists, public health experts, and first responders.

Frontline workers support us. We must support them. That’s why I fully support The Biden Plan to Combat COVID-19 and Prepare for Future Global Health Threats, which sets out an effective national emergency response to saves lives, protect frontline workers, and minimize the spread of COVID-19 and commits to economic measures to help hard-hit workers, families, and small businesses and to stabilize the American economy.

I understand the economic fears and financial hardships that many Orange County families are facing — because I’ve walked in their shoes.

My family and I were hit hard in the last financial crisis. That’s why I’ve fought for renters’ assistance, financial support for small businesses, and a moratorium on evictions during the pandemic.

In the State Assembly, I’ll fight for the working families in our community that are struggling during this financial crisis.

Climate and the Environment

Action on climate change is an existential imperative. Our environment is under assault from the Trump administration in all directions, including offshore drilling, fracking, dismantling established coal regulations, and eliminating California’s fuel emissions standards.

For Orange County, climate change means potentially devastating flooding along the coast and devastating wildfires inland.

Unfortunately, my opponent is fully committed to the Trump anti-science and anti-environment agenda, does not believe that human activity is responsible for climate change, and has a lifetime rating of 6% from the League of Conservation Voters and 0% from the Sierra Club.

My opponent “completely questions the idea of global warming being caused by human intervention.” He opposes cap and trade and other government imposed environmental regulations, calling them an extreme effort to tax businesses and economic growth.”

After receiving thousands of dollars from oil companies, my opponent has repeatedly voted against legislation crackdown on polluters, voted against laws to reduce air pollution, opposed funding projects to protect access to safe, clean drinking water and prevent pollution of beaches, and voted against legislation to stop offshore oil drilling expansion.  As Irvine Mayor, Steven Choi ordered that the phrase “climate change” be removed from all official documents of the City of Irvine and killed the U.S. Solar Decathlon at the Great Park. Click HERE for more information on Steven Choi and climate.

In contrast, I believe that global warming is an existential crisis that we must face and solve now. I’ll fight to take decisive action to protect our planet — and our neighborhoods — from havoc and destruction due to climate change. As a member of the Assembly, I’ll advocate for a scientific and research-based understanding of the state of our environment and continue to fight for improved public transportation.

I’m proud that my environmental record has earned the endorsement of the California League of Conservation Voters and the Sierra Club.  On the Irvine City Council, I revived and then served as Chair of the Irvine Green Ribbon Environmental Committee, initiated new environmental protections, and fought for a separate Climate Action Plan and a Community Choice Energy Plan for Irvine. When my opponent was on the City Council, the terms “climate change” and “global warming” were was banned from all City documents and public statements.

I’m also a strong advocate for increased transportation choices as a means of reducing both traffic congestion and air pollution. On the Irvine City Council, I succeeded in creating a major expansion of iShuttle routes that is expected to have a significant positive impact on Irvine’s commuter traffic congestion. As a member of the Assembly, I’ll continue to advocate for state funding to create more convenient and less polluting transportation choices for the residents of the 68th Assembly District.

In Sacramento, I’ll hold Big Oil and other corporate polluters accountable and fight back against the Trump administration’s attack on our environment by opposing the expansion of offshore drilling and fracking. I’ll continue to fight for effective action on climate change to make California a healthier place for our kids and for all generations to follow.


Our public schools in California are significantly underfunded and the situation is even worse in the 68th Assembly District, where our current representative has done nothing to provide proper funding for our schools. The COVID-19 pandemic has made our schools’ financial situation even worse, putting even greater burdens on our already over-stressed school districts. I will fight for our students and increase funding for public schools and make college affordable.

I’m committed to getting more funding for every school and every student in our District by investing in classrooms and teachers, not more bureaucracy. I’m proud to be endorsed by the California Teachers Association, the California Federation of Teachers, and the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges. I

‘ll also fight for more funding for our community colleges as they work to provide educational and training programs to millions of Californians, providing essential career education and job training programs that help people get and keep good-paying, middle-class jobs.

​Making sure that social distancing and masking is implemented in schools when schools reopen is essential to protecting our communities. I’ll continue to be a strong advocate supporting the best practices to keep our children and teachers safe.

Affordable Housing

California has an affordable housing crisis. Rent should not be above one third of anyone’s income. Yet my opponent is interested only in protecting the big developers that have contributed more than 200 thousand dollars to his campaigns. In return, he has voted to give away public land for huge multi-million dollar development projects, opposed protections for renters and for seniors living in mobile homes, and voted against helping local governments create new affordable housing.

​In contrast, I’ve worked hard to create more affordable housing. As Chair of the Irvine Community Land Trust, I’ve helped reduce homelessness and create affordable housing for families, veterans, and people with disabilities, and I’ve gone to Sacramento to fight for tax reductions for investments in affordable housing.

I want to build a future for our district where first time property buyers can afford to make a down payment and build a future for their families. As a member of Irvine’s City Council, I’ve supported policies that have led to more affordable housing. I’ve also worked with the state legislature to successfully amend our tax laws to make it easier to build affordable housing across our state.

​No one should be evicted from their homes if facing economic hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a council member, I fought hard to provide financial aid to our residents so they could stay in their homes. I’ll continue to do so in the Assembly during emergencies such as this pandemic

In Sacramento, I’ll continue to fight for policies that create more affordable housing, reduce rents, and allow more residents of the 68th Assembly District to become homeowners.

A Thriving and Fair Economy 

I grew up in a middle-class family with two working parents believing in the American Dream that hard work leads to economic success. That dream is now under attack as President Trump and his allies in Washington and Sacramento push for an economy that benefits the super-rich and special interests and leaves too many Americans behind.

Now more than ever we need someone fighting for the middle-class in our Assembly. I understand the fears and insecurity that people are feeling about this economy — I’ve faced these challenges myself.

My family and I were hit hard in the last financial crisis. That’s why I’ve fought for renters’ assistance, financial support for small businesses, and a moratorium on evictions during the pandemic.

In the Assembly, I’ll advocate for the necessary loans and aid that small businesses and families need to make it through the Covid-19 pandemic.

We need a thriving, innovative, and fair economy that is focused on creating the good middle-class jobs of today and tomorrow. That means supporting economic policies that strengthen the middle class and create jobs that enable families to succeed. In the Assembly, I’ll fight for a fair and thriving economy that benefits everyone.

Health Care

I believe that affordable health care is a human right, not a privilege reserved for the few. Too many of us are worried that we will not be able to afford the cost of the health care that we or our family members might need.

The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the need for quality health care for everyone in our community. Now more than ever we need a comprehensive plan for those needing healthcare. Free COVID-19 tests should be easily available to all so that we can protect our families and our community.

Your health and peace of mind are important to me. In the Assembly, you can count on me to fight to improve the Affordable Care Act to make healthcare more affordable and accessible, protect coverage for people with preexisting conditions, hold drug companies accountable to reduce prescription drug prices and support frontline healthcare workers and local hospitals. I’m committed to fighting the Trump administration’s plans to take away health care from Americans and to keep the price of prescription drugs high. That’s why I refuse to take money from Big Pharma.

​I’m proud that my support for high quality health care for all Californians has earned the support of the California Nurses Association.  In contrast, my opponent  has put the profits of drug companies and the insurance industry ahead of patients and public health. Last year, he voted against legislation to provide California local governments with funding for infectious disease control to respond to a health emergency like the coronavirus pandemic. My opponent — who personally has more than 100 thousand dollars invested in pharmaceutical companies — also voted against cracking down on drug corporations that delay the release of cheaper generic medications and stricter oversight of the insurance industry to protect consumers. At the same time, he opposed legislation requiring that children be vaccinated for preventable and contagious diseases. These are not our values.

Reproductive Rights and Equality for Women

The question of what a pregnant woman should do when she does not want to raise a child is extremely personal for me, as my then 16-year-old birth mother had to navigate this decision herself when she became pregnant with me. I received a great gift from my birth mother’s decision to have me – but I would not have wanted her to have been forced by the government to give birth to me despite being unable at that time to care for a child.

Whether or not to have an abortion – or whether to give a child up for adoption – is a deeply personal and often painful decision for a woman or couple to make, and it is a decision they have to make based on their own faith and values, not someone else’s – and certainly not the government’s. That’s why I’m outraged at the attacks on women and their Constitutional reproductive rights from the Trump administration and its allies, and why I’m committed to protecting and defending women’s access to reproductive health care services.

I believe that women should have the right to make their own healthcare decisions. We can’t allow politicians to deny women basic human rights such as access to safe and affordable reproductive health care or allow the government to intrude into this most personal of decisions. I will keep this decision a personal one and not the government’s. In the State Assembly, I will protect the right to safe, legal abortion and birth control and I will stand up for Planned Parenthood, which provides access to critical health services for Orange County women and families.

I’m proud that my commitment to women’s reproductive rights has earned the endorsement of Planned Parenthood, Emily’s List, NARAL Pro-Choice California, Women for American Values and Ethics (WAVE); National Organization for Women (NOW), National Women’s Political Caucus, Women In Leadership (WIL), California Women’s List, Fund Her, and the Women’s Political Committee (WPC).

In contrast, my opponent does not believe that women have the right to choose when or whether to give birth and has repeatedly voted against funding healthcare services for women, including treatment for breast and cervical cancer and opposing emergency contraception for women. He also voted against legislation to prevent gender pay discrimination and refused to support a bill to give survivors of abuse more rights to file lawsuits against abusers.

My opponent was also the only State Assembly member and one of the few Orange County Republicans to defend another legislator accused of sexually harassing Orange County Supervisor Lisa Bartlett and two other women. Unlike my opponent, I believe Supervisor Lisa Bartlett and I’m outraged by my opponent’s defense of her accused attacker. I’ll always stand strong against sexual harassment and assault, and I’ll make sure that powerful politicians do not get away with abusing their positions and the public trust.

In the State Assembly, I will fight to make women’s voices heard by requiring equal pay for equal work and paid family leave. Also, I am committed to championing tough anti-discrimination policies to stop workplace harassment and abuse and I will work to hold abusers accountable and protect victims of sexual assault and harassment.

Fighting Hate, Prejudice, and Discrimination

President Trump’s reprehensible embrace of bigots and white supremacists has resulted in an alarming raise in hate crimes in Orange County, particularly anti-immigrant, anti-Black, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, anti-Asian and anti-gay violence.

Our current representative in the 68th Assembly District has a long and disturbing history of anti-Muslim bigotry, supporting the anti-Muslim Trump Travel Ban, opposing legislation prohibiting discrimination, and questioning the loyalty of Muslim-Americans. He has even said that Muslims are “unfit” to hold public office.

​My opponent has also said and done nothing as Asian Americans in our community are unfairly targeted and blamed for COVID-19.  He has refused to speak out as Asian Americans are being threatened and face racist attacks, and still refuses to condemn Trump for calling it the “Kung Flu” and the “Chinese virus.” In fact, he has long embraced the divisive politics of Donald Trump’s attacks on immigrants, women, disabled people, and people of color.

​In sharp contrast, I’m proud to have earned the endorsement of the Equality California and the Courage Campaign. As a member of Irvine’s City Council, I’ve celebrated diversity and fought against prejudice and for the rights and dignity of all people.  I led a successful movement to fly the Pride flag in Irvine during Pride Month, and to repeal Irvine’s anti- LGBTQ+ law. In the Assembly, I’ll continue to fight to protect and defend the rights and dignity of all the residents of the 68th Assembly District.

Fire and Disaster Protection

Like 90,000 others, my family was recently forced to evacuate our home because of the Silverado Fire.

As a quarter-million Californians fled from the path of deadly wildfires and thousands of firefighters did battle on the front lines, President Trump threatened to withhold federal aid and attacked California fire policies.  When Californians urgently needed federal disaster assistance, President Trump instead attacked us and played political games with Californians’ lives.

President Trump’s shameful attack on California in the midst of catastrophic natural disaster was an attack on us all, especially our courageous first responders fighting to keep us safe on the front lines. Our current representative in the 68th Assembly District never stood up for California or for our first responders against Trump’s attacks.

Our nurses, doctors, and first responders have been working hard on the front lines of this pandemic. As the mother of a firefighter and a board member of the Orange County Fire Authority, I know the dedication of our firefighters and first responders who put their lives on the line to protect us. I’ll fight to reduce wildfire risk, for increased investment in emergency response, and for swift and fair recovery for fire victims. I’m proud to have earned the support of California’s Professional Firefighters because they know I’ll fight for our firefighters and first responders and ensure they have every resource they need to protect our homes and families from fires and other natural disasters.

​I will always invest in neighborhood safety by ensuring 9-1-1 services are fully funded.

Safer Communities

I’m committed to ending the epidemic of gun violence in our communities. As a City Council member, I established a program with our police department to educate residents about how to use California’s Red Flag Law and Gun Violence Restraining Orders.

In contrast to our current representative, who has consistently voted with the gun dealers and the NRA against common sense measures to reduce gun violence, I’ll fight to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people and make our schools and communities safer. That’s why I earned the endorsement of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and am honored to be a 2020 Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate.

​As the daughter of a retired law enforcement officer, I know the difficulties faced by law enforcement and the sacrifices that law enforcement officers and their families make to keep our communities safe.

As a City Council member I have worked to continue Irvine’s reputation as America’s Safest City, while I have also successfully called for changes in the use of force policies of our police department, including banning choke holds and mandating the use of police body cameras, so that everyone in our community feels safe and respected in their interactions with the police.

Supporting our Veterans

I’ve been described by the Orange County Register as “an incredible advocate for veterans.” For me, respecting and serving our veterans is more than a matter of policy; it’s a moral issue. Our character as a community is defined in large part by how we treat those who have served and protected us. As the daughter of a combat veteran, I know the great sacrifices that military veterans have made for our country. As a member of the Assembly, I’ll fight for veterans, their families and their communities to ensure they have the opportunity to fulfill their dreams. That’s why I’m committed to investments in job-training and vocational education opportunities, to give returning veterans the tools they need to succeed.

I’ll also fight to ensure that homeless veterans are kept a priority, especially throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, I know that far too many veterans remain homeless or struggle with PTSD-related illnesses. We need to invest in funding for regional homeless services, street outreach for veterans, and urgent care beds, in addition to accessible mental health treatment. I’ll also fight to improve health care services for veterans to ensure that they can always obtain the care they need and the respect they deserve.

My opponent was the only member of the California Assembly to vote against $24.5 million in state funding for the Southern California Veterans Cemetery. In contrast, I have been fighting for a state veterans cemetery at the site for the former El Toro Marine Corps Air Station since 2014. In the Assembly, I’ll ensure that our veterans in Orange County have a final resting place close to their families and loved ones.

Making Government Transparent and Financially Responsible

The path towards a better and brighter democracy starts through greater government accountability. For too long, the toxic influence of special interests has infected government at all levels and resulted in policies that put the interests of giant corporations and greedy developers above the interests of the people of our District.

As an elected official, I’m proud of my record in increasing government accountability, openness, and transparency. I’ve received the Orange County Taxpayers Watchdog Award for “demonstrating dedication to the protection of taxpayer funds and for the advocacy of government transparency and fiscal responsibility.”

Under my leadership, the Irvine Community land Trust was awarded the Platinum Seal of Transparency from GuideStar, the world’s most respected source of information on nonprofit organizations.

I was also the only member of the Irvine City Council to oppose Measure D, which would have eliminated voter input into development decisions, because I believe that citizens must have a strong voice in deciding the future of their neighborhoods.

I enthusiastically supported the City’s adoption of the Irvine Sunshine Ordinance, which expanded public notice to four times longer than California law requires and prevents government action without full and informed participation from the community. I also supported approval of a two-year budget cycle, along with a five-year financial planning program, to bring more accountability to government spending. These were tremendous improvements in the openness and accuracy of the City’s budgeting process, compared to the time when my opponent was in charge.

In contrast, my opponent allowed highly questionable accounting procedures to hide the true financial condition of the City of Irvine while he was mayor. Once he arrived in Sacramento, he continued his fiscal irresponsibility by taking more than $54,000 in gifts from lobbyists and corporate special interests. This includes all-expense paid trips to Australia and Japan, luxury hotel rooms, expensive meals, tickets to concerts and numerous gifts like bottles of wine, gift cards, rounds of golf and clothing.

In the Assembly, I’ll make sure that large corporations, developers, and special interests don’t control government decisions. I’ll fight to end the power of lobbyists and special interests to make backroom deals and fight for greater openness and transparency and restore openness, accountability, and responsibility to state government.


There’s a lot at stake in this election.  Here’s How You Can Help

VOTE!  Quite simply, voting is the most important thing you can do to help bring positive change to our district, our state, and our nation. If you have not yet voted, please vote by dropping your ballot off at an official ballot box or voting in-person at an official Vote Center.



The hours for Vote Centers are
November 1 and 2 from 8:00 am – 8:00 pm.
November 3 from 7:00 am – 8:00 pm.

DONATE to fund our Voter Protection Program



We will surely win if we work together!



Election 2020: Three Ways to Vote in California!

More than 40 percent of California’s electorate, — more than 8.5 million voters — have already voted in the 2020 election to select the next President of the United States, as well as our next members of Congress, next state legislators, next mayors and city council members, and next school board members.

This year, for the first time in a presidential election, all registered voters in California received an official vote-by-mail ballot at their homes.

After you receive your ballot, you have three ways to vote:

1. Return your ballot by mail (in the postage pre-paid envelope that has been mailed to you), or

2. Deposit your ballot at a secure official ballot drop box throughout the County, or

3. Cast your ballot in person at any of the many official Vote Centers.

After October 29, it is probably best not to mail your ballot, but instead to use a ballot drop box or cast your ballot in person!

Find a list of all official Orange County ballot drop boxes HERE.

Drop boxes are open 24 hours from October 5 to November 3 (until 8:00 pm on Election Day).

Find a list of all official Orange County Vote Centers HERE.

The hours for Vote Center are October 30 – November 2, from 8:00 am-8:00 pm. November 3, from 7:00 am-8:00 pm.

Of course, I would prefer that you Vote Democratic, and Vote for Melissa Fox for California Assembly in Assembly District 68.

Visit my campaign website HERE.

View my campaign Facebook page HERE.

Learn the truth about my opponent’s lies about me HERE.

Learn more about my opponent’s record HERE.

If you need further help, contact the OC Registrar of Voters at or 714-567-7600.

You can also contact my campaign at

Your vote is your voice!  Be sure to make your voice heard by voting on or before November 3, 2020!

How to Thank Our Firefighters and Help Those Firefighters Who Were Gravely Injured Protecting Our Communities

We are deeply grateful to the firefighters and other public safety officers and first responders who fought the Silverado and Blue Ridge Fires this week.

Due to their heroic efforts, property damage was kept to a minimum, more than 90,000 people were safely and quickly evacuated — including my family — and no civilians were injured.

However, on the fire’s first day, two firefighters from our Orange County Fire Authority were critically burned by the Silverado Fire.

The two men, ages 26 and 31, were part of a hand crew aggressively battling the flames.

Both received extensive second and third-degree burns.  One of the men had burns on 65% of his body while the other had burns on 50%.

As our OCFA Fire Chief Brian Fennessy noted, the seriousness of their injuries reminds us that fighting to protect our communities from these unpredictable wildfires is an extremely dangerous job.

I have received several requests for information about how we can help these gravely injured firefighters.

Here is a statement from OC Firefighters Local 3631, which is organizing a fundraiser to benefit these firefighters through the Fallen Fire Fighter Relief Fund:

“Orange County Firefighters are raising money in support of 2 firefighters critically injured while protecting our community battling the Silverado Fire.

All proceeds donated through this GoFundMe page will go directly to the Fallen Fire Fighter Relief Fund to cover additional costs related to burn care and family support during this difficult time.

If you would like to send cards or well wishes to our 2 firefighters the can be mailed to the address below and we will make sure they get them :

OC Firefighters
c/o Silverado Fire
1342 Bell Avenue, Suite 3A
Tustin, CA 92780

Please understand that the families have asked us to not release their names as of yet.”

You can also thank our firefighters by contributing to the following organizations:

The OCFA Firefighter’s Benevolent Association

OCFA Foundation

Wildland Firefighter Foundation

Thank you.


Make California Great Again! Vote!

Make California Great Again! Vote!

In 2016, Steven Choi ran for Assembly with a picture of himself and Donald Trump, saying that he and Trump would “Make California Great Again.”
Here’s how that has worked out:
· More than 220,000 Americans dead of COVID-19 and infections continue to surge, hitting record high numbers eight months into the pandemic. More than 70,000 Californians infected with the coronavirus, but Trump and Choi deny science and have no plan.
· Nearly 17,000 Californians dead so far from COVID-19, but Trump and Choi still have no plan.
· Thousands of California businesses closed, millions of jobs lost, and our economy in shambles, but Trump and Choi still have no plan.
· Trump denies emergency federal aid to California for wildfire victims and first responders. Choi is silent.
· Trumps increases offshore oil drilling on California’s coast, threatening major environmental damage to our ocean and beaches. Trump and Choi take $$$$ from major polluters.
· Trump attacks Mexican Americans and Muslim Americans, calls for building a wall with Mexico and bans entry to U.S. from Muslim countries. Choi agrees with Trump’s wall and his Muslim ban, calls Muslims “unfit for office.”
Trump and Choi have made California sick, not great.
Now it’s our turn to make California great again by voting them out.

Unlike Trump and Choi, I’ll never put our communities at risk.

Today is the Last Day to Register to Vote! Here’s the Three Ways to Vote in California.

More than 3,000,000 Californians have already voted in the 2020 election to select the next President of the United States, as well as our next members of Congress, next state legislators, next mayors and city council members, and next school board members.

This year, for the first time in a presidential election, all registered voters in California will receive an official vote-by-mail ballot at their homes.

Today, Monday, October 19, 2020, is the last day to register to vote in California and receive your mail-in ballot before Election day on November 3, 2020.

Register to vote HERE.

After you receive your ballot, you have three ways to vote.

1. Return your ballot by mail (in the postage pre-paid envelope that has been mailed to you), or

2. Deposit your ballot at a secure official ballot drop box throughout the state, or

3. Cast your ballot in person at any of the many official Vote Centers.

  • Find a list of all official Orange County ballot drop boxes HERE.

Drop boxes are open 24 hours from October 5 to November 3 (until 8:00 pm on Election Day).

  • Find a list of all official Orange County Vote Centers HERE.

The hours for Vote Center are October 30 – November 2, from 8:00 am-8:00 pm. November 3, from 7:00 am-8:00 pm.

Of course, I would prefer that you Vote Democratic, and Vote for Melissa Fox for California Assembly in Assembly District 68.

Visit my campaign website HERE.

View my campaign Facebook page HERE.

Watch my video “At Risk” HERE.

If you need further help, contact the OC Registrar of Voters at or 714-567-7600.

You can also contact my campaign at

Your vote is your voice!  Be sure to make your voice heard by voting on or before November 3, 2020!


Stop the Toxic Fumes from All American Asphalt!

No one should have to live with the smell and the danger of toxic fumes. 

Yet many residents of North Irvine, especially in the area of Orchid Hills and Portola, have been living with the smell and danger of the toxic fumes produced by the manufacture of rubber products by nearby All American Asphalt.  According to many researchers, long term exposure to these fumes can cause headaches, throat and eye irritations, respiratory diseases, and even cancer.

Irvine residents in affected neighborhoods been forced to keep their windows closed at all times, and to curtail or cease outdoor activities such as biking or walking their kids to school.  The City of Irvine has sued All American Asphalt to stop this noxious practice, but have not received support from the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) or the Orange County Board of Supervisors. This situation is unacceptable.

The Irvine City Council will meet at 3:00 pm on Friday, October 15, 2020, to discuss further steps to resolve this matter, including whether to revoke All American Asphalt’s business license.

All American Asphalt started out as a trucking company. Before the City of Irvine was incorporated, the company bought land that was part of the original Irvine Ranch. The County issued permits to the company to allow it to expand into asphalt production.  It appears, however, that the toxic fumes at issue are caused by the manufacture of products that are not a permitted use.

While primary enforcement responsibility lies with AQMD and the City does not have the power to immediately close the plant or eliminate the odor, the City should all possible steps to solve the problem as quickly as possible.

I fully support revocation of All American Asphalt’s business license if they persist in causing toxic fumes to contaminate the air in Irvine neighborhoods.

You can learn more at our new webpage at

You can help by making an online complaint with the AQMD at or calling the AQMD Complaint Number at 1-800-288-7664.

Our representative on the AQMD is OC Supervisor Lisa Bartlett.  I encourage everyone concerned about this matter to let her know how important it is to you to stop the toxic fumes from All American Asphalt from contaminating our neighborhoods.  Let her know at 714- 834-3550 or email her at




The Truth about Steven Choi’s Lies

My opponent Steven Choi and his corporate backers know he can’t win this race on his ideas or on his record. That’s why they’re spending enormous sums of money on vicious and false personal attacks, telling outright lies about me and my family.

Like his hero, Donald Trump, he doesn’t care how big his lies are or who they hurt, so long as it advances his personal agenda.

I’m fighting back by filing a Cease and Desist Order against their lies. The truth is that I won a legal judgment in court against these false claims and those who made them were ordered by the court to pay me financial damages for making them.  My opponent and his backers know these claim are false. They just don’t care.

Read the Legal Judgment in my favor HERE.

Read the Cease and Desist Order to Choi HERE.

They are also attacking me because my family and I were hit hard in the 2008 financial crisis. We lost much of our income and the house we owned lost nearly half of its value. We were unable to pay some taxes, until we sold our home.

These vicious personal attacks prove that my opponent doesn’t understand, or care about, the lives of ordinary citizens. Like Donald Trump, he specializes in the politics of shame, hate, and deception.

From voting against family leave, to voting against equal pay for women, to voting against every kind of economic aid for COVID-19 response, my opponent has demonstrated his total lack of concern for families that are struggling.  For too long, Assembly District 68 (Tustin, Lake Forest, Orange, Anaheim Hills, Villa Park, part of Irvine) has been represented in Sacramento by an anti-choice, anti-vaccine, pro-oil, tobacco and guns climate change denier. Let’s change that!

Learn more about Steven Choi’s extremist record HERE.

When you read Steven Choi’s lies and his attacks about my family’s struggles from 12 years ago, ask yourself: does this sound like someone you could trust? Or someone who would care about your own family’s struggles?

Vote Melissa Fox for California Assembly!

Asian Americans Rising Honors Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Katie Porter, Melissa Fox and Other Political Leaders for Standing with the Asian American Community Against Xenophobia and Racism

This week, Asian Americans Rising, a non-profit group “committed to increasing Asian American representation in politics,” issued a statement thanking Orange County political leaders who “stood with us to denounce xenophobia and racism” when the Asian American community was under attack.

I am deeply honored to be included among these courageous political leaders.

Asian Americans Rising president Katie Nguyen Kalvoda explained:

“Over 2,000 hate incidents were directed at Asian Americans this year as a result of Trump’s hateful words calling the coronavirus the “kung flu” “Chinese virus”. Women, children, grandmothers of all Asian descent were attacked, stabbed, set on fire all across this country. I would have never imagined the day that I would bear witness to that. Me, my kids, our loved ones are viewed as the ‘yellow plague.’ This is why I appreciate so much the folks who have spoken out, denounced racism and shown us love.”

Asian Americans in California have reported thousands of incidents of discrimination and harassment in since the coronavirus outbreak, including assault and civil rights violations.

Anti-Asian American attacks and harassment have been stoked by President Trump’s repeated use of the term “Kung Flu” in recent rallies and comments on Twitter scapegoating China for the Trump administration’s catastrophic failure to control the pandemic. As California Assemblymember David Chiu, Chair of the Asian Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus, told the Los Angeles Times, “There’s not just a pandemic of health — there’s a pandemic of hate.”

The Washington Post recently reported that “when Trump get coronavirus, Chinese Americans pay a price.”  On Twitter, in the three days after Trump announced that had tested positive for the virus, the civil rights group the Anti-Defamation League found an 85 percent spike in hostility against Asians: “The announcement [of Trump’s diagnosis] sparked thousands of online conversations blaming China for trying to purposefully infect the president.”

I am appalled by these acts of bigotry and by President Trump’s continued stoking of anti-Chinese and anti-Asian hate.

I am also appalled by the silence of Republican leaders in the face of Trump’s anti-Asian rhetoric.

Sadly, even Republican leaders who are themselves Asian, including Assemblyman Steven Choi, have refused to protest Trump’s use of the racist and anti-Asian phrase “Kung Flu” in talking about COVID-19 and have silent about the significant increase in racist attacks targeting Asians and Asian Americans in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

I first raised the issue of the COVID-19 outbreak and incidents of discrimination, harassment, and bullying of people thought to be Chinese at the Irvine City Council meeting on more than a month ago, on March 10.  I stated that we needed to do more to educate the public about how racism and xenophobia will hurt us in this crisis, and that we are all in this together.

I continue to be concerned, especially as reports increased of a surge in racially charged attacks unfairly directing blame for the pandemic on Asians and Asian Americans, while President Trump continues to insist on using the phrase “Chinese virus” or “Kong Flu” when speaking of COVID-19.

All who have witnessed or experienced anti-Asian attacks are encouraged to file a report HERE.

Reports may be made in English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Hindi, Japanese, Hmong, Tagalog, Khmer, Thai and Punjabi.

If you have experienced anti-Asian bullying, harassment, hate speech, or violence in Irvine, please also contact the Irvine Police Department at 949-724-7000.  In an emergency, call 911.  Neither the Irvine Police Department nor the Irvine City Council will tolerate any such anti-Asian attacks or discrimination in Irvine.

Please also let me know at

Again, I call on all my colleagues in elected office in Orange County, both Democratic and Republican, to join me in loudly and unequivocally condemning these acts of hatred, as well as President Trump’s continued stoking of anti-Chinese and anti-Asian hatred and bigotry by using the terms “Chinese virus” and “Kung Flu” in reference to COVID-19. 


Pictured above: Congresswoman Judy Chu, Congresswoman Katie Porter, Councilmember Andrew  Rodriguez, Scott Reinhart, Congressman Alan Lowenthal, Congressman Gil Cisneros, Josh Newman, California State Controller Betty T. Yee, Councilmember Diedre Thu-Ha Nguyen, Congressman Harley Rouda, City Councilmember Melissa Fox, Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris, Congressman Lou Correa, Congressman Mike Levin, Senator Kamala Harris, and Vice President Joe Biden.

Celebrate Filipino American History Month!

October is Filipino American History Month!

October was chosen to celebrate month to commemorate the arrival of the first Filipinos who landed in what is now Morro Bay, California on October 18, 1587.

Felix C. Baldberry

Did you know that:

  • The earliest documented Filipino presence in the continental United States was on October 18, 1587, when the first “Luzones Indios” set foot in Morro Bay, CA, on board the manila-built galleon ship Nuestra Senora de Esperanza.
  • The first permanent Filipino settlement in the continental United States was in 1763 in St. Malo, Louisiana.
  • Filipino-American Civil War soldier Felix Cornelius Balderry, Company A, 11th Michigan Volunteers. Baldberry enlisted in the Union Army in 1863 at the age of 21 in Kalamazzo, Michigan. He fought in the battles of Chickamauga, Kenesaw Mountain, and the Siege of Atlanta, and returned to Michigan after the war.
  • The Filipino American community is the second largest Asian American group in the United States, with a population of more than 3 million people. More than a million people of Filipino heritage live in California, by far the largest number in the United States. One in three Filipino Americans live in California!
  • Pedro Flores, a Filipino American, invented the yo-yo while working as a busboy when he was attending Hastings Law School.  He created the Yo-Yo Manufacturing Company in Santa Barbara, California, before selling the company and trademark to Donald F. Duncan, Sr.  He continued working with Duncan for many years later.

    Thelma Garcia Buchholdt

  • Thelma Garcia Buchholdt became the first female Filipino American elected to a legislature in the United States when she was elected to represent Anchorage in the Alaska legislature in 1974.
  • Filipino American servicemen and servicewomen have a longstanding history in the Armed Forces from the Civil War to the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts, including 25,000 Filipinos who fought under the United States flag during WWII.
  • Andrew Jackson wrote about the “Manila Men” who fought with him in defense of New Orleans under the command of Jean Lafitte in the Battle of New Orleans in 1815.
  • Nine Filipino American have received the Congressional Medal of Honor, the highest award for valor in action that can be bestowed upon an individual serving in the United States Armed Forces.
  • Fe del Mundo was the first Filipino American, the first Asian and first female student to attend Harvard Medical School in 1936.  She was admitted only because the school mistook her gender and assumed she was male. They then decided not to turn her away due to her outstanding credentials. She later established the first pediatric hospital in the Philippines.
  • Filipino Americans Philip Vera Cruz and Larry Itliong were leaders in the Asian American civil rights movement, the farm workers movement, and including the pivotal 1965 Grape Strike and Boycott.

Filipino Americans have contributed greatly to the arts, music, dance, literature, business, journalism, education, science, healthcare. technology, government, politics, fashion, and other fields in the United States. The Filipino American Community has a proud and distinguished history of making our state and nation stronger and better.  I’m delighted to celebrate Filipino American History Month with my Filipino friends and neighbors!

California Moves to Dramatically Lower Prescription Drug Prices

Last week, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law new first-in-the-nation legislation that could dramatically reduce prescription drug prices for all Californians.

The legislaton allows the State of California to create its own drug label, Cal Rx, and to produce and distribute its own line of biosimilars, biosimilar insulins, and generic drugs, with the aim of improving access for consumers and lowering prices.

The California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS) is now authorized to develop manufacturing partnerships to produce or distribute generic prescription drugs, making essential medications affordable and accessible to more patients.  It will also inject much needed competition into near monopoly markets that have driven up prices for consumers and help end sometimes critical drug shortages.

Councilmember Melissa Fox and Senator Richard Pan

Because precription drug prices are one of the largest drivers of rising health care costs, this new legislation will also reduce the overall cost of health care.

As Governor Newsom said in advocating for the new law, “Prescription drug prices are too high. I’m proposing that California become the first state in the nation to establish its own generic drug label. It’s time to take the power out of the hands of greedy pharmaceutical companies.”

Governor Newsom further noted, “The cost of health care is way too high. Our bill will help inject competition back into the generic drug marketplace – taking pricing power away from big pharmaceutical companies and returning it to consumers. California is using our market power and our moral power to demand fairer prices for prescription drugs. I am proud to sign this legislation affirming our ground-breaking leadership in breaking down market barriers to affordable prescription drugs.”

As the legislation’s principle author, Dr. (and State Senator) Richard Pan, pointed out, “Prescription drugs don’t work if people cannot afford to take them.  We need to ensure that Californians will be able to have access to a reliable supply of affordable generic medications. The state can play a pivotal role in bringing prices down through this authority to negotiate a steady supply for all purchasers and an increase of competition in the drug markets,”  He added that the new legislation to open up access to affordable drugs for millions of Californians “is more important than ever, as the COVID-19 crisis brought to light glaring gaps in supplies of essential, lifesaving drugs, and medical equipment and supplies.”

I strongly support this new and innovative approach to lowering precsription drug prices, making critical presciption medicine and health care more available as well as more affordable.

In contrast, my opponent in Assembly District 68, Steven Choi, refused to support this important legislation and did not even vote on this bill.

His campaign has received tens of thousands of dollars from the pharmaceutical and medical industries and their political action committies. In addition, according to his legally required Statements of Economic Interests filed with the California Fair Political Practices Commission, Choi holds substantial investments in numerous pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer, Sanofi, Johnson &Johnson, GlaxoSmith-Kline, Celgene, and Novo Nordisk, so that he personally profits from high presciption drug prices.

Unlike Steven Choi, I’ll be part of the solution to the high cost of prescription drugs, not part of —  or profit from — the problem.

Irvine Again is the Safest City in America!

Each year the FBI ranks the public safety levels of U.S. cities according to population and considers a number of factors including murder, rape, assault, burglary, arson and auto theft.

This is the 15th year in a row Irvine has held the top spot as America’s safest City among cities with a population of 250,000 or more.

Irvine Police Chief Mike Hamel credited the department’s positive relationship with the community and strong City leadership for its continued success.

“Irvine continues to be a safe community due to the partnership between the committed men and women of the Irvine Police Department, our City leaders who always make public safety a top priority, and our residents and business community,” Chief Hamel said. “Maintaining public safety, while delivering professional and compassionate service to everyone is always our top priority.”

Councilmember Melissa Fox said, “We are America’s safest city because the men and women of the Irvine Police Department perform their duties at the very highest levels of professionalism and integrity.  Our Police Chief, our City Council and our residents expect and require nothing less. Our residents know that our police officers are dedicated to ensuring the safety of our residents and treat everyone with fairness and respect.”

Irvine was also 1 of only 11 police major departments in the nation that did not use deadly force from 2016-2018.

During the protests following the murder of George Floyd by police officers in Minneapolis, our Irvine Police Department helped ensure that all voices were heard. I was glad that Irvine Police Chief Mike Hamel stated that he was personally “deeply disturbed” as a member of law enforcement by the “unjust and disgraceful” murder of George Floyd; that it “erodes the trust and confidence we work so hard to reach”; and that he demands that his officers “treat every member of the public with respect and professionalism.”

Irvine’s outstanding safety record is proof that public safety is enhanced, not compromised, by holding police officers to high standards, and is enhanced even more so when the police officers embrace a tradition of holding themselves to the highest standards of accountability and community service.

To see the FBI report, click HERE.

Irvine Community Land Trust’s “Stories from Home” Continues with Inspiring Story of Cail Cheng

I was elected to serve as Chair of the Irvine Community Land Trust (ICLT) in 2018, guiding its mission of providing secure, high-quality affordable housing for the benefit of income-eligible families.  Like all Irvine Community Land Trust Board Members, I serve as a volunteer, without compensation. 

We build high-quality affordable rental, ownership and special needs housing for the benefit of income-eligible families. Located in the heart of Southern California’s one of the most expensive real estate markets, there is a tremendous need for affordable housing.

From time to time, ICLT Executive Director Mark Asturias shares a story about our residents.  Here is his latest of our “Stories from Home”:

Cail Cheng

I’m very happy to present the return of the Irvine Community Land Trust’s “Stories from Home” series, where we highlight some of our communities’ exceptional residents, who all make Irvine a better place in their own ways.

This time, we’re featuring Cail Cheng, 27, a former Alegre resident who recently moved out. You may wonder why we’re highlighting a former resident, but Cheng has a truly remarkable story of growth during the few years he spent with us.

At first glance, Cheng seems like anyone else his age – he’s kind, diligent and loves art, photography and video games. But his path through life has been far more challenging than most. Cheng lives with a developmental disability. Five years ago, he wasn’t employed and had experienced very limited independence in his life. Though he has never been very verbal, his mother – June McLaughlin – heard his inner voice loud and clear: he wanted to live his own life.

Right around this time, the ICLT was finishing work on Alegre, one of our first affordable communities. Like our other properties, Alegre included certain units set aside for people living with developmental disabilities. ICLT was offering an affordable cost for a two-bedroom unit with a roommate, ideally meant to serve as a stepping stone for residents to later transition into complete independence. We put out a call for initial residents to apply, and McLaughlin was listening.

When McLaughlin heard about the opportunity and told her son, she saw a fire light up in Cheng’s eyes like nothing she had ever seen. He was still mostly silent, but there was a newfound focus – a quiet determination to grab the reins of his life for himself.

For roughly half of his stay with us, Cheng worked tirelessly to find steady employment, undergoing training that readied him for what the world would expect from him. Two years in, his diligence paid off through a job with Goodwill, where he continues to work to this day.

Just last year, McLaughlin realized that her son had turned a corner. He was much more responsible than he ever had been and was legitimately happy at his job. His time at Alegre had readied him for the next big step – fully independent living in a market rate apartment in the City of Irvine.

Earlier this year, Cheng left our community and moved into the San Mateo Apartments, where he now lives a proud, independent life. Over the course of five years, McLaughlin has seen him grow from a messy boy living at home to a self-made man capable of juggling all his bills and other responsibilities. “It’s been a privilege. I’m grateful for him as a son, to be part of his story,” McLaughlin said. “It’s an honor to be his mom.”

We’re honored, too. It gives us significant pride to have been able to – quite literally – open a door for Cheng as he hungered for new challenges that would help him grow. The fact that he’s moved on means that we’ve played our part, and we wish him the best of luck in his new, independent life!

Mark Asturias
Executive Director, Irvine Community Land Trust

Thank you to everyone who has helped the Irvine Community Land Trust continue to succeed in its mission of helping people like Cail Cheng and many others.

As Mark Asturias said, it’s an honor to be a positive force in so many people’s lives.

Watch a video on the Irvine Community Land Trust here:


Helping Wound Walk OC

Wound Walk OC tends to the wounds of unsheltered people in Orange County.

Founded three years ago by filmmaker Michael Sean Wright, Wound Walk OC’s mission is to “Practice equity in action. Bring relief to those most in need. Inspire empathetic future healthcare advocates and field medics. Provide encouragement to communities by showing what caring volunteers can accomplish.”

Grateful for the opportunity to help my friends Teresa Lai and Jerry Chen and Asian American for a Better Community contribute 5,000 face masks to Wound Walk OC. With Michael Sean Wight.

The members of Wound Walk OC are street medics who go to where unsheltered people live — in parks and other areas — with a “wound wagon” filled with emergency medical supplies donated by the community.

They offer emergency first aid/medical care to homeless people with wounds and other injuries that, without Wound Walk’s intervention, would go untreated, with serious and potentially deadly consequences. They also provide food, drinking water, underwear and socks.

Their work in helping unsheltered people with wounds and other medical issues is truly on the front lines of the homelessness crisis — even more so under the dangerous conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic.

As Spectrum News One has reported, “While doctors and nurses continue to battle on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, Wright [and Wound Walk OC] is in many ways on the front lines of its humanity.”

Max Fox of Wound Walk OC checks a woman’s blood pressure.

The street medics of Wound Walk OC protect themselves against the pandemic as best they can with disinfectant, multiple layers of personal protective equipment, and sets of gloves, as they provide direct relief for those who need it most.

As Michael Sean Wright recently told ABC News, “For the unsheltered communities, public libraries and fast food restaurants are sometimes their only access to restrooms, and so when those close down, as they have during this pandemic, it’s like the water turned off. If you’re not getting water flowing or the wound covered or cleaned outside, you are exposed to insects, or further trauma that’s coming and infections.  When that happens, we urge them to seek medical attention. We have great clinics up and down here that folks don’t know they can go to, so our opportunity is to intro and help them get that care.”

I’m glad that I was recently able to help my friends Teresa Lai and Jerry Chen and Asian American for a Better Community contribute 5,000 face masks to Wound Walk OC.

I’m also proud that my son, Max Fox, has joined Wound Walk OC and is putting his EMT and HazMat training to much needed use while he is on pandemic-break from college and from the Fairbanks North Star Borough HazMat Team.

If you would like to help Wound Walk OC care for our unsheltered brothers and sisters, please consider donating or visiting their Amazon wish list for needed supplies.

If you would like to know more, or learn more about how you can help, contact Wound Walk OC at or call 949-973-3317.

The Irvine Community Land Trust Land Continues Construction Progress on Salerno, Our Newest Affordable Housing Community

I was elected to serve as Chair of the Irvine Community Land Trust (ICLT) in 2018, guiding its mission of providing secure, high-quality affordable housing for the benefit of income-eligible families.  Like all Irvine Community Land Trust Board Members, I serve as a volunteer, without compensation. 

We build high-quality affordable rental, ownership and special needs housing for the benefit of income-eligible families. Located in the heart of Southern California’s one of the most expensive real estate markets, there is a tremendous need for affordable housing.

Both as a member of the Irvine City Council and as Chair of the Irvine Community Land Trust, I have made it a priority to create more affordable housing, especially for working families, verterans, and people with disabilities. I have worked with legislators in Sacramento to cut taxes on affordable housing construction, and I have made for easier to more working people to become homeowners.

As we fight the deadly COVID-19 pandemic, secure and affordable housing has never been more important.

Through a series of special protocols, the Irvine Community Land Trust is  continuing construction on our new community, Salerno, even during the pandemic. Out of concern for our construction workers, we’ve undertaen extraordinary measures to ensure they stay safe and healthy while on the job.

I recently received some photos of the progress that we’ve made at Salerno, which will bring 80 affordable homes to the city.  Still on schedule to be completed in the Fall of 2020, Salerno will offer affordable rents as low as $550 for a one-bedroom, $625 for a two-bedroom and $695 for a three-bedroom.

Thirty-five of the homes will be reserved for those earning less than 30 percent of the area median income: 15 for veterans; 10 for individuals with developmental disabilities; and 10 for families at risk of homelessness.

When completed in the fall, Salerno will join Parc Derian, Alegre Apartments and Doria Apartment Homes as places where income eligible residents will proudly call Irvine “home.” As the Orange County Register observed, these affordable communities offer “a new beginning for veterans, developmentally disabled people and families at risk of homelessness.”

The interest list for Salerno is currently closed.  However, you can get your name on our interest list for future projects and available homes HERE.

We will notify you when a project becomes available.

Here are some photos of our progress at Salerno:


Our next project, Native Spring, is especially exciting For the first time, the Irvine Community Land Trust will build for-sale homes that hard-working residents making less than $100,000 can actually afford to buy.

The Native Spring homeownership project will serve moderate-income families with a 68-house development in Portola Springs that will have all the features of any market rate for-sale project in the city. A young couple earning $76,000 to $94,000 annually will be able to purchase a home for about $370,000.

Additionally, these homebuyers will “pay it forward” by agreeing to resale provisions that keep these homes permanently affordable. This development, which will break ground in 2020, is tremendously exciting for the ICLT as it stands to make the American dream a reality for many first time home buyers.

The ICLT continues to look for corporate donors who can provide grant opportunities, donate materials and items to help build, furnish and landscape new communities. Contact us to learn how to contribute!

You can learn more about the Irvine Community Land Trust at our website HERE.

In May 2019, the Irvine Community Land Trust was awarded the Platinum Seal of Transparency from GuideStar, the world’s most respected source of information on nonprofit organizations.  You can read about it HERE.

Are You Ready for Wildfire? Low-Cost Retrofits to Your Home that Can Save Property and Lives!

Being Ready for Wildfire starts with maintaining an adequate defensible space and by hardening your home by using fire resistant building materials. 

In a recent blog post, I presented my firefighter son’s Family Emergency Plan information.  Here are several low-cost ways to harden your home to maximize its ability to withstand a wildfire and to keep your family safe when you can’t evacuate.

Nearly all of the 68th Assembly District is considered “Wildland Urban Interface (WUI),” where human made structures and infrastructure (e.g., cell towers, schools, water supply facilities, etc.) are in or adjacent to areas prone to the danger of wildfire.  Newer developmnents are pressing ever closer to wildland, increasing the danger of WUI wildfires and the need to be prepared.

Taking the right actions now to prepare your family and home for the next California wildfire can save your property and your family members’ lives.

The roof is the most vulnerable part of your home. Homes with wood or shingle roofs are at high risk of being destroyed during a wildfire. Build your roof or re-roof with materials such as composition, metal or tile. Block any spaces between roof decking and covering to prevent embers from catching.

Vents on homes create openings for flying embers. Cover all vent openings with 1/16-inch to 1/8-inch metal mesh. Do not use fiberglass or plastic mesh because they can melt and burn.
Protect vents in eaves or cornices with baffles to block embers (mesh is not enough).

Eaves and Soffits:
Eaves and soffits should be protected with ignition-resistant or non-combustible materials.

Heat from a wildfire can cause windows to break even before the home is on fire. This allows burning embers to enter and start fires inside. Single-paned and large windows are particularly vulnerable. Install dual-paned windows with one pane of tempered glass to reduce the chance of breakage in a fire. Consider limiting the size and number of windows that face large areas of vegetation.

Wood products, such as boards, panels or shingles, are common siding materials. However, they are flammable and not good choices for fire-prone areas. Build or remodel your walls with ignition resistant* building materials, such as stucco, fiber cement wall siding, fire retardant, treated wood, or other approved materials. Be sure to extend materials from the foundation to the roof.

Surfaces within 10 feet of the building should be built with ignition-resistant*, non-combustible, or other approved materials. Ensure that all combustible items are removed from underneath your deck.

Rain Gutters:
Keep rain gutters clear or enclose rain gutters to prevent accumulation of plant debris.

Patio Cover:
Use the same ignition-resistant* materials for patio coverings as a roof.

Cover your chimney and stovepipe outlets with a non-flammable screen. Use metal screen material with openings no smaller than 3/8-inch and no larger than 1/2-inch to prevent embers from escaping and igniting a fire.

Have a fire extinguisher and tools such as a shovel, rake, bucket, and hose available for fire emergencies.  Install weather stripping around and under the garage door to prevent embers from blowing in. Store all combustible and flammable liquids away from ignition sources.

Consider using ignition-resistant* or non-combustible fence materials to protect your home during a wildfire.

Driveways and Access Roads:
Driveways should be built and maintained in accordance with state and local codes to allow fire and emergency vehicles to reach your home. Consider maintaining access roads with a minimum of 10 feet of clearance on either side, allowing for two-way traffic.  Ensure that all gates open inward and are wide enough to accommodate emergency equipment.
Trim trees and shrubs overhanging the road to allow emergency vehicles to pass.

Clearly Marked Address:
Make sure your address is clearly visible from the road.

Water Supply:
Consider having multiple garden hoses that are long enough to reach all areas of your home and other structures on your property. If you have a pool or well, consider getting a pump.

Watch CalFire’s video on harding your home to protect from wildfire:

Useful Links:

Wildfire is Coming: Are You Ready?

Fire Information Engine—Preparing Your Home

University of California—Fire Resources and Information

Orange County County Authority — Ready, Set, Go!

Orange County County Authority — Wildland Fire Danger Rating

Note: Ignition-resistant building materials are those that resist ignition or sustained burning when exposed to embers and small flames from wildfires. Examples of ignition-resistant materials include “non-combustible materials” that don’t burn, exterior grade fire-retardant-treated wood lumber, fire-retardant-treated wood shakes and shingles listed by the State Fire Marshal (SFM) and any material that has been tested in accordance with SFM Standard 12-7A-5.

Celebate Hispanic American Heritage Month! ¡Celebre el Mes de la Herencia Hispana!

I’m delighted to join in celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 – October 15).

Hispanic Americans are the largest minority group in both California and the United States, and generations of Hispanic Americans have helped make our country and our state strong and prosperous. The Hispanic American community continues to shape who we are, what we stand for, and where we’re going.

I’m grateful for the extraordinary contributions that Hispanic Americans make every day to our country, our state, and our county -– as scientists and business owners,  doctors and teachers, soldiers and veterans, artists and musicians, labor leaders and public servants, and as essential workers keeping us safe during this crisis.

The Hispanic American Heritage is a vibrant legacy of leadership, vision, creativity, kindness, resilience and commitment.  I’m proud to work together with my Hispanic American friends, colleagues, and neighbors to overcome the pandemic and save lives, make our economy stronger and fairer, ensure affordable housing and healthcare for all, fix our broken immigration system, fight climate change, restore our democracy, and make our world a better place for everyone.

¡Sí, se puede!

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1933-2020): Time to Carry on the Fight

I was having dinner with my family to celebrate the Jewish New Year when I learned that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had died.  As my friend Lauren Johnson Norris posted on Facebook, “According to Jewish tradition, a person who dies on Rosh Hashanah, which began tonight, is a tzaddik, a person of great righteousness. We found that very comforting. So strange to be eating these apples and honey with this sadness.”

We have lost a woman of valor and righteousness. We have lost our warrior and champion.

Salt water next to our apples and honey.

Mixed with our sadness is the acute realization that the tragic loss of Justice Ginsburg means that a woman’s right to control her own body, already under extreme siege, is more in danger now than at any time since Roe v. Wade was decided nearly 50 years ago.

Now, more than ever, we must ensure that our representatives, at every level of government, are fully committed to protecting our fundamental reproductive rights.

I want to share with you the statement released today by my friend and Irvine Community Services Commissioner Lauren Johnson-Norris.  It eloquently puts into words what I and many other women are thinking and feeling at this difficult and pivotal moment in our history:

“Justice Ginsburg is an icon for many women, especially women lawyers, because she dedicated her professional life to a singular focus in moving the law toward equality for women. She entered spaces where women were not welcomed and won time and again, not just because of her brilliant mind and persuasive advocacy, but because she stood on the side of equality. As a jurist, she sought to build consensus but, when that was not possible, she provided an essential voice of dissent that spoke truth to power.

The loss of Justice Ginsburg on the United States Supreme Court is devastating at a time when women’s fundamental rights to reproductive health care is under attack. The right of a woman to make autonomous decisions about her own body is the core of her fundamental right to equality and privacy. As a lawyer, mother, and advocate for women, I know that in order to drive equality, we must commit fully and actively to reproductive rights and healthcare for all.”

RBG gave us all she could. She brought us this far. Now it’s our time to carry on the fight, in her name and in her memory, for ourselves, our mothers, our sisters, and our daughters.

There’s lots of work to do.

Let’s get busy.


“A Republic, If You Can Keep It” — Happy Constitution Day!

The United States Constitution was signed and adopted as the fundamental law of the United States of America by the delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia 233 years ago today on September 17, 1787.  In so doing, our nation came into being.

Congress has called on each state legislature to send delegates to a convention “for the sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation in ways that, when approved by Congress and the states, would render the federal constitution adequate to the  exigencies of government and the preservation of the Union.”

To amend the Articles into a workable government, 74 delegates from the twelve states were named by their state legislatures; 55 delegates showed up, and 39 delegates eventually signed.

James McHenry, a Maryland delegate to the Constitutional Convention, wrote in his dairy that after the meeting on that day, a woman asked Pennsylvania delegate Benjamin Franklin “What have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” to which Franklin replied, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

In fact, the Preamble of this history-changing document makes clear that this was to be a government of the people: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

As United States Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, the first woman appointed to the Supreme Court, explained, “What makes the Constitution worthy of our commitment? First and foremost, the answer is our freedom. It is, quite simply, the most powerful vision of freedom ever expressed. It’s also the world’s shortest and oldest national constitution, neither so rigid as to be stifling, nor so malleable as to be devoid of meaning. Our Constitution has been an inspiration that changed the trajectory of world history for the perpetual benefit of mankind. In 1787, no country in the world had ever allowed its citizens to select their own form of government, much less to select a democratic government. What was revolutionary when it was written, and what continues to inspire the world today, is that the Constitution put governance in the hands of the people.”

It is of the nature of constitutions that their meaning evolves over time and in newly encountered situtions.  As founding UCI Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky wrote in the University of Chicago Law Review, “[t]he Constitution inevitably must be interpreted. There are countless issues — such as whether the president can fire cabinet officials or rescind treaties or assert executive privilege — where the document is silent, but a constitutional answer is necessary.  So much of the Constitution is written in broad language that must be given meaning and applied to specific situations. . .”

It is my hope that one day soon the Supreme Court will recognize that in order to ensure and protect our democracy, we must get unlimited and unaccountable money out of politics, and that there must be limits on the amount of money that individuals, corporations, or other organizations can spend to support or attack political candidates or to influence government policies.

It is my hope, too, that one day soon the Equal Rights Amendment will be adopted so that women will at long last be accorded full and equal rights in the United States.

In fact, our Constitution provides the means to make these changes and improvements in our government and our political process.

Our Constitution remains our best hope of “We the People” forming an even “more perfect Union.”

Wildfire, Earthquake, and COVID-19: Max Fox’s Family Emergency Plan

(Photo by Mark Rightmire, Orange County Register/SCNG)

My son, Max Fox, is an EMT and HazMat specialist.  He had been studying firefighting and emergency management at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, until he came home for the duration of the COVID-19 crisis.  With wildfires raging across the state, I asked him about what he would advise local families that want to prepare for emergencies.  Here is what he wrote:

“As Californians, there are certain emergencies that we should all be prepared for: earthquakes, fire, and flood.  We should have Family Emergency Plans for these all too common occurrences.

Family Emergency Plans should include (1) an emergency family communication plan in case of separation, (2) consideration of the special needs of each member of your household (such as medications or medical equipment), and (3) plans for your most important documents (such as identification and insurance).

Documents you should consider including as part of your Family Emergency Plan are:

  • A copy of each family member’s driver’s license and passport
  • Each family member’s Social Security card or number
  • A copy of each family member’s birth certificate
  • A copy of everyone’s medical records and list of vaccinations, including your pet’s
  • Authorization for treatment
  • Property titles for your car and home
  • All of your bank, credit card and investment account numbers and corresponding customer service telephone numbers
  • Health insurance and life insurance account information
  • Photographs or videos of all of your property to make potential insurance claims easier
  • Wills, as well as living wills and a power of attorney
  • Your latest tax return
  • Your marriage certificate
  • Adoption and citizenship papers
  • Military records
  • Medications and eyeglass prescriptions
  • Important files backed up on an external hard-drive
  • Copies of your favorite family photographs

A Family Emergency Plan for the current COVID-19 pandemic should incorporate many of the same features.

For families with young children, plans should also include lists of other trusted adults who are able to look after your children should a parent become sick and/or hospitalized.

People with children — or people taking care of seniors — should also make a list that has everything the caregiver should know about the children and/or seniors, their allergies, any medical documentation that may be needed, as well as written authorizations for treatment.

Plans should also include provisions for care of your pets, if you are not able to leave them home or continue to care for them.

In an emergency, it is very easy to forget something, so an important part of making your plan should also include making a pre-prepared “go-bag” (a bag of stuff needed in an emergency that is already pack with everything you need). An emergency go-bag might include:

  • At least three days of water for every member of the family
  • Non-perishable food options, like nuts, canned goods and granola bars
  • Changes of clothing and footwear for each member of the family
  • Sleeping bags or rolled blankets
  • First-aid kit supplies
  • Emergency supplies, such as a battery-operated radio, a flashlight with extra batteries, duct tape, plastic bags, water purification tablets, local maps and a compass, aluminum foil, matches and a can opener
  • Basic tools, like pliers, a wrench, an axe and a utility knife
  • Personal care items such as toilet paper, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, feminine products, extra eyeglasses and contact lens solution
  • Money, including a few personal checks.

I hope no one will have to use their plan, but it is always better to have a plan and go-bag and not need it, then it is to need a plan and go-bag but not have them.

Please stay safe.  Whether in case of fire, earthquake or other emergency, please remember that COVID-19 is still a killer, so be sure to wear a mask, wash your hands, and maintain social distancing.”

Democracy in Action: Public Outrage Leads Irvine City Council to Call on U.S. Postal Service to End and Rescind Actions that Impede Prompt Delivery of the Mail!

Following reports of postal boxes disappearing across Orange County, coupled with recent news stories that the Postmaster General of the United States was removing thousands of postal boxes and mail-sorting machines, eliminating overtime for mail carriers, and reducing post office hours, I joined with Irvine City Councilmember Farrah Khan in calling for the Irvine City Council to speak up on behalf of our residents to urge the Postmaster General to immediately end and rescind these changes.

Thanks to tremendous public support, we succeeded!

At the Irvine City Council meeting on September 8, 2020, the Council unanimously agreed to send an official letter to the U.S. Postmaster, on behalf of our residents, to cease and rescind any actions that undermine prompt delivery of the mail, including “expeditious action to re-store mail sorting equipment and remedy the recent changes to USPS polices and procedures that would result in reduced or delayed mail service levels.”

Here is the full text of the official letter sent to the U.S. Postmaster General:

Thank you to everyone who wrote to the Irvine City Council in support of the U.S. Postal Service! This letter is truly the result of democracy in action.

Now, we must keep the pressure on the federal government to ensure that the USPS “to provide prompt, reliable, and efficient services to patrons in all areas and render postal services to all communities, without interruption.”

Please Consider Donating to the California Fire Foundation’s SAVE Program!

The California Fire Foundation’s Supplying Aid to Victims of Emergency (SAVE) program brings immediate, short-term relief to victims of fire and other natural disasters throughout California.

Through this program, frontline firefighters in California provide SAVE gift cards to eligible victims of fire and natural disasters, so they may purchase basic necessities such as food, clothing or medicine.

The SAVE program has grown steadily since 2014 and has impacted more than 55,000 victims in California to date. The SAVE program is administered directly by participating fire departments across California each day, and mobilizes for rapid disaster relief when communities are impacted by wildfire or natural disasters. The SAVE program is a reliable way for Foundation supporters to provide direct relief to victims, especially in the first 24-48 hours after a disaster.

You can watch a video about the SAVE program here:

If you are able, please make a donation HERE.

The California Fire Foundation provides critical support to surviving families of fallen firefighters, firefighters, and the communities they serve. Your tax-deductible donations will help commemorate fallen heroes, offer scholarships to children of fallen firefighters, provide aid to victims of fire or other natural disaster, and provide fire safety resources to underserved communities across California.

Do you know how to protect yourself, your family and your neighborhood against wildfire?  Are you prepared for an emergency?

Wildfire preparedness emphasizes these key messages: Ready, Set and Go.

Ready: Protect your home ahead of time by taking steps to mitigate wildfire risk.

Set: Prepare for an emergency by assembling a bag of important items that you would need in the event of emergency. This includes clothes, medication and other personal items. Develop a family emergency plan that details escape routes and reunification plans.

Go: Leave early in the event of an emergency. Avoid traffic congestion and other complications by evacuating at the earliest opportunity.

Nearly all of the 68th Assembly District is subject to the danger of wildfire! Residents are strongly encouraged to sign up to receive emergency notifications at

Video: Councilmember Melissa Fox Discusses COVID-19 with Renowned Pediatrician Dr. Charles L. Schleien

I recently had a discussion on COVID-19 with renowned pediatrician Dr. Charles L. Schleien, the Philip Lanzkowsky Professor of Pediatrics and Pediatrician-in-Chief at Northwell Health, a nonprofit integrated healthcare network and New York State’s largest healthcare provider.

Our discussion covered several extremely important and timely topics, including the potential impact of COVID-19 on children, new diseases of children that have appeared with COVID-19, the effectiveness of face masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE) for both adults and children, the tremendous strain that COVID-19 has caused on our entire healthcare system, and Dr. Schleien’s own personal story of being hospitalized for, and recovering from, COVID-19 in early March.

Dr. Charles Schleien is a long-time family friend. He received an M.D. from Mount Sinai School of Medicine and a Master of Business Administration from Columbia University. He completed a pediatric residency at Baylor Texas Children’s Hospital; an anesthesia residency at The Johns Hopkins Hospital; and a fellowship in pediatric critical care medicine at The Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Prior to joining Northwell Health, Dr. Schleien was executive vice chair of the Department of Pediatrics at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, and professor of pediatrics and anesthesiology at Columbia University/New York Presbyterian Hospital. He is past director of the Division of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, which he founded upon his arrival at Columbia in 1999, and served as medical director of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at the Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of Columbia University. Dr. Schleien previously served as director of pediatric critical care medicine in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Medical Center, and professor of pediatrics and anesthesiology at the University of Miami School of Medicine.

Dr. Schleien has not only dealt with the coronavirus as a pediatrician during the height of the pandemic in New York City, he is also a recovered COVID-19 patient. He became extremely ill with the coronavirus and was hospitalized in early March, an experience he recounted in an article in the New York Times.

Watch our discussion here:

We Remember.

The sky was falling and streaked with blood
I heard you calling me, then you disappeared into the dust
Up the stairs, into the fire . . . 
May your strength give us strength
May your faith give us faith
May your hope give us hope
May your love give us love

Today we remember all who lost their lives at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, on September 11, 2001, including 343 members of the New York City Fire Department, who raced up the stairs into the fire, in an attempt to save others.

The World Trade Center (New York, New York)

Gordon McCannel Aamoth, 32, New York, N.Y.

Maria Rose Abad, 49, Syosset, N.Y.

Edelmiro (Ed) Abad, 54, New York, N.Y.

Andrew Anthony Abate, 37, Melville, N.Y.

Vincent Abate, 40, New York, N.Y.

Laurence Christopher Abel, 37

William F. Abrahamson, 58, Cortland Manor, N.Y.

Richard Anthony Aceto, 42, Wantagh, N.Y.

Erica Van Acker, 62, New York, N.Y.

Heinrich B. Ackermann, 38, New York, N.Y.

Paul Andrew Acquaviva, 29, Glen Rock, N.J.

Donald L. Adams, 28, Chatham, N.J.

Shannon Lewis Adams, 25, New York, N.Y.

Stephen Adams, 51, New York, N.Y.

Patrick Adams, 60, New York, N.Y.

Ignatius Adanga, 62, New York, N.Y.

Christy A. Addamo, 28, New Hyde Park, N.Y.

Terence E. Adderley, 22, Bloomfield Hills, Mich.

Sophia B. Addo, 36, New York, N.Y.

Lee Adler, 48, Springfield, N.J.

Daniel Thomas Afflitto, 32, Manalapan, N.J.

Emmanuel Afuakwah, 37, New York, N.Y.

Alok Agarwal, 36, Jersey City, N.J.

Mukul Agarwala, 37, New York, N.Y.

Joseph Agnello, 35, New York, N.Y.

David Scott Agnes, 46, New York, N.Y.

Joao A. Aguiar Jr., 30, Red Bank, N.J.

Lt. Brian G. Ahearn, 43, Huntington, N.Y.

Jeremiah J. Ahern, 74, Cliffside Park, N.J.

Joanne Ahladiotis, 27, New York, N.Y.

Shabbir Ahmed, 47, New York, N.Y.

Terrance Andre Aiken, 30, New York, N.Y.

Godwin Ajala, 33, New York, N.Y.

Gertrude M. Alagero, 37, New York, N.Y.

Andrew Alameno, 37, Westfield, N.J.

Margaret Ann (Peggy) Jezycki Alario, 41, New York, N.Y.

Gary Albero, 39, Emerson, N.J.

Jon L. Albert, 46, Upper Nyack, N.Y.

Peter Craig Alderman, 25, New York, N.Y.

Jacquelyn Delaine Aldridge, 46, New York, N.Y.

Grace Alegre-Cua, 40, Glen Rock, N.J.

David D. Alger, 57, New York, N.Y.

Ernest Alikakos, 43, New York, N.Y.

Edward L. Allegretto, 51, Colonia, N.J.

Eric Allen, 44, New York, N.Y.

Joseph Ryan Allen, 39, New York, N.Y.

Richard Lanard Allen, 30, New York, N.Y.

Richard Dennis Allen, 31, New York, N.Y.

Christopher Edward Allingham, 36, River Edge, N.J.

Janet M. Alonso, 41, Stony Point, N.Y.

Anthony Alvarado, 31, New York, N.Y.

Antonio Javier Alvarez, 23, New York, N.Y.

Telmo Alvear, 25, New York, N.Y.

Cesar A. Alviar, 60, Bloomfield, N.J.

Tariq Amanullah, 40, Metuchen, N.J.

Angelo Amaranto, 60, New York, N.Y.

James Amato, 43, Ronkonkoma, N.Y.

Joseph Amatuccio, 41, New York, N.Y.

Christopher Charles Amoroso, 29, New York, N.Y.

Kazuhiro Anai, 42, Scarsdale, N.Y.

Calixto Anaya, 35, Suffern, N.Y.

Jorge Octavio Santos Anaya, 25, Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico

Joseph Peter Anchundia, 26, New York, N.Y.

Kermit Charles Anderson, 57, Green Brook, N.J.

Yvette Anderson, 53, New York, N.Y.

John Andreacchio, 52, New York, N.Y.

Michael Rourke Andrews, 34, Belle Harbor, N.Y.

Jean A. Andrucki, 42, Hoboken, N.J.

Siew-Nya Ang, 37, East Brunswick, N.J.

Joseph Angelini, 38, Lindenhurst, N.Y.

Joseph Angelini, 63, Lindenhurst, N.Y.

Laura Angilletta, 23, New York, N.Y.

Doreen J. Angrisani, 44, New York, N.Y.

Lorraine D. Antigua, 32, Middletown, N.J.

Peter Paul Apollo, 26, Hoboken, N.J.

Faustino Apostol, 55, New York, N.Y.

Frank Thomas Aquilino, 26, New York, N.Y.

Patrick Michael Aranyos, 26, New York, N.Y.

David Gregory Arce, 36, New York, N.Y.

Michael G. Arczynski, 45, Little Silver, N.J.

Louis Arena, 32, New York, N.Y.

Adam Arias, 37, Staten Island, N.Y.

Michael J. Armstrong, 34, New York, N.Y.

Jack Charles Aron, 52, Bergenfield, N.J.

Joshua Aron, 29, New York, N.Y.

Richard Avery Aronow, 48, Mahwah, N.J.

Japhet J. Aryee, 49, Spring Valley, N.Y.

Carl Asaro, 39, Middletown, N.Y.

Michael A. Asciak, 47, Ridgefield, N.J.

Michael Edward Asher, 53, Monroe, N.Y.

Janice Ashley, 25, Rockville Centre, N.Y.

Thomas J. Ashton, 21, New York, N.Y.

Manuel O. Asitimbay, 36, New York, N.Y.

Lt. Gregg Arthur Atlas, 45, Howells, N.Y.

Gerald Atwood, 38, New York, N.Y.

James Audiffred, 38, New York, N.Y.

Kenneth W. Van Auken, 47, East Brunswick, N.J.

Louis F. Aversano, Jr, 58, Manalapan, N.J.

Ezra Aviles, 41, Commack, N.Y.

Ayodeji Awe, 42, New York, N.Y

Samuel (Sandy) Ayala, 36, New York, N.Y.

Arlene T. Babakitis, 47, Secaucus, N.J.

Eustace (Rudy) Bacchus, 48, Metuchen, N.J.

John James Badagliacca, 35, New York, N.Y.

Jane Ellen Baeszler, 43, New York, N.Y.

Robert J. Baierwalter, 44, Albertson, N.Y.

Andrew J. Bailey, 29, New York, N.Y.

Brett T. Bailey, 28, Bricktown, N.J.

Tatyana Bakalinskaya, 43, New York, N.Y.

Michael S. Baksh, 36, Englewood, N.J.

Sharon Balkcom, 43, White Plains, N.Y.

Michael Andrew Bane, 33, Yardley, Pa.

Kathy Bantis, 44, Chicago, Ill.

Gerard Jean Baptiste, 35, New York, N.Y.

Walter Baran, 42, New York, N.Y.

Gerard A. Barbara, 53, New York, N.Y.

Paul V. Barbaro, 35, Holmdel, N.J.

James W. Barbella, 53, Oceanside, N.Y.

Ivan Kyrillos Fairbanks Barbosa, 30, Jersey City, N.J.

Victor Daniel Barbosa, 23, New York, N.Y.

Colleen Ann Barkow, 26, East Windsor, N.J.

David Michael Barkway, 34, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Matthew Barnes, 37, Monroe, N.Y.

Sheila Patricia Barnes, 55, Bay Shore, N.Y.

Evan J. Baron, 38, Bridgewater, N.J.

Renee Barrett-Arjune, 41, Irvington, N.J.

Arthur T. Barry, 35, New York, N.Y.

Diane G. Barry, 60, New York, N.Y.

Maurice Vincent Barry, 49, Rutherford, N.J.

Scott D. Bart, 28, Malverne, N.Y.

Carlton W. Bartels, 44, New York, N.Y.

Guy Barzvi, 29, New York, N.Y.

Inna Basina, 43, New York, N.Y.

Alysia Basmajian, 23, Bayonne, N.J.

Kenneth William Basnicki, 48, Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada

Lt. Steven J. Bates, 42, New York, N.Y.

Paul James Battaglia, 22, New York, N.Y.

David Bauer, 45, Rumson, N.J.

Ivhan Luis Carpio Bautista, 24, New York, N.Y.

Marlyn C. Bautista, 46, Iselin, N.J.

Jasper Baxter, 45, Philadelphia, Pa.

Michele (Du Berry) Beale, 37, Essex, Britain

Paul F. Beatini, 40, Park Ridge, N.J.

Jane S. Beatty, 53, Belford, N.J.

Larry I. Beck, 38, Baldwin, N.Y.

Manette Marie Beckles, 43, Rahway, N.J.

Carl John Bedigian, 35, New York, N.Y.

Michael Beekman, 39, New York, N.Y.

Maria Behr, 41, Milford, N.J.

Yelena Belilovsky, 38, Mamaroneck, N.Y.

Nina Patrice Bell, 39, New York, N.Y.

Andrea Della Bella, 59, Jersey City, N.J.

Debbie S. Bellows, 30, East Windsor, N.J.

Stephen Elliot Belson, 51, New York, N.Y.

Paul Michael Benedetti, 32, New York, N.Y.

Denise Lenore Benedetto, 40, New York, N.Y.

Bryan Craig Bennett, 25, New York, N.Y.

Oliver Duncan Bennett, 29, London, England

Eric L. Bennett, 29, New York, N.Y.

Margaret L. Benson, 52, Rockaway, N.J.

Dominick J. Berardi, 25, New York, N.Y.

James Patrick Berger, 44, Lower Makefield, Pa.

Steven Howard Berger, 45, Manalapan, N.J.

John P. Bergin, 39, New York, N.Y.

Alvin Bergsohn, 48, Baldwin Harbor, N.Y.

Daniel D. Bergstein, 38, Teaneck, N.J.

Michael J. Berkeley, 38, New York, N.Y.

Donna Bernaerts-Kearns, 44, Hoboken, N.J.

David W. Bernard, 57, Chelmsford, Mass.

William Bernstein, 44, New York, N.Y.

David M. Berray, 39, New York, N.Y.

David S. Berry, 43, New York, N.Y.

Joseph J. Berry, 55, Saddle River, N.J.

William Reed Bethke, 36, Hamilton, N.J.

Timothy D. Betterly, 42, Little Silver, N.J.

Edward F. Beyea, 42, New York, N.Y.

Paul Michael Beyer, 37, New York, N.Y.

Anil T. Bharvaney, 41, East Windsor, N.J.

Bella Bhukhan, 24, Union, N.J.

Shimmy D. Biegeleisen, 42, New York, N.Y.

Peter Alexander Bielfeld, 44, New York, N.Y.

William Biggart, 54, New York, N.Y.

Brian Bilcher, 36, New York, N.Y.

Carl Vincent Bini, 44, New York, N.Y.

Gary Bird, 51, Tempe, Ariz.

Joshua David Birnbaum, 24, New York, N.Y.

George Bishop, 52, Granite Springs, N.Y.

Jeffrey D. Bittner, 27, New York, N.Y.

Balewa Albert Blackman, 26, New York, N.Y.

Christopher Joseph Blackwell, 42, Patterson, N.Y.

Susan L. Blair, 35, East Brunswick, N.J.

Harry Blanding, 38, Blakeslee, Pa.

Janice L. Blaney, 55, Williston Park, N.Y.

Craig Michael Blass, 27, Greenlawn, N.Y.

Rita Blau, 52, New York, N.Y.

Richard M. Blood, 38, Ridgewood, N.J.

Michael A. Boccardi, 30, Bronxville, N.Y.

John Paul Bocchi, 38, New Vernon, N.J.

Michael L. Bocchino, 45, New York, N.Y.

Susan Mary Bochino, 36, New York, N.Y.

Bruce Douglas (Chappy) Boehm, 49, West Hempstead, N.Y.

Mary Katherine Boffa, 45, New York, N.Y.

Nicholas A. Bogdan, 34, Browns Mills, N.J.

Darren C. Bohan, 34, New York, N.Y.

Lawrence Francis Boisseau, 36, Freehold, N.J.

Vincent M. Boland, 25, Ringwood, N.J.

Alan Bondarenko, 53, Flemington, N.J.

Andre Bonheur, 40, New York, N.Y.

Colin Arthur Bonnett, 39, New York, N.Y.

Frank Bonomo, 42, Port Jefferson, N.Y.

Yvonne L. Bonomo, 30, New York, N.Y.

Sean Booker, 35, Irvington, N.J.

Sherry Ann Bordeaux, 38, Jersey City, N.J.

Krystine C. Bordenabe, 33, Old Bridge, N.J.

Martin Boryczewski, 29, Parsippany, N.J.

Richard E. Bosco, 34, Suffern, N.Y.

John Howard Boulton, 29, New York, N.Y.

Francisco Bourdier, 41, New York, N.Y.

Thomas H. Bowden, 36, Wyckoff, N.J.

Kimberly S. Bowers, 31, Islip, N.Y.

Veronique (Bonnie) Nicole Bowers, 28, New York, N.Y.

Larry Bowman, 46, New York, N.Y.

Shawn Edward Bowman, 28, New York, N.Y.

Kevin L. Bowser, 45, Philadelphia, Pa.

Gary R. Box, 37, North Bellmore, N.Y.

Gennady Boyarsky, 34, New York, N.Y.

Pamela Boyce, 43, New York, N.Y.

Michael Boyle, 37, Westbury, N.Y.

Alfred Braca, 54, Leonardo, N.J.

Sandra Conaty Brace, 60, New York, N.Y.

Kevin H. Bracken, 37, New York, N.Y.

David Brian Brady, 41, Summit, N.J.

Alexander Braginsky, 38, Stamford, Conn.

Nicholas W. Brandemarti, 21, Mantua, N.J.

Michelle Renee Bratton, 23, Yonkers, N.Y.

Patrice Braut, 31, New York, N.Y.

Lydia Estelle Bravo, 50, Dunellen, N.J.

Ronald Michael Breitweiser, 39, Middletown Township, N.J.

Edward A. Brennan, 37, New York, N.Y.

Frank H. Brennan, 50, New York, N.Y.

Michael Emmett Brennan, 27, New York, N.Y.

Peter Brennan, 30, Ronkonkoma, N.Y.

Thomas M. Brennan, 32, Scarsdale, N.Y.

Capt. Daniel Brethel, 43, Farmingdale, N.Y.

Gary L. Bright, 36, Union City, N.J.

Jonathan Eric Briley, 43, Mount Vernon, N.Y.

Mark A. Brisman, 34, Armonk, N.Y.

Paul Gary Bristow, 27, New York, N.Y.

Victoria Alvarez Brito, 38, New York, N.Y.

Mark Francis Broderick, 42, Old Bridge, N.J.

Herman C. Broghammer, 58, North Merrick, N.Y.

Keith Broomfield, 49, New York, N.Y.

Janice J. Brown, 35, New York, N.Y.

Lloyd Brown, 28, Bronxville, N.Y.

Capt. Patrick J. Brown, 48, New York, N.Y.

Bettina Browne, 49, Atlantic Beach, N.Y.

Mark Bruce, 40, Summit, N.J.

Richard Bruehert, 38, Westbury, N.Y.

Andrew Brunn, 28,  Levittown, N.Y.

Capt. Vincent Brunton, 43, New York, N.Y.

Ronald Paul Bucca, 47, Tuckahoe, N.Y.

Brandon J. Buchanan, 24, New York, N.Y.

Greg Joseph Buck, 37, New York, N.Y.

Dennis Buckley, 38, Chatham, N.J.

Nancy Bueche, 43, Hicksville, N.Y.

Patrick Joseph Buhse, 36, Lincroft, N.J.

John E. Bulaga, 35, Paterson, N.J.

Stephen Bunin, 45, New York, N.Y.

Thomas Daniel Burke, 38, Bedford Hills, N.Y.

Capt. William F. Burke, 46, New York, N.Y.

Matthew J. Burke, 28, New York, N.Y.

Donald James Burns, 61, Nissequogue, N.Y.

Kathleen A. Burns, 49, New York, N.Y.

Keith James Burns, 39, East Rutherford, N.J.

John Patrick Burnside, 36, New York, N.Y.

Irina Buslo, 32, New York, N.Y.

Milton Bustillo, 37, New York, N.Y.

Thomas M. Butler, 37, Kings Park, N.Y.

Patrick Byrne, 39, New York, N.Y.

Timothy G. Byrne, 36, Manhattan, N.Y.

Jesus Cabezas, 66, New York, N.Y.

Lillian Caceres, 48, New York, N.Y.

Brian Joseph Cachia, 26, New York, N.Y.

Steven Cafiero, 31, New York, N.Y.

Richard M. Caggiano, 25, New York, N.Y.

Cecile M. Caguicla, 55, Boonton, N.J.

Michael John Cahill, 37, East Williston, N.Y.

Scott W. Cahill, 30, West Caldwell, N.J.

Thomas J. Cahill, 36, Franklin Lakes, N.J.

George Cain, 35, Massapequa, N.Y.

Salvatore B. Calabro, 38, New York, N.Y.

Joseph Calandrillo, 49, Hawley, Pa.

Philip V. Calcagno, 57, New York, N.Y.

Edward Calderon, 44, Jersey City, N.J.

Kenneth Marcus Caldwell, 30, New York, N.Y.

Dominick E. Calia, 40, Manalapan, N.J.

Felix (Bobby) Calixte, 38, New York, N.Y.

Capt. Frank Callahan, 51, New York, N.Y.

Liam Callahan, 44, Rockaway, N.J.

Luigi Calvi, 34, East Rutherford, N.J.

Roko Camaj, 60, Manhasset, N.Y.

Michael Cammarata, 22, Huguenot, N.Y.

David Otey Campbell, 51, Basking Ridge, N.J.

Geoffrey Thomas Campbell, 31, New York, N.Y.

Sandra Patricia Campbell, 45, New York, N.Y.

Jill Marie Campbell, 31, New York, N.Y.

Robert Arthur Campbell, 25, New York, N.Y.

Juan Ortega Campos, 32, New York, N.Y.

Sean Canavan, 39, New York, N.Y.

John A. Candela, 42, Glen Ridge, N.J.

Vincent Cangelosi, 30, New York, N.Y.

Stephen J. Cangialosi, 40, Middletown, N.J.

Lisa B. Cannava, 30, New York, N.Y.

Brian Cannizzaro, 30, New York, N.Y.

Michael R. Canty, 30, Schenectady, N.Y.

Louis A. Caporicci, 35, New York, N.Y.

Jonathan N. Cappello, 23, Garden City, N.Y.

James Christopher Cappers, 33, Wading River, N.Y.

Richard M. Caproni, 34, Lynbrook, N.Y.

Jose Cardona, 32, New York, N.Y.

Dennis M Carey, 51, Wantagh, N.Y.

Edward Carlino, 46, New York, N.Y.

Michael Scott Carlo, 34, New York, N.Y.

David G. Carlone, 46, Randolph, N.J.

Rosemarie C. Carlson, 40, New York, N.Y.

Mark Stephen Carney, 41, Rahway, N.J.

Joyce Ann Carpeneto, 40, New York, N.Y.

Alicia Acevedo Carranza, Teziutlan, Puebla, Mexico

Jeremy M. Carrington, 34, New York, N.Y.

Michael T. Carroll, 39, New York, N.Y.

Peter Carroll, 42, New York, N.Y.

James J. Carson, 32, Massapequa, N.Y.

James Marcel Cartier, 26, New York, N.Y.

Vivian Casalduc, 45, New York, N.Y.

John F. Casazza, 38, Colts Neck, N.J.

Paul Cascio, 23, Manhasset, N.Y.

Kathleen Hunt Casey, 43, Middletown, N.J.

Margarito Casillas, 54, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

Thomas Anthony Casoria, 29, New York, N.Y.

William Otto Caspar, 57, Eatontown, N.J.

Alejandro Castano, 35, Englewood, N.J.

Arcelia Castillo, 49, Elizabeth, N.J.

Leonard M. Castrianno, 30, New York, N.Y.

Jose Ramon Castro, 37, New York, N.Y.

Richard G. Catarelli, 47, New York, N.Y.

Christopher Sean Caton, 34, New York, N.Y.

Robert J. Caufield, 48, Valley Stream, N.Y.

Mary Teresa Caulfield, 58, New York, N.Y.

Judson Cavalier, 26, Huntington, N.Y.

Michael Joseph Cawley, 32, Bellmore, N.Y.

Jason D. Cayne, 32, Morganville, N.J.

Juan Armando Ceballos, 47, New York, N.Y.

Marcia G. Cecil-Carter, 34, New York, N.Y.

Jason Cefalu, 30, West Hempstead, N.Y.

Thomas J. Celic, 43, New York, N.Y.

Ana M. Centeno, 38, Bayonne, N.J.

Joni Cesta, 37, Bellmore, N.Y.

Jeffrey M. Chairnoff, 35, West Windsor, N.J.

Swarna Chalasani, 33, Jersey City, N.J.

William Chalcoff, 41, Roslyn, N.Y.

Eli Chalouh, 23, New York, N.Y.

Charles Lawrence (Chip) Chan, 23, New York, N.Y.

Mandy Chang, 40, New York, N.Y.

Mark L. Charette, 38, Millburn, N.J.

Gregorio Manuel Chavez, 48, New York, N.Y.

Jayceryll M. de Chavez, 24, Carteret, N.J.

Pedro Francisco Checo, 35, New York, N.Y.

Douglas MacMillan Cherry, 38, Maplewood, N.J.

Stephen Patrick Cherry, 41, Stamford, Conn.

Vernon Paul Cherry, 49, New York, N.Y.

Nestor Chevalier, 30, New York, N.Y.

Swede Joseph Chevalier, 26, Locust, N.J.

Alexander H. Chiang, 51, New City, N.Y.

Dorothy J. Chiarchiaro, 61, Glenwood, N.J.

Luis Alfonso Chimbo, 39, New York, N.Y.

Robert Chin, 33, New York, N.Y.

Wing Wai (Eddie) Ching, 29, Union, N.J.

Nicholas P. Chiofalo, 39, Selden, N.Y.

John Chipura, 39, New York, N.Y.

Peter A. Chirchirillo, 47, Langhorne, Pa.

Catherine E. Chirls, 47, Princeton, N.J.

Kyung (Kaccy) Cho, 30, Clifton, N.J.

Abul K. Chowdhury, 30, New York, N.Y.

Mohammed Salahuddin Chowdhury, 38, New York, N.Y.

Kirsten L. Christophe, 39, Maplewood, N.J.

Pamela Chu, 31, New York, N.Y.

Steven Paul Chucknick, 44, Cliffwood Beach, N.J.

Wai-ching Chung, 36, New York, N.Y.

Christopher Ciafardini, 30, New York, N.Y.

Alex F. Ciccone, 38, New Rochelle, N.Y.

Frances Ann Cilente, 26, New York, N.Y.

Elaine Cillo, 40, New York, N.Y.

Edna Cintron, 46, New York, N.Y.

Nestor Andre Cintron, 26, New York, N.Y.

Lt. Robert Dominick Cirri, 39, Nutley, N.J.

Juan Pablo Alvarez Cisneros, 23, Weehawken, N.J.

Gregory Alan Clark, 40, Teaneck, N.J.

Mannie Leroy Clark, 54, New York, N.Y.

Thomas R. Clark, 37, Summit, N.J.

Eugene Clark, 47, New York, N.Y.

Benjamin Keefe Clark, 39, New York, N.Y.

Christopher Robert Clarke, 34, Philadelphia, Pa.

Donna Clarke, 39, New York, N.Y.

Michael Clarke, 27, Prince’s Bay, N.Y.

Suria R.E. Clarke, 30, New York, N.Y.

Kevin Francis Cleary, 38, New York, N.Y.

James D. Cleere, 55, Newton, Iowa

Geoffrey W. Cloud, 36, Stamford, Conn.

Susan M. Clyne, 42, Lindenhurst, N.Y.

Steven Coakley, 36, Deer Park, N.Y.

Jeffrey Coale, 31, Souderton, Pa.

Patricia A. Cody, 46, Brigantine, N.J.

Daniel Michael Coffey, 54, Newburgh, N.Y.

Jason Matthew Coffey, 25, Newburgh, N.Y.

Florence Cohen, 62, New York, N.Y.

Kevin Sanford Cohen, 28, Edison, N.J.

Anthony Joseph Coladonato, 47, New York, N.Y.

Mark J. Colaio, 34, New York, N.Y.

Stephen J. Colaio, 32, Montauk, N.Y.

Christopher M. Colasanti, 33, Hoboken, N.J.

Michel Paris Colbert, 39, West New York, N.J.

Kevin Nathaniel Colbert, 25, New York, N.Y.

Keith Eugene Coleman, 34, Warren, N.J.

Scott Thomas Coleman, 31, New York, N.Y.

Tarel Coleman, 32, New York, N.Y.

Liam Joseph Colhoun, 34, Flushing,, N.Y.

Robert D. Colin, 49, West Babylon, N.Y.

Robert J. Coll, 35, Glen Ridge, N.J.

Jean Marie Collin, 42, New York, N.Y.

John Michael Collins, 42, New York, N.Y.

Michael L. Collins, 38, Montclair, N.J.

Thomas J. Collins, 36, New York, N.Y.

Joseph Collison, 50, New York, N.Y.

Patricia Malia Colodner, 39, New York, N.Y.

Linda M. Colon, 46, Perrineville, N.J.

Soledi Colon, 39, New York, N.Y.

Ronald Comer, 56, Northport, N.Y.

Jaime Concepcion, 46, New York, N.Y.

Albert Conde, 62, Englishtown, N.J.

Denease Conley, 44, New York, N.Y.

Susan Clancy Conlon, 41, New York, N.Y.

Margaret Mary Conner, 57, New York, N.Y.

John E. Connolly, 46, Allenwood, N.J.

Cynthia L. Connolly, 40, Metuchen, N.J.

James Lee Connor, 38, Summit, N.J.

Jonathan (J.C.) Connors, 55, Old Brookville, N.Y.

Kevin P. Connors, 55, Greenwich, Conn.

Kevin Francis Conroy, 47, New York, N.Y.

Brenda E. Conway, 40, New York, N.Y.

Dennis Michael Cook, 33, Colts Neck, N.J.

Helen D. Cook, 24, New York, N.Y.

John A. Cooper, 40, Bayonne, N.J.

Joseph J. Coppo, 47, New Canaan, Conn.

Gerard J. Coppola, 46, New Providence, N.J.

Joseph Albert Corbett, 28, Islip, N.Y.

Alejandro Cordero, 23, New York, N.Y.

Robert Cordice, 28, New York, N.Y.

Ruben D. Correa, 44, New York, N.Y.

Danny A. Correa-Gutierrez, 25, Fairview, N.J.

James Corrigan, 60, New York, N.Y.

Carlos Cortes, 57, New York, N.Y.

Kevin M. Cosgrove, 46, West Islip, N.Y.

Dolores Marie Costa, 53, Middletown, N.J.

Digna Alexandra Rivera Costanza, 25, New York, N.Y.

Charles Gregory Costello, 46, Old Bridge, N.J.

Michael S. Costello, 27, Hoboken, N.J.

Conrod K.H. Cottoy, 51, New York, N.Y.

Martin Coughlan, 54, New York, N.Y.

Sgt. John Gerard Coughlin, 43, Pomona, N.Y.

Timothy John Coughlin, 42, New York, N.Y.

James E. Cove, 48, Rockville Centre, N.Y.

Andre Cox, 29, New York, N.Y.

Frederick John Cox, 27, New York, N.Y.

James Raymond Coyle, 26, New York, N.Y.

Michelle Coyle-Eulau, 38, Garden City, N.Y.

Anne M. Cramer, 47, New York, N.Y.

Christopher Seton Cramer, 34, Manahawkin, N.J.

Denise Crant, 46, Hackensack, N.J.

Robert James Crawford, 62, New York, N.Y.

James L. Crawford, 33, Madison, N.J.

Joanne Mary Cregan, 32, New York, N.Y.

Lucia Crifasi, 51, Glendale, N.Y.

Lt. John Crisci, 48, Holbrook, N.Y.

Daniel Hal Crisman, 25, New York, N.Y.

Dennis A. Cross, 60, Islip Terrace, N.Y.

Helen Crossin-Kittle, 34, Larchmont, N.Y.

Kevin Raymond Crotty, 43, Summit, N.J.

Thomas G. Crotty, 42, Rockville Centre, N.Y.

John Crowe, 57, Rutherford, N.J.

Welles Remy Crowther, 24, Upper Nyack, N.Y.

Robert L. Cruikshank, 64, New York, N.Y.

Francisco Cruz, 47, New York, N.Y.

John Robert Cruz, 32, Jersey City, N.J.

Kenneth John Cubas, 48, Woodstock, N.Y.

Richard Joseph Cudina, 46, Glen Gardner, N.J.

Neil James Cudmore, 38, Port Washington, N.Y.

Thomas Patrick Cullen, 31, New York, N.Y.

Joan McConnell Cullinan, 47, Scarsdale, N.Y.

Joyce Cummings, 65, Trinidad

Brian Thomas Cummins, 38, Manasquan, N.J.

Nilton Albuquerque Fernao Cunha, 41

Michael Joseph Cunningham, 39, Princeton Junction, N.J.

Robert Curatolo, 31, New York, N.Y.

Laurence Curia, 41, Garden City, N.Y.

Paul Dario Curioli, 53, Norwalk, Conn.

Beverly Curry, 41, New York, N.Y.

Sgt. Michael Curtin, 45, Medford, N.Y.

Gavin Cushny, 47, Hoboken, N.J.

Caleb Arron Dack, 39, Montclair, N.J.

Carlos S. DaCosta, 41, Elizabeth, N.J.

John D’Allara, 47, Pearl River, N.Y.

Vincent D’Amadeo, 36, East Patchoque, N.Y.

Thomas A. Damaskinos, 33, Matawan, N.J.

Jack L. D’Ambrosi, 45, Woodcliff Lake, N.J.

Jeannine Marie Damiani-Jones, 28, New York, N.Y.

Patrick W. Danahy, 35, Yorktown Heights, N.Y.

Nana Kwuku Danso, 47, New York, N.Y.

Mary D’Antonio, 55, New York, N.Y.

Vincent G. Danz, 38, Farmingdale, N.Y.

Dwight Donald Darcy, 55, Bronxville, N.Y.

Elizabeth Ann Darling, 28, Newark, N.J.

Annette Andrea Dataram, 25, New York, N.Y.

Lt. Edward Alexander D’Atri, 38, New York, N.Y.

Michael D. D’Auria, 25, New York, N.Y.

Lawrence Davidson, 51, New York, N.Y.

Michael Allen Davidson, 27, Westfield, N.J.

Scott Matthew Davidson, 33, New York, N.Y.

Titus Davidson, 55, New York, N.Y.

Niurka Davila, 47, New York, N.Y.

Clinton Davis, 38, New York, N.Y.

Wayne Terrial Davis, 29, Fort Meade, Md.

Calvin Dawson, 46, New York, N.Y.

Anthony Richard Dawson, 32, Southampton, Hampshire, England

Edward James Day, 45, New York, N.Y.

Emerita (Emy) De La Pena, 32, New York, N.Y.

Melanie Louise De Vere, 30, London, England

William T. Dean, 35, Floral Park, N.Y.

Robert J. DeAngelis, 48, West Hempstead, N.Y.

Thomas P. Deangelis, 51, Westbury, N.Y.

Tara Debek, 35, Babylon, N.Y.

Anna Debin, 30, East Farmingdale, N.Y.

James V. DeBlase, 45, Manalapan, N.J.

Paul DeCola, 39, Ridgewood, N.Y.

Simon Dedvukaj, 26, Mohegan Lake, N.Y.

Jason Christopher DeFazio, 29, New York, N.Y.

David A. Defeo, 37, New York, N.Y.

Jennifer DeJesus, 23, New York, N.Y.

Monique E. DeJesus, 28, New York, N.Y.

Nereida DeJesus, 30, New York, N.Y.

Donald A. Delapenha, 37, Allendale, N.J.

Vito Joseph Deleo, 41, New York, N.Y.

Danielle Delie, 47, New York, N.Y.

Colleen Ann Deloughery, 41, Bayonne, N.J.

Francis (Frank) Albert DeMartini, 49, New York, N.Y.

Anthony Demas, 61, New York, N.Y.

Martin DeMeo, 47, Farmingville, N.Y.

Francis X. Deming, 47, Franklin Lakes, N.J.

Carol K. Demitz, 49, New York, N.Y.

Kevin Dennis, 43, Peapack, N.J.

Thomas F. Dennis, 43, Setauket, N.Y.

Jean C. DePalma, 42, Newfoundland, N.J.

Jose Nicolas Depena, 42, New York, N.Y.

Robert J. Deraney, 43, New York, N.Y.

Michael DeRienzo, 37, Hoboken, N.J.

David Paul Derubbio, 38, New York, N.Y.

Jemal Legesse DeSantis, 28, Jersey City, N.J.

Christian L. DeSimone, 23, Ringwood, N.J.

Edward DeSimone, 36, Atlantic Highlands, N.J.

Lt. Andrew Desperito, 44, Patchogue, N.Y.

Michael Jude D’Esposito, 32, Morganville, N.J.

Cindy Ann Deuel, 28, New York, N.Y.

Jerry DeVito, 66, New York, N.Y.

Robert P. Devitt, 36, Plainsboro, N.J.

Dennis Lawrence Devlin, 51, Washingtonville, N.Y.

Gerard Dewan, 35, New York, N.Y.

Simon Suleman Ali Kassamali Dhanani, 62, Hartsdale, N.Y.

Michael L. DiAgostino, 41, Garden City, N.Y.

Matthew Diaz, 33, New York, N.Y.

Nancy Diaz, 28, New York, N.Y.

Obdulio Ruiz Diaz, 44, New York, N.Y.

Lourdes Galletti Diaz, 32, New York, N.Y.

Michael Diaz-Piedra III, 49, New York, N.Y.

Judith Belguese Diaz-Sierra, 32, Bay Shore, N.Y.

Patricia F. DiChiaro, 63, New York, N.Y.

Joseph Dermot Dickey, 50, Manhasset, N.Y.

Lawrence Patrick Dickinson, 35, Morganville, N.J.

Michael David Diehl, 48, Brick, N.J.

John DiFato, 39, New York, N.Y.

Vincent F. DiFazio, 43, Hampton, N.J.

Carl DiFranco, 27, New York, N.Y.

Donald J. DiFranco, 43, New York, N.Y.

Debra Ann DiMartino, 36, New York, N.Y.

Stephen P. Dimino, 48, Basking Ridge, N.J.

William J. Dimmling, 47, Garden City, N.Y.

Christopher Dincuff, 31, Jersey City, N.J.

Jeffrey M. Dingle, 32, New York, N.Y.

Anthony DiOnisio, 38, Glen Rock, N.J.

George DiPasquale, 33, New York, N.Y.

Joseph DiPilato, 57, New York, N.Y.

Douglas Frank DiStefano, 24, Hoboken, N.J.

Ramzi A. Doany, 35, Bayonne, N.J., Jordanian

John J. Doherty, 58, Hartsdale, N.Y.

Melissa C. Doi, 32, New York, N.Y.

Brendan Dolan, 37, Glen Rock, N.J.

Neil Dollard, 28, Hoboken, N.J.

James Joseph Domanico, 56, New York, N.Y.

Benilda Pascua Domingo, 37, New York, N.Y.

Charles (Carlos) Dominguez, 34, East Meadow, N.Y.

Geronimo (Jerome) Mark Patrick Dominguez, 37, Holtsville, N.Y.

Lt. Kevin W. Donnelly, 43, New York, N.Y.

Jacqueline Donovan, 34, New York, N.Y.

Stephen Dorf, 39, New Milford, N.J.

Thomas Dowd, 37, Monroe, N.Y.

Lt. Kevin Christopher Dowdell, 46, New York, N.Y.

Mary Yolanda Dowling, 46, New York, N.Y.

Raymond M. Downey, 63, Deer Park, N.Y.

Joseph M. Doyle, 25, New York, N.Y.

Frank Joseph Doyle, 39, Englewood, N.J.

Randy Drake, 37, Lee’s Summit, Mo.

Stephen Patrick Driscoll, 38, Lake Carmel, N.Y.

Mirna A. Duarte, 31, New York, N.Y.

Luke A. Dudek, 50, Livingston, N.J.

Christopher Michael Duffy, 23, New York, N.Y.

Gerard Duffy, 53, Manorville, N.Y.

Michael Joseph Duffy, 29, Northport, N.Y.

Thomas W. Duffy, 52, Pittsford, N.Y.

Antoinette Duger, 44, Belleville, N.J.

Jackie Sayegh Duggan, 34

Sareve Dukat, 53, New York, N.Y.

Christopher Joseph Dunne, 28, Mineola, N.Y.

Richard A. Dunstan, 54, New Providence, N.J.

Patrick Thomas Dwyer, 37, Nissequogue, N.Y.

Joseph Anthony Eacobacci, 26, New York, N.Y.

John Bruce Eagleson, 53, Middlefield, Conn.

Robert D. Eaton, 37, Manhasset, N.Y.

Dean P. Eberling, 44, Cranford, N.J.

Margaret Ruth Echtermann, 33, Hoboken, N.J.

Paul Robert Eckna, 28, West New York, N.J.

Constantine (Gus) Economos, 41, New York, N.Y.

Dennis Michael Edwards, 35, Huntington, N.Y.

Michael Hardy Edwards, 33, New York, N.Y.

Lisa Egan, 31, Cliffside Park, N.J.

Capt. Martin Egan, 36, New York, N.Y.

Michael Egan, 51, Middletown, N.J.

Christine Egan, 55, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Samantha Egan, 24, Jersey City, N.J.

Carole Eggert, 60, New York, N.Y.

Lisa Caren Weinstein Ehrlich, 36, New York, N.Y.

John Ernst (Jack) Eichler, 69, Cedar Grove, N.J.

Eric Adam Eisenberg, 32, Commack, N.Y.

Daphne F. Elder, 36, Newark, N.J.

Michael J. Elferis, 27, College Point, N.Y.

Mark J. Ellis, 26, South Huntington, N.Y.

Valerie Silver Ellis, 46, New York, N.Y.

Albert Alfy William Elmarry, 30, North Brunswick, N.J.

Edgar H. Emery, 45, Clifton, N.J.

Doris Suk-Yuen Eng, 30, New York, N.Y.

Christopher S. Epps, 29, New York, N.Y.

Ulf Ramm Ericson, 79, Greenwich, Conn.

Erwin L. Erker, 41, Farmingdale, N.Y.

William J. Erwin, 30, Verona, N.J.

Sarah (Ali) Escarcega, 35, New York, N.Y.

Jose Espinal, 31, Dominican Republic

Fanny M. Espinoza, 29, Teaneck, N.J.

Francis Esposito, 32, New York, N.Y.

Lt. Michael Esposito, 41, New York, N.Y.

William Esposito, 51, Bellmore, N.Y.

Brigette Ann Esposito, 34, New York, N.Y.

Ruben Esquilin, 35, New York, N.Y.

Sadie Ette, 36, New York, N.Y.

Barbara G. Etzold, 43, Jersey City, N.J.

Eric Brian Evans, 31, Weehawken, N.J.

Robert Edward Evans, 36, Franklin Square, N.Y.

Meredith Emily June Ewart, 29, Hoboken, N.J.

Catherine K. Fagan, 58, New York, N.Y.

Patricia M. Fagan, 55, Toms River, N.J.

Keith G. Fairben, 24, Floral Park, N.Y.

William Fallon, 38, Coram, N.Y.

William F. Fallon, 53, Rocky Hill, N.J.

Anthony J. Fallone, 39, New York, N.Y.

Dolores B. Fanelli, 38, Farmingville, N.Y.

John Joseph Fanning, 54, West Hempstead, N.Y.

Kathleen (Kit) Faragher, 33, Denver, Colo.

Capt. Thomas Farino, 37, Bohemia, N.Y.

Nancy Carole Farley, 45, Jersey City, N.J.

Elizabeth Ann (Betty) Farmer, 62, New York, N.Y.

Douglas Farnum, 33, New York, N.Y.

John W. Farrell, 41, Basking Ridge, N.J.

Terrence Patrick Farrell, 45, Huntington, N.Y.

John G. Farrell, 32, New York, N.Y.

Capt. Joseph Farrelly, 47, New York, N.Y.

Thomas P. Farrelly, 54, East Northport, N.Y.

Syed Abdul Fatha, 54, Newark, N.J.

Christopher Faughnan, 37, South Orange, N.J.

Wendy R. Faulkner, 47, Mason, Ohio

Shannon M. Fava, 30, New York, N.Y.

Bernard D. Favuzza, 52, Suffern, N.Y.

Robert Fazio, 41, Freeport, N.Y.

Ronald C. Fazio, 57, Closter, N.J.

William Feehan, 72, New York, N.Y.

Francis J. (Frank) Feely, 41, Middletown, N.Y.

Garth E. Feeney, 28, New York, N.Y.

Sean B. Fegan, 34, New York, N.Y.

Lee S. Fehling, 28, Wantagh, N.Y.

Peter Feidelberg, 34, Hoboken, N.J.

Alan D. Feinberg, 48, New York, N.Y.

Rosa Maria Feliciano, 30, New York, N.Y.

Edward T. Fergus, 40, Wilton, Conn.

George Ferguson, 54, Teaneck, N.J.

Henry Fernandez, 23, New York, N.Y.

Judy H. Fernandez, 27, Parlin, N.J.

Jose Manuel Contreras Fernandez, El Aguacate, Jalisco, Mexico

Elisa Giselle Ferraina, 27, London, England

Anne Marie Sallerin Ferreira, 29, Jersey City, N.J.

Robert John Ferris, 63, Garden City, N.Y.

David Francis Ferrugio, 46, Middletown, N.J.

Louis V. Fersini, 38, Basking Ridge, N.J.

Michael David Ferugio, 37, New York, N.Y.

Bradley James Fetchet, 24, New York, N.Y.

Jennifer Louise Fialko, 29, Teaneck, N.J.

Kristen Fiedel, 27, New York, N.Y.

Samuel Fields, 36, New York, N.Y.

Michael Bradley Finnegan, 37, Basking Ridge, N.J.

Timothy J. Finnerty, 33, Glen Rock, N.J.

Michael Curtis Fiore, 46, New York, N.Y.

Stephen J. Fiorelli, 43, Aberdeen, N.J.

Paul M. Fiori, 31, Yorktown Heights, N.Y.

John Fiorito, 40, Stamford, Conn.

Lt. John R. Fischer, 46, New York, N.Y.

Andrew Fisher, 42, New York, N.Y.

Thomas J. Fisher, 36, Union, N.J.

Bennett Lawson Fisher, 58, Stamford, Conn.

John Roger Fisher, 46, Bayonne, N.J.

Lucy Fishman, 37, New York, N.Y.

Ryan D. Fitzgerald, 26, New York, N.Y.

Thomas Fitzpatrick, 35, Tuckahoe, N.Y.

Richard P. Fitzsimons, 57, Lynbrook, N.Y.

Salvatore A. Fiumefreddo, 47, Manalapan, N.J.

Christina Donovan Flannery, 26, New York, N.Y.

Eileen Flecha, 33, New York, N.Y.

Andre G. Fletcher, 37, North Babylon, N.Y.

Carl Flickinger, 38, Conyers, N.Y.

John Joseph Florio, 33, Oceanside, N.Y.

Joseph W. Flounders, 46, East Stroudsburg, Pa.

David Fodor, 38, Garrison, N.Y.

Lt. Michael N. Fodor, 53, Warwick, N.Y.

Steven Mark Fogel, 40, Westfield, N.Y.

Thomas Foley, 32, West Nyack, N.Y.

David Fontana, 37, New York, N.Y.

Chih Min (Dennis) Foo, 40, Holmdel, N.J.

Del Rose Forbes-Cheatham, 48, New York, N.Y.

Godwin Forde, 39, New York, N.Y.

Donald A. Foreman, 53, New York, N.Y.

Christopher Hugh Forsythe, 44, Basking Ridge, N.J.

Claudia Alicia Martinez Foster, 26, New York, N.Y.

Noel J. Foster, 40, Bridgewater, N.J.

Ana Fosteris, 58, Coram, N.Y.

Robert J. Foti, 42, Albertson, N.Y.

Jeffrey L. Fox, 40, Cranbury, N.J.

Virginia Fox, 58, New York, N.Y.

Virgin (Lucy) Francis, 62, New York, N.Y.

Pauline Francis, 57, New York, N.Y.

Joan Francis, age unknown, Trinidad-Tobago

Gary J. Frank, 35, South Amboy, N.J.

Morton Frank, 31, New York, N.Y.

Peter Christopher Frank, 29, New York, N.Y.

Richard K. Fraser, 32, New York, N.Y.

Kevin Joseph Frawley, 34, Bronxville, N.Y.

Clyde Frazier, 41, New York, N.Y.

Lillian I. Frederick, 46, Teaneck, N.J.

Andrew Fredericks, 40, Suffern, N.Y.

Tamitha Freemen, 35, New York, N.Y.

Brett O. Freiman, 29, Roslyn, N.Y.

Lt. Peter L. Freund, 45, Westtown, N.Y.

Arlene E. Fried, 49, Roslyn Heights, N.Y.

Alan Wayne Friedlander, 52, Yorktown Heights, N.Y.

Andrew K. Friedman, 44, Woodbury, N.Y.

Gregg J. Froehner, 46, Chester, N.J.

Peter Christian Fry, 36, Wilton, Conn.

Clement Fumando, 59, New York, N.Y.

Steven Elliot Furman, 40, Wesley Hills, N.Y.

Paul James Furmato, 37, Colts Neck, N.J.

Fredric Gabler, 30, New York, N.Y.

Richard S. Gabrielle, 50, West Haven, Conn.

James Andrew Gadiel, 23, New York, N.Y.

Pamela Gaff, 51, Robinsville, N.J.

Ervin Vincent Gailliard, 42, New York, N.Y.

Deanna L. Galante, 32, New York, N.Y.

Grace Galante, 29, New York, N.Y.

Anthony Edward Gallagher, 41, New York, N.Y.

Daniel James Gallagher, 23, Red Bank, N.J.

John Patrick Gallagher, 31, Yonkers, N.Y.

Cono E. Gallo, 30, New York, N.Y.

Vincenzo Gallucci, 36, Monroe Township, N.J.

Thomas Edward Galvin, 32, New York, N.Y.

Giovanna (Genni) Gambale, 27, New York, N.Y.

Thomas Gambino, 48, Babylon, N.Y.

Giann F. Gamboa, 26, New York, N.Y.

Peter J. Ganci, 55, North Massapequa, N.Y.

Claude Michael Gann, 41, Roswell, Ga.

Lt. Charles William Garbarini, 44, Pleasantville, N.Y.

Cesar Garcia, 36, New York, N.Y.

David Garcia, 40, Freeport, N.Y.

Jorge Luis Morron Garcia, 38, New York, N.Y.

Juan Garcia, 50, New York, N.Y.

Marlyn C. Garcia, 21, New York, N.Y.

Christopher Gardner, 36, Darien, Conn.

Douglas B. Gardner, 39, New York, N.Y.

Harvey J. Gardner, 35, Lakewood, N.J.

Thomas A. Gardner, 39, Oceanside, N.Y.

Jeffrey B. Gardner, 36, Hoboken, N.J.

William Arthur Gardner, 45, Lynbrook, N.Y.

Francesco Garfi, 29, New York, N.Y.

Rocco Gargano, 28, Bayside, N.Y.

James M. Gartenberg, 36, New York, N.Y.

Matthew David Garvey, 37

Bruce Gary, 51, Bellmore, N.Y.

Palmina Delli Gatti, 33, New York, N.Y.

Boyd A. Gatton, 38, Jersey City, N.J.

Donald Richard Gavagan, 35, New York, N.Y.

Terence D. Gazzani, 24, New York, N.Y.

Gary Geidel, 44, New York, N.Y.

Paul Hamilton Geier, 36, Farmingdale, N.Y.

Julie M. Geis, 44, Lees Summit, Mo.

Peter Gelinas, 34, New York, N.Y.

Steven Paul Geller, 52, New York, N.Y.

Howard G. Gelling, 28, New York, N.Y.

Peter Victor Genco, 36, Rockville Centre, N.Y.

Steven Gregory Genovese, 37, Basking Ridge, N.J.

Alayne F. Gentul, 44, Mountain Lakes, N.J.

Edward F. Geraghty, 45, Rockville Centre, N.Y.

Suzanne Geraty, 30, New York, N.Y.

Ralph Gerhardt, 33, New York, N.Y.

Robert J. Gerlich, 56, Monroe, Conn.

Denis P. Germain, 33, Tuxedo Park, N.Y.

Marina R. Gertsberg, 25, New York, N.Y.

Susan M. Getzendanner, 57, New York, N.Y.

James Gerard Geyer, 41, Rockville Centre, N.Y.

Joseph M. Giaccone, 43, Monroe, N.J.

Lt. Vincent Francis Giammona, 40, Valley Stream, N.Y.

Debra L. Gibbon, 43, Hackettstown, N.J.

James A. Giberson, 43, New York, N.Y.

Craig Neil Gibson, 37, New York, N.Y.

Ronnie Gies, 43, Merrick, N.Y.

Laura A. Giglio, 35, Oceanside, N.Y.

Andrew Clive Gilbert, 39, Califon, N.J.

Timothy Paul Gilbert, 35, Lebanon, N.J.

Paul Stuart Gilbey, 39, Chatham, N.J.

Paul John Gill, 34, New York, N.Y.

Mark Y. Gilles, 33, New York, N.Y.

Evan H. Gillette, 40, New York, N.Y.

Ronald Gilligan, 43, Norwalk, Conn.

Sgt. Rodney C. Gillis, 34, New York, N.Y.

Laura Gilly, 32, New York, N.Y.

Lt. John F. Ginley, 37, Warwick, N.Y.

Jeffrey Giordano, 46, New York, N.Y.

John Giordano, 46, Newburgh, N.Y.

Donna Marie Giordano, 44, Parlin, N.J.

Steven A. Giorgetti, 43, Manhasset, N.Y.

Martin Giovinazzo, 34, New York, N.Y.

Kum-Kum Girolamo, 41, New York, N.Y.

Salvatore Gitto, 44, Manalapan, N.J.

Cynthia Giugliano, 46, Nesconset, N.Y.

Mon Gjonbalaj, 65, New York, N.Y.

Dianne Gladstone, 55, New York, N.Y.

Keith Alexander Glascoe, 38, New York, N.Y.

Thomas I. Glasser, 40, Summit, N.J.

Harry Glenn, 38, Piscataway, N.J.

Barry H. Glick, 55, Wayne, N.J.

Steven Lawrence Glick, 42, Greenwich, Conn.

John T. Gnazzo, 32, New York, N.Y.

William (Bill) Robert Godshalk, 35, New York, N.Y.

Michael Gogliormella, 43, New Providence, N.J.

Brian Fredric Goldberg, 26, Union, N.J.

Jeffrey Grant Goldflam, 48, Melville, N.Y.

Michelle Herman Goldstein, 31, New York, N.Y.

Monica Goldstein, 25, New York, N.Y.

Steven Goldstein, 35, Princeton, N.J.

Andrew H. Golkin, 30, New York, N.Y.

Dennis James Gomes, 40, New York, N.Y.

Enrique Antonio Gomez, 42, New York, N.Y.

Jose Bienvenido Gomez, 45, New York, N.Y.

Manuel Gomez, 42, New York, N.Y.

Wilder Gomez, 38, New York, N.Y.

Jenine Gonzalez, 27, New York, N.Y.

Joel Guevara Gonzalez, 23, Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico

Rosa J. Gonzalez, 32, Jersey City, N.J.

Mauricio Gonzalez, 27, New York, N.Y.

Calvin J. Gooding, 38, Riverside, N.Y.

Harry Goody, 50, New York, N.Y.

Kiran Reddy Gopu, 24, Bridgeport, Conn.

Catherine Carmen Gorayeb, 41, New York, N.Y.

Kerene Gordon, 43, New York, N.Y.

Sebastian Gorki, 27, New York, N.Y.

Thomas E. Gorman, 41, Middlesex, N.J.

Kieran Gorman, 35, Yonkers, N.Y.

Michael Edward Gould, 29, Hoboken, N.J.

Yugi Goya, 42, Rye, N.Y.

Jon Richard Grabowski, 33, New York, N.Y.

Christopher Michael Grady, 39, Cranford, N.J.

Edwin John Graf, 48, Rowayton, Conn.

David M. Graifman, 40, New York, N.Y.

Gilbert Granados, 51, Hicksville, N.Y.

Elvira Granitto, 43, New York, N.Y.

Winston Arthur Grant, 59, West Hempstead, N.Y.

Christopher Stewart Gray, 32, Weehawken, N.J.

James Michael Gray, 34, New York, N.Y.

Linda Mair Grayling, 44, New York, N.Y.

John Michael Grazioso, 41, Middletown, N.J.

Timothy Grazioso, 42, Gulf Stream, Fla.

Derrick Arthur Green, 44, New York, N.Y.

Wade Brian Green, 42, Westbury, N.Y.

Elaine Myra Greenberg, 56, New York, N.Y.

Gayle R. Greene, 51, Montville, N.J.

James Arthur Greenleaf, 32, New York, N.Y.

Eileen Marsha Greenstein, 52, Morris Plains, N.J.

Elizabeth (Lisa) Martin Gregg, 52, New York, N.Y.

Donald H. Gregory, 62, Ramsey, N.J.

Florence M. Gregory, 38, New York, N.Y.

Denise Gregory, 39, New York, N.Y.

Pedro (David) Grehan, 35, Hoboken, N.J.

John M. Griffin, 38, Waldwick, N.J.

Tawanna Griffin, 30, New York, N.Y.

Joan D. Griffith, 39, Willingboro, N.J.

Warren Grifka, 54, New York, N.Y.

Ramon Grijalvo, 58

Joseph F. Grillo, 46, New York, N.Y.

David Grimner, 51, Merrick, N.Y.

Kenneth Grouzalis, 56, Lyndhurst, N.J.

Joseph Grzelak, 52, New York, N.Y.

Matthew J. Grzymalski, 34, New Hyde Park, N.Y.

Robert Joseph Gschaar, 55, Spring Valley, N.Y.

Liming (Michael) Gu, 34, Piscataway, N.J.

Jose A. Guadalupe, 37, New York, N.Y.

Yan Zhu (Cindy) Guan, 25, New York, N.Y.

Geoffrey E. Guja, 47, Lindenhurst, N.Y.

Lt. Joseph Gullickson, 37, New York, N.Y.

Babita Guman, 33, New York, N.Y.

Douglas B. Gurian, 38, Tenafly, N.J.

Philip T. Guza, 54, Sea Bright, N.J.

Barbara Guzzardo, 49, Glendale, N.Y.

Peter Gyulavary, 44, Warwick, N.Y.

Gary Robert Haag, 36, Ossining, N.Y.

Andrea Lyn Haberman, 25, Chicago, Ill.

Barbara M. Habib, 49, New York, N.Y.

Philip Haentzler, 49, New York, N.Y.

Nizam A. Hafiz, 32, New York, N.Y.

Karen Hagerty, 34, New York, N.Y.

Steven Hagis, 31, New York, N.Y.

Mary Lou Hague, 26, New York, N.Y.

David Halderman, 40, New York, N.Y.

Maile Rachel Hale, 26, Cambridge, Mass.

Richard Hall, 49, Purchase, N.Y.

Vaswald George Hall, 50, New York, N.Y.

Robert John Halligan, 59, Basking Ridge, N.J.

Lt. Vincent Gerard Halloran, 43, North Salem, N.Y.

James D. Halvorson, 56, Greenwich, Conn.

Mohammad Salman Hamdani, 23, New York, N.Y.

Felicia Hamilton, 62, New York, N.Y.

Robert Hamilton, 43, Washingtonville, N.Y.

Frederic Kim Han, 45, Marlboro, N.J.

Christopher James Hanley, 34, New York, N.Y.

Sean Hanley, 35, New York, N.Y.

Valerie Joan Hanna, 57, Freeville, N.Y.

Thomas Hannafin, 36, New York, N.Y.

Kevin James Hannaford, 32, Basking Ridge, N.J.

Michael L. Hannan, 34, Lynbrook, N.Y.

Dana Hannon, 29, Suffern, N.Y.

Vassilios G. Haramis, 56, New York, N.Y.

James A. Haran, 41, Malverne, N.Y.

Jeffrey P. Hardy, 46, New York, N.Y.

Timothy John Hargrave, 38, Readington, N.J.

Daniel Harlin, 41, Kent, N.Y.

Frances Haros, 76, New York, N.Y.

Lt. Harvey L. Harrell, 49, New York, N.Y.

Lt. Stephen Gary Harrell, 44, Warwick, N.Y.

Stewart D. Harris, 52, Marlboro, N.J.

Aisha Harris, 22, New York, N.Y.

John Patrick Hart, 38, Danville, Calif.

John Clinton Hartz, 64, Basking Ridge, N.J.

Emeric J. Harvey, 56, Montclair, N.J.

Capt. Thomas Theodore Haskell, 37, Massapequa, N.Y.

Timothy Haskell, 34, Seaford, N.Y.

Joseph John Hasson, 34, New York, N.Y.

Capt. Terence S. Hatton, 41, New York, N.Y.

Leonard William Hatton, 45, Ridgefield Park, N.J.

Michael Helmut Haub, 34, Roslyn Heights, N.Y.

Timothy Aaron Haviland, 41, Oceanside, N.Y.

Donald G. Havlish, 53, Yardley, Pa.

Anthony Hawkins, 30, New York, N.Y.

Nobuhiro Hayatsu, 36, Scarsdale, N.Y.

Philip Hayes, 67, Northport, N.Y.

William Ward Haynes, 35, Rye, N.Y.

Scott Hazelcorn, 29, Hoboken, N.J.

Lt. Michael K. Healey, 42, East Patchogue, N.Y.

Roberta Bernstein Heber, 60, New York, N.Y.

Charles Francis Xavier Heeran, 23, Belle Harbor, N.Y.

John Heffernan, 37, New York, N.Y.

Howard Joseph Heller, 37, Ridgefield, Conn.

JoAnn L. Heltibridle, 46, Springfield, N.J.

Mark F. Hemschoot, 45, Red Bank, N.J.

Ronnie Lee Henderson, 52, Newburgh, N.Y.

Janet Hendricks, 48, New York, N.Y.

Brian Hennessey, 35, Ringoes, N.J.

Michelle Marie Henrique, 27, New York, N.Y.

Joseph P. Henry, 25, New York, N.Y.

William Henry, 49, New York, N.Y.

John Henwood, 35, New York, N.Y.

Robert Allan Hepburn, 39, Union, N.J.

Mary (Molly) Herencia, 47, New York, N.Y.

Lindsay Coates Herkness, 58, New York, N.Y.

Harvey Robert Hermer, 59, New York, N.Y.

Claribel Hernandez, 31, New York, N.Y.

Norberto Hernandez, 42, New York, N.Y.

Raul Hernandez, 51, New York, N.Y.

Gary Herold, 44, Farmingdale, N.Y.

Jeffrey A. Hersch, 53, New York, N.Y.

Thomas Hetzel, 33, Elmont, N.Y.

Capt. Brian Hickey, 47, New York, N.Y.

Ysidro Hidalgo-Tejada, 47, New York, N.Y., Dominican Republic

Lt. Timothy Higgins, 43, Farmingville, N.Y.

Robert D. Higley, 29, New Fairfield, Conn.

Todd Russell Hill, 34, Boston, Mass.

Clara Victorine Hinds, 52, New York, N.Y.

Neal Hinds, 28, New York, N.Y.

Mark D. Hindy, 28, New York, N.Y.

Richard Bruce Van Hine, 48, Greenwood Lake, N.Y.

Katsuyuki Hirai, 32, Hartsdale, N.Y.

Heather Malia Ho, 32, New York, N.Y.

Tara Yvette Hobbs, 31, New York, N.Y.

Thomas A. Hobbs, 41, Baldwin, N.Y.

James L. Hobin, 47, Marlborough, Conn.

Robert Wayne Hobson, 36, New Providence, N.J.

DaJuan Hodges, 29, New York, N.Y.

Ronald George Hoerner, 58, Massapequa Park, N.Y.

Patrick Aloysius Hoey, 53, Middletown, N.J.

Stephen G. Hoffman, 36, Long Beach, N.Y.

Marcia Hoffman, 52, New York, N.Y.

Frederick J. Hoffmann, 53, Freehold, N.J.

Michele L. Hoffmann, 27, Freehold, N.J.

Judith Florence Hofmiller, 53, Brookfield, Conn.

Thomas Warren Hohlweck, 57, Harrison, N.Y.

Jonathan R. Hohmann, 48, New York, N.Y.

Joseph Francis Holland, 32, Glen Rock, N.J.

John Holland, 30, New York, N.Y.

Elizabeth Holmes, 42, New York, N.Y.

Thomas P. Holohan, 36, Chester, N.Y.

Bradley Hoorn, 22, New York, N.Y.

James P. Hopper, 51, Farmingdale, N.Y.

Montgomery McCullough Hord, 46, Pelham, N.Y.

Michael Horn, 27, Lynbrook, N.Y.

Matthew D. Horning, 26, Hoboken, N.J.

Robert L. Horohoe, 31, New York, N.Y.

Aaron Horwitz, 24, New York, N.Y.

Charles J. Houston, 42, New York, N.Y.

Uhuru G. Houston, 32, Englewood, N.J.

George Howard, 45, Hicksville, N.Y.

Steven L. Howell, 36, New York, N.Y.

Michael C. Howell, 60, New York, N.Y.

Jennifer L. Howley, 34, New Hyde Park, N.Y.

Milagros “Millie” Hromada, 35, New York, N.Y.

Marian Hrycak, 56, New York, N.Y.

Stephen Huczko, 44, Bethlehem, N.J.

Kris R. Hughes, 30, Nesconset, N.Y.

Melissa Harrington Hughes, 31, San Francisco, Calif.

Thomas F. Hughes, 46, Spring Lake Heights, N.J.

Timothy Robert Hughes, 43, Madison, N.J.

Paul R. Hughes, 38, Stamford, Conn.

Robert T. “Bobby” Hughes, 23, Sayreville, N.J.

Susan Huie, 43, Fair Lawn, N.J.

Mychal Lamar Hulse, 30, New York, N.Y.

William C. Hunt, 32, Norwalk, Conn.

Joseph G. Hunter, 31, South Hempstead, N.Y.

Robert Hussa, 51, Roslyn, N.Y.

Capt. Walter Hynes, 46, Belle Harbor, N.Y.

Thomas E. Hynes, 28, Norwalk, Conn.

Joseph Anthony Ianelli, 28, Hoboken, N.J.

Zuhtu Ibis, 25, Clifton, N.J.

Jonathan Lee Ielpi, 29, Great Neck, N.Y.

Michael Patrick Iken, 37, New York, N.Y.

Daniel Ilkanayev, 36, New York, N.Y.

Capt. Frederick Ill, 49, Pearl River, N.Y.

Abraham Nethanel Ilowitz, 51, New York, N.Y.

Anthony P. Infante, 47, Chatham, N.J.

Louis S. Inghilterra, 45, New Castle, N.Y.

Christopher N. Ingrassia, 28, Watchung, N.J.

Paul Innella, 33, East Brunswick, N.J.

Stephanie V. Irby, 38, New York, N.Y.

Douglas Irgang, 32, New York, N.Y.

Todd A. Isaac, 29, New York, N.Y.

Erik Hans Isbrandtsen, 30, New York, N.Y.

Taizo Ishikawa, 50, Japan

Aram Iskenderian, 41, Merrick, N.Y.

John Iskyan, 41, Wilton, Conn.

Kazushige Ito, 35, New York, N.Y.

Aleksandr Valeryerich Ivantsov, 23, New York, N.Y.

Virginia Jablonski, 49, Matawan, N.J.

Brooke Alexandra Jackman, 23, New York, N.Y.

Aaron Jacobs, 27, New York, N.Y.

Jason Kyle Jacobs, 32, Mendham, N.J.

Michael Grady Jacobs, 54, Danbury, Conn.

Ariel Louis Jacobs, 29, Briarcliff Manor, N.Y.

Steven A. Jacobson, 53, New York, N.Y.

Ricknauth Jaggernauth, 58, New York, N.Y.

Jake Denis Jagoda, 24, Huntington, N.Y.

Yudh V.S. Jain, 54, New City, N.Y.

Maria Jakubiak, 41, Ridgewood, N.Y.

Gricelda E. James, 44, Willingboro, N.J.

Ernest James, 40, New York, N.Y.

Mark Jardim, 39, New York, N.Y.

Mohammed Jawara, 30, New York, N.Y.

Francois Jean-Pierre, 58, New York, N.Y.

Maxima Jean-Pierre, 40, Bellport, N.Y.

Paul E. Jeffers, 39, New York, N.Y.

Joseph Jenkins, 47, New York, N.Y.

Alan K. Jensen, 49, Wyckoff, N.J.

Prem N. Jerath, 57, Edison, N.J.

Farah Jeudy, 32, Spring Valley, N.Y.

Hweidar Jian, 42, East Brunswick, N.J.

Eliezer Jimenez, 38, New York, N.Y.

Luis Jimenez, 25, New York, N.Y.

Charles Gregory John, 44, New York, N.Y.

Nicholas John, 42, New York, N.Y.

Scott M. Johnson, 26, New York, N.Y.

LaShawana Johnson, 27, New York, N.Y.

William Johnston, 31, North Babylon, N.Y.

Arthur Joseph Jones, 37, Ossining, N.Y.

Allison Horstmann Jones, 31, New York, N.Y.

Brian L. Jones, 44, New York, N.Y.

Christopher D. Jones, 53, Huntington, N.Y.

Donald T. Jones, 39, Livingston, N.J.

Donald W. Jones, 43, Fairless Hills, Pa.

Linda Jones, 50, New York, N.Y.

Mary S. Jones, 72, New York, N.Y.

Andrew Jordan, 35, Remsenburg, N.Y.

Robert Thomas Jordan, 34, Williston, N.Y.

Ingeborg Joseph, 60, Germany

Karl Henri Joseph, 25, New York, N.Y.

Stephen Joseph, 39, Franklin Park, N.J.

Albert Joseph, 79, New York, N.Y.

Jane Eileen Josiah, 47, Bellmore, N.Y.

Lt. Anthony Jovic, 39, Massapequa, N.Y.

Angel Luis Juarbe, 35, New York, N.Y.

Karen Susan Juday, 52, New York, N.Y.

The Rev. Mychal Judge, 68, New York, N.Y.

Paul W. Jurgens, 47, Levittown, N.Y.

Thomas Edward Jurgens, 26, Lawrence, N.Y.

Kacinga Kabeya, 63, McKinney, Texas

Shashi Kiran Lakshmikantha Kadaba, 25, Hackensack, N.J.

Gavkharoy Mukhometovna Kamardinova, 26, New York, N.Y.

Shari Kandell, 27, Wyckoff, N.J.

Howard Lee Kane, 40, Hazlet, N.J.

Jennifer Lynn Kane, 26, Fair Lawn, N.J.

Vincent D. Kane, 37, New York, N.Y.

Joon Koo Kang, 34, Riverdale, N.J.

Sheldon R. Kanter, 53, Edison, N.J.

Deborah H. Kaplan, 45, Paramus, N.J.

Alvin Peter Kappelmann, 57, Green Brook, N.J.

Charles Karczewski, 34, Union, N.J.

William A. Karnes, 37, New York, N.Y.

Douglas G. Karpiloff, 53, Mamaroneck, N.Y.

Charles L. Kasper, 54, New York, N.Y.

Andrew Kates, 37, New York, N.Y.

John Katsimatides, 31, East Marion, N.Y.

Sgt. Robert Kaulfers, 49, Kenilworth, N.J.

Don Jerome Kauth, 51, Saratoga Springs, N.Y.

Hideya Kawauchi, 36, Fort Lee, N.J.

Edward T. Keane, 66, West Caldwell, N.J.

Richard M. Keane, 54, Wethersfield, Conn.

Lisa Kearney-Griffin, 35, Jamaica, N.Y.

Karol Ann Keasler, 42, New York, N.Y.

Paul Hanlon Keating, 38, New York, N.Y.

Leo Russell Keene, 33, Westfield, N.J.

Joseph J. Keller, 31, Park Ridge, N.J.

Peter Rodney Kellerman, 35, New York, N.Y.

Joseph P. Kellett, 37, Riverdale, N.Y.

Frederick H. Kelley, 57, Huntington, N.Y.

James Joseph Kelly, 39, Oceanside, N.Y.

Joseph A. Kelly, 40, Oyster Bay, N.Y.

Maurice Patrick Kelly, 41, New York, N.Y.

Richard John Kelly, 50, New York, N.Y.

Thomas Michael Kelly, 41, Wyckoff, N.J.

Thomas Richard Kelly, 38, Riverhead, N.Y.

Thomas W. Kelly, 51, New York, N.Y.

Timothy C. Kelly, 37, Port Washington, N.Y.

William Hill Kelly, 30, New York, N.Y.

Robert C. Kennedy, 55, Toms River, N.J.

Thomas J. Kennedy, 36, Islip Terrace, N.Y.

John Keohane, 41, Jersey City, N.J.

Lt. Ronald T. Kerwin, 42, Levittown, N.Y.

Howard L. Kestenbaum, 56, Montclair, N.J.

Douglas D. Ketcham, 27, New York, N.Y.

Ruth E. Ketler, 42, New York, N.Y.

Boris Khalif, 30, New York, N.Y.

Sarah Khan, 32, New York, N.Y.

Taimour Firaz Khan, 29, New York, N.Y.

Rajesh Khandelwal, 33, South Plainfield, N.J.

SeiLai Khoo, 38, Jersey City, N.J.

Michael Kiefer, 25, Hempstead, N.Y.

Satoshi Kikuchihara, 43, Scarsdale, N.Y.

Andrew Jay-Hoon Kim, 26, Leonia, N.J.

Lawrence Don Kim, 31, Blue Bell, Pa.

Mary Jo Kimelman, 34, New York, N.Y.

Andrew Marshall King, 42, Princeton, N.J.

Lucille T. King, 59, Ridgewood, N.J.

Robert King, 36, Bellerose Terrace, N.Y.

Lisa M. King-Johnson, 34, New York, N.Y.

Takashi Kinoshita, 46, Rye, N.Y.

Chris Michael Kirby, 21, New York, N.Y.

Howard (Barry) Kirschbaum, 53, New York, N.Y.

Glenn Davis Kirwin, 40, Scarsdale, N.Y.

Richard J. Klares, 59, Somers, N.Y.

Peter A. Klein, 35, Weehawken, N.J.

Alan D. Kleinberg, 39, East Brunswick, N.J.

Karen J. Klitzman, 38, New York, N.Y.

Ronald Philip Kloepfer, 39, Franklin Square, N.Y.

Yevgeny Kniazev, 46, New York, N.Y.

Thomas Patrick Knox, 31, Hoboken, N.J.

Andrew Knox, 30, Adelaide, Australia

Rebecca Lee Koborie, 48, Guttenberg, N.J.

Deborah Kobus, 36, New York, N.Y.

Gary Edward Koecheler, 57, Harrison, N.Y.

Frank J. Koestner, 48, New York, N.Y.

Ryan Kohart, 26, New York, N.Y.

Vanessa Lynn Kolpak, 21, New York, N.Y.

Irina Kolpakova, 37, New York, N.Y.

Suzanne Kondratenko, 27, Chicago, Ill.

Abdoulaye Kone, 37, New York, N.Y.

Bon-seok Koo, 42, River Edge, N.J.

Dorota Kopiczko, 26, Nutley, N.J.

Scott Kopytko, 32, New York, N.Y.

Bojan Kostic, 34, New York, N.Y.

Danielle Kousoulis, 29, New York, N.Y.

John J. Kren, 52, New York, N.Y.

William Krukowski, 36, New York, N.Y.

Lyudmila Ksido, 46, New York, N.Y.

Shekhar Kumar, 30, New York, N.Y.

Kenneth Kumpel, 42, Cornwall, N.Y.

Frederick Kuo, 53, Great Neck, N.Y.

Patricia Kuras, 42, New York, N.Y.

Nauka Kushitani, 44, New York, N.Y.

Thomas Joseph Kuveikis, 48, Carmel, N.Y.

Victor Kwarkye, 35, New York, N.Y.

Kui Fai Kwok, 31, New York, N.Y.

Angela R. Kyte, 49, Boonton, N.J.

Amarnauth Lachhman, 42, Valley Stream, N.Y.

Andrew LaCorte, 61, Jersey City, N.J.

Ganesh Ladkat, 27, Somerset, N.J.

James P. Ladley, 41, Colts Neck, N.J.

Daniel M. Van Laere, 46, Glen Rock, N.J.

Joseph A. Lafalce, 54, New York, N.Y.

Jeanette LaFond-Menichino, 49, New York, N.Y.

David LaForge, 50, Port Richmond, N.Y.

Michael Patrick LaForte, 39, Holmdel, N.J.

Alan Lafrance, 43, New York, N.Y.

Juan Lafuente, 61, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

Neil K. Lai, 59, East Windsor, N.J.

Vincent A. Laieta, 31, Edison, N.J.

William David Lake, 44, New York, N.Y.

Franco Lalama, 45, Nutley, N.J.

Chow Kwan Lam, 48, Maywood, N.J.

Stephen LaMantia, 38, Darien, Conn.

Amy Hope Lamonsoff, 29, New York, N.Y.

Robert T. Lane, 28, New York, N.Y.

Brendan M. Lang, 30, Red Bank, N.J.

Rosanne P. Lang, 42, Middletown, N.J.

Vanessa Langer, 29, Yonkers, N.Y.

Mary Lou Langley, 53, New York, N.Y.

Peter J. Langone, 41, Roslyn Heights, N.Y.

Thomas Langone, 39, Williston Park, N.Y.

Michele B. Lanza, 36, New York, N.Y.

Ruth Sheila Lapin, 53, East Windsor, N.J.

Carol Ann LaPlante, 59, New York, N.Y.

Ingeborg Astrid Desiree Lariby, 42, New York, N.Y.

Robin Larkey, 48, Chatham, N.J.

Christopher Randall Larrabee, 26, New York, N.Y.

Hamidou S. Larry, 37, New York, N.Y.

Scott Larsen, 35, New York, N.Y.

John Adam Larson, 37, Colonia, N.J.

Gary E. Lasko, 49, Memphis, Tenn.

Nicholas C. Lassman, 28, Cliffside Park, N.J.

Paul Laszczynski, 49, Paramus, N.J.

Jeffrey Latouche, 49, New York, N.Y.

Cristina de Laura, age unknown, Columbia

Oscar de Laura, age unknown, Columbia

Charles Laurencin, 61, New York, N.Y.

Stephen James Lauria, 39, New York, N.Y.

Maria Lavache, 60, New York, N.Y.

Denis F. Lavelle, 42, Yonkers, N.Y.

Jeannine M. LaVerde, 36, New York, N.Y.

Anna A. Laverty, 52, Middletown, N.J.

Steven Lawn, 28, West Windsor, N.J.

Robert A. Lawrence, 41, Summit, N.J.

Nathaniel Lawson, 61, New York, N.Y.

Eugen Lazar, 27, New York, N.Y.

James Patrick Leahy, 38, New York, N.Y.

Lt. Joseph Gerard Leavey, 45, Pelham, N.Y.

Neil Leavy, 34, New York, N.Y.

Leon Lebor, 51, Jersey City, N.J.

Kenneth Charles Ledee, 38, Monmouth, N.J.

Alan J. Lederman, 43, New York, N.Y.

Elena Ledesma, 36, New York, N.Y.

Alexis Leduc, 45, New York, N.Y.

Myung-woo Lee, 41, Lyndhurst, N.J.

David S. Lee, 37, West Orange, N.J.

Gary H. Lee, 62, Lindenhurst, N.Y.

Hyun-joon (Paul) Lee, 32, New York, N.Y.

Jong-min Lee, 24, New York, N.Y.

Juanita Lee, 44, New York, N.Y.

Lorraine Lee, 37, New York, N.Y.

Richard Y.C. Lee, 34, Great Neck, N.Y.

Yang Der Lee, 63, New York, N.Y.

Kathryn Blair Lee, 55, New York, N.Y.

Stuart (Soo-Jin) Lee, 30, New York, N.Y.

Linda C. Lee, 34, New York, N.Y.

Stephen Lefkowitz, 50, Belle Harbor, N.Y.

Adriana Legro, 32, New York, N.Y.

Edward J. Lehman, 41, Glen Cove, N.Y.

Eric Andrew Lehrfeld, 32, New York, N.Y.

David Ralph Leistman, 43, Garden City, N.Y.

David Prudencio LeMagne, 27, North Bergen, N.J.

Joseph A. Lenihan, 41, Greenwich, Conn.

John J. Lennon, 44, Howell, N.J.

John Robinson Lenoir, 38, Locust Valley, N.Y.

Jorge Luis Leon, 43, Union City, N.J.

Matthew Gerard Leonard, 38, New York, N.Y.

Michael Lepore, 39, New York, N.Y.

Charles Antoine Lesperance, 55

Jeffrey Earle LeVeen, 55, Manhasset, N.Y.

John D. Levi, 50, New York, N.Y.

Alisha Caren Levin, 33, New York, N.Y.

Neil D. Levin, 47, New York, N.Y.

Robert Levine, 56, West Babylon, N.Y.

Robert M. Levine, 66, Edgewater, N.J.

Shai Levinhar, 29, New York, N.Y.

Adam J. Lewis, 36, Fairfield, Conn.

Margaret Susan Lewis, 49, Elizabeth, N.J.

Ye Wei Liang, 27, New York, N.Y.

Orasri Liangthanasarn, 26, Bayonne, N.J.

Daniel F. Libretti, 43, New York, N.Y.

Ralph M. Licciardi, 30, West Hempstead, N.Y.

Edward Lichtschein, 35, New York, N.Y.

Steven B. Lillianthal, 38, Millburn, N.J.

Carlos R. Lillo, 37, Babylon, N.Y.

Craig Damian Lilore, 30, Lyndhurst, N.J.

Arnold A. Lim, 28, New York, N.Y.

Darya Lin, 32, Chicago, Ill.

Wei Rong Lin, 31, Jersey City, N.J.

Nickie L. Lindo, 31, New York, N.Y.

Thomas V. Linehan, 39, Montville, N.J.

Robert Thomas Linnane, 33, West Hempstead, N.Y.

Alan Linton, 26, Jersey City, N.J.

Diane Theresa Lipari, 42, New York, N.Y.

Kenneth P. Lira, 28, Paterson, N.J.

Francisco Alberto Liriano, 33, New York, N.Y.

Lorraine Lisi, 44, New York, N.Y.

Paul Lisson, 45, New York, N.Y.

Vincent Litto, 52, New York, N.Y.

Ming-Hao Liu, 41, Livingston, N.J.

Nancy Liz, 39, New York, N.Y.

Harold Lizcano, 31, East Elmhurst, N.Y.

Martin Lizzul, 31, New York, N.Y.

George A. Llanes, 33, New York, N.Y.

Elizabeth Claire Logler, 31, Rockville Centre, N.Y.

Catherine Lisa Loguidice, 30, New York, N.Y.

Jerome Robert Lohez, 30, Jersey City, N.J.

Michael W. Lomax, 37, New York, N.Y.

Laura M. Longing, 35, Pearl River, N.Y.

Salvatore P. Lopes, 40, Franklin Square, N.Y.

Daniel Lopez, 39, New York, N.Y.

Luis Lopez, 38, New York, N.Y.

Manuel L. Lopez, 54, Jersey City, N.J.

George Lopez, 40, Stroudsburg, Pa.

Joseph Lostrangio, 48, Langhorne, Pa.

Chet Louie, 45, New York, N.Y.

Stuart Seid Louis, 43, East Brunswick, N.J.

Joseph Lovero, 60, Jersey City, N.J.

Michael W. Lowe, 48, New York, N.Y.

Garry Lozier, 47, Darien, Conn.

John Peter Lozowsky, 45, New York, N.Y.

Charles Peter Lucania, 34, East Atlantic Beach, N.Y.

Edward (Ted) H. Luckett, 40, Fair Haven, N.J.

Mark G. Ludvigsen, 32, New York, N.Y.

Lee Charles Ludwig, 49, New York, N.Y.

Sean Thomas Lugano, 28, New York, N.Y.

Daniel Lugo, 45, New York, N.Y.

Marie Lukas, 32, New York, N.Y.

William Lum, 45, New York, N.Y.

Michael P. Lunden, 37, New York, N.Y.

Christopher Lunder, 34, Wall, N.J.

Anthony Luparello, 62, New York, N.Y.

Gary Lutnick, 36, New York, N.Y.

Linda Luzzicone, 33, New York, N.Y.

Alexander Lygin, 28, New York, N.Y.

Farrell Peter Lynch, 39, Centerport, N.Y.

James Francis Lynch, 47, Woodbridge, N.J.

Louise A. Lynch, 58, Amityville, N.Y.

Michael Lynch, 34, New York, N.Y.

Michael F. Lynch, 33, New Hyde Park, N.Y.

Michael Francis Lynch, 30, New York, N.Y.

Richard Dennis Lynch, 30, Bedford Hills, N.Y.

Robert H. Lynch, 44, Cranford, N.J.

Sean Patrick Lynch, 36, Morristown, N.J.

Sean Lynch, 34, New York, N.Y.

Michael J. Lyons, 32, Hawthorne, N.Y.

Patrick Lyons, 34, South Setauket, N.Y.

Monica Lyons, 53, New York, N.Y.

Robert Francis Mace, 43, New York, N.Y.

Jan Maciejewski, 37, New York, N.Y.

Catherine Fairfax MacRae, 23, New York, N.Y.

Richard B. Madden, 35, Westfield, N.J.

Simon Maddison, 40, Florham Park, N.J.

Noell Maerz, 29, Long Beach, N.Y.

Jeannieann Maffeo, 40, New York, N.Y.

Joseph Maffeo, 30, New York, N.Y.

Jay Robert Magazine, 48, New York, N.Y.

Charles Wilson Magee, 51, Wantagh, N.Y.

Brian Magee, 52, Floral Park, N.Y.

Joseph Maggitti, 47, Abingdon, Md.

Ronald E. Magnuson, 57, Park Ridge, N.J.

Daniel L. Maher, 50, Hamilton, N.J.

Thomas Anthony Mahon, 37, East Norwich, N.Y.

William Mahoney, 38, Bohemia, N.Y.

Joseph Maio, 32, Roslyn Harbor, N.Y.

Takashi Makimoto, 49, New York, N.Y.

Abdu Malahi, 37, New York, N.Y.

Debora Maldonado, 47, New York, N.Y.

Myrna T. Maldonado-Agosto, 49, New York, N.Y.

Alfred R. Maler, 39, Convent Station, N.J.

Gregory James Malone, 42, Hoboken, N.J.

Edward Francis (Teddy) Maloney, 32, Darien, Conn.

Joseph E. Maloney, 46, Farmingville, N.Y.

Gene E. Maloy, 41, New York, N.Y.

Christian Maltby, 37, Chatham, N.J.

Francisco Miguel (Frank) Mancini, 26, New York, N.Y.

Joseph Mangano, 53, Jackson, N.J.

Sara Elizabeth Manley, 31, New York, N.Y.

Debra M. Mannetta, 31, Islip, N.Y.

Terence J. Manning, 36, Rockville Centre, N.Y.

Marion Victoria (vickie) Manning, 27, Rochdale, N.Y.

James Maounis, 42, New York, N.Y.

Joseph Ross Marchbanks, 47, Nanuet, N.Y.

Peter Edward Mardikian, 29, New York, N.Y.

Edward Joseph Mardovich, 42, Lloyd Harbor, N.Y.

Lt. Charles Joseph Margiotta, 44, New York, N.Y.

Kenneth Joseph Marino, 40, Monroe, N.Y.

Lester Vincent Marino, 57, Massapequa, N.Y.

Vita Marino, 49, New York, N.Y.

Kevin D. Marlo, 28, New York, N.Y.

Jose J. Marrero, 32, Old Bridge, N.J.

John Marshall, 35, Congers, N.Y.

James Martello, 41, Rumson, N.J.

Michael A. Marti, 26, Glendale, N.Y.

Lt. Peter Martin, 43, Miller Place, N.Y.

William J. Martin, 35, Rockaway, N.J.

Brian E. Martineau, 37, Edison, N.J.

Betsy Martinez, 33, New York, N.Y.

Edward J. Martinez, 60, New York, N.Y.

Jose Angel Martinez, 49, Hauppauge, N.Y.

Robert Gabriel Martinez, 24, New York, N.Y.

Lizie Martinez-Calderon, 32, New York, N.Y.

Lt. Paul Richard Martini, 37, New York, N.Y.

Joseph A. Mascali, 44, New York, N.Y.

Bernard Mascarenhas, 54, Newmarket, Ontario, Canada

Stephen F. Masi, 55, New York, N.Y.

Nicholas G. Massa, 65, New York, N.Y.

Patricia A. Massari, 25, Glendale, N.Y.

Michael Massaroli, 38, New York, N.Y.

Philip W. Mastrandrea, 42, Chatham, N.J.

Rudolph Mastrocinque, 43, Kings Park, N.Y.

Joseph Mathai, 49, Arlington, Mass.

Charles William Mathers, 61, Sea Girt, N.J.

William A. Mathesen, 40, Morristown, N.J.

Marcello Matricciano, 31, New York, N.Y.

Margaret Elaine Mattic, 51, New York, N.Y.

Robert D. Mattson, 54, Green Pond, N.J.

Walter Matuza, 39, New York, N.Y.

Charles A. (Chuck) Mauro, 65, New York, N.Y.

Charles J. Mauro, 38, New York, N.Y.

Dorothy Mauro, 55, New York, N.Y.

Nancy T. Mauro, 51, New York, N.Y.

Tyrone May, 44, Rahway, N.J.

Keithroy Maynard, 30, New York, N.Y.

Robert J. Mayo, 46, Morganville, N.J.

Kathy Nancy Mazza-Delosh, 46, Farmingdale, N.Y.

Edward Mazzella, 62, Monroe, N.Y.

Jennifer Mazzotta, 23, New York, N.Y.

Kaaria Mbaya, 39, Edison, N.J.

James J. McAlary, 42, Spring Lake Heights, N.J.

Brian McAleese, 36, Baldwin, N.Y.

Patricia A. McAneney, 50, Pomona, N.Y.

Colin Richard McArthur, 52, Howell, N.J.

John McAvoy, 47, New York, N.Y.

Kenneth M. McBrayer, 49, New York, N.Y.

Brendan McCabe, 40, Sayville, N.Y.

Michael J. McCabe, 42, Rumson, N.J.

Thomas McCann, 46, Manalapan, N.J.

Justin McCarthy, 30, Port Washington, N.Y.

Kevin M. McCarthy, 42, Fairfield, Conn.

Michael Desmond McCarthy, 33, Huntington, N.Y.

Robert Garvin McCarthy, 33, Stony Point, N.Y.

Stanley McCaskill, 47, New York, N.Y.

Katie Marie McCloskey, 25, Mount Vernon, N.Y.

Tara McCloud-Gray, 30, New York, N.Y.

Charles Austin McCrann, 55, New York, N.Y.

Tonyell McDay, 25, Colonia, N.J.

Matthew T. McDermott, 34, Basking Ridge, N.J.

Joseph P. McDonald, 43, Livingston, N.J.

Brian G. McDonnell, 38, Wantagh, N.Y.

Michael McDonnell, 34, Red Bank, N.J.

John F. McDowell, 33, New York, N.Y.

Eamon J. McEneaney, 46, New Canaan, Conn.

John Thomas McErlean, 39, Larchmont, N.Y.

Daniel F. McGinley, 40, Ridgewood, N.J.

Mark Ryan McGinly, 26, New York, N.Y.

Lt. William E. McGinn, 43, New York, N.Y.

Thomas H. McGinnis, 41, Oakland, N.J.

Michael Gregory McGinty, 42, Foxboro, Mass.

Ann McGovern, 68, East Meadow, N.Y.

Scott Martin McGovern, 35, Wyckoff, N.J.

William J. McGovern, 49, Smithtown, N.Y.

Stacey S. McGowan, 38, Basking Ridge, N.J.

Francis Noel McGuinn, 48, Rye, N.Y.

Patrick J. McGuire, 40, Madison, N.J.

Thomas M. McHale, 33, Huntington, N.Y.

Keith McHeffey, 31, Monmouth Beach, N.J.

Denis J. McHugh, 36, New York, N.Y.

Dennis P. McHugh, 34, Sparkill, N.Y.

Michael Edward McHugh, 35, Tuckahoe, N.Y.

Ann M. McHugh, 35, New York, N.Y.

Robert G. McIlvaine, 26, New York, N.Y.

Donald James McIntyre, 38, New City, N.Y.

Stephanie McKenna, 45, New York, N.Y.

Barry J. McKeon, 47, Yorktown Heights, N.Y.

Evelyn C. McKinnedy, 60, New York, N.Y.

Darryl Leron McKinney, 26, New York, N.Y.

Robert C. McLaughlin, 29, Westchester, N.Y.

George Patrick McLaughlin, 36, Hoboken, N.J.

Gavin McMahon, 35, Bayonne, N.J.

Robert Dismas McMahon, 35, New York, N.Y.

Edmund M. McNally, 41, Fair Haven, N.J.

Daniel McNeal, 29, Towson, Md.

Walter Arthur McNeil, 53, Stroudsburg, Pa.

Sean Peter McNulty, 30, New York, N.Y.

Christine Sheila McNulty, 42, Peterborough, England

Robert William McPadden, 30, Pearl River, N.Y.

Terence A. McShane, 37, West Islip, N.Y.

Timothy Patrick McSweeney, 37, New York, N.Y.

Martin E. McWilliams, 35, Kings Park, N.Y.

Rocco A. Medaglia, 49, Melville, N.Y.

Abigail Cales Medina, 46, New York, N.Y.

Ana Iris Medina, 39, New York, N.Y.

Deborah Medwig, 46, Dedham, Mass.

William J. Meehan, 49, Darien, Conn.

Damian Meehan, 32, Glen Rock, N.J.

Alok Kumar Mehta, 23, Hempstead, N.Y.

Raymond Meisenheimer, 46, West Babylon, N.Y.

Manuel Emilio Mejia, 54, New York, N.Y.

Eskedar Melaku, 31, New York, N.Y.

Antonio Melendez, 30, New York, N.Y.

Mary Melendez, 44, Stroudsburg, Pa.

Yelena Melnichenko, 28, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Stuart Todd Meltzer, 32, Syosset, N.Y.

Diarelia Jovannah Mena, 30, New York, N.Y.

Charles Mendez, 38, Floral Park, N.Y.

Lizette Mendoza, 33, North Bergen, N.J.

Shevonne Mentis, 25, New York, N.Y.

Steve Mercado, 38, New York, N.Y.

Wesley Mercer, 70, New York, N.Y.

Ralph Joseph Mercurio, 47, Rockville Centre, N.Y.

Alan H. Merdinger, 47, Allentown, Pa.

George C. Merino, 39, New York, N.Y.

Yamel Merino, 24, Yonkers, N.Y.

George Merkouris, 35, Levittown, N.Y.

Deborah Merrick, 45, residence unknown

Raymond J. Metz, 37, Trumbull, Conn.

Jill A. Metzler, 32, Franklin Square, N.Y.

David Robert Meyer, 57, Glen Rock, N.J.

Nurul Huq Miah, 35, New York, N.Y.

William Edward Micciulli, 30, Matawan, N.J.

Martin Paul Michelstein, 57, Morristown, N.J.

Luis Clodoaldo Revilla Mier, 54

Peter T. Milano, 43, Middletown, N.J.

Gregory Milanowycz, 25, Cranford, N.J.

Lukasz T. Milewski, 21, New York, N.Y.

Sgt. Craig James Miller, 29, VA

Corey Peter Miller, 34, New York, N.Y.

Douglas C. Miller, 34, Port Jervis, N.Y.

Henry Miller, 52, Massapequa, N.Y.

Michael Matthew Miller, 39, Englewood, N.J.

Phillip D. Miller, 53, New York, N.Y.

Robert C. Miller, 55, Hasbrouck Heights, N.J.

Robert Alan Miller, 46, Matawan, N.J.

Joel Miller, 55, Baldwin, N.Y.

Benjamin Millman, 40, New York, N.Y.

Charles M. Mills, 61, Brentwood, N.Y.

Ronald Keith Milstein, 54, New York, N.Y.

Robert Minara, 54, Carmel, N.Y.

William G. Minardi, 46, Bedford, N.Y.

Louis Joseph Minervino, 54, Middletown, N.J.

Thomas Mingione, 34, West Islip, N.Y.

Wilbert Miraille, 29, New York, N.Y.

Domenick Mircovich, 40, Closter, N.J.

Rajesh A. Mirpuri, 30, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.

Joseph Mistrulli, 47, Wantagh, N.Y.

Susan Miszkowicz, 37, New York, N.Y.

Lt. Paul Thomas Mitchell, 46, New York, N.Y.

Richard Miuccio, 55, New York, N.Y.

Frank V. Moccia, 57, Hauppauge, N.Y.

Capt. Louis Joseph Modafferi, 45, New York, N.Y.

Boyie Mohammed, 50, New York, N.Y.

Lt. Dennis Mojica, 50, New York, N.Y.

Manuel Mojica, 37, Bellmore, N.Y.

Manuel Dejesus Molina, 31, New York, N.Y.

Kleber Rolando Molina, 44, New York, N.Y.

Fernando Jimenez Molinar, 21, Oaxaca, Mexico

Carl Molinaro, 32, New York, N.Y.

Justin J. Molisani, 42, Middletown Township, N.J.

Brian Patrick Monaghan, 21, New York, N.Y.

Franklin Monahan, 45, Roxbury, N.Y.

John Gerard Monahan, 47, Wanamassa, N.J.

Kristen Montanaro, 34, New York, N.Y.

Craig D. Montano, 38, Glen Ridge, N.J.

Michael Montesi, 39, Highland Mills, N.Y.

Cheryl Ann Monyak, 43, Greenwich, Conn.

Capt. Thomas Moody, 45, Stony Brook, N.Y.

Sharon Moore, 37, New York, N.Y.

Krishna Moorthy, 59, Briarcliff Manor, N.Y.

Abner Morales, 37, New York, N.Y.

Carlos Morales, 29, New York, N.Y.

Paula Morales, 42, New York, N.Y.

Luis Morales, 46, New York, N.Y.

John Moran, 43, Rockaway, N.Y.

John Christopher Moran, 38, Haslemere, Surrey, England

Kathleen Moran, 42, New York, N.Y.

Lindsay S. Morehouse, 24, New York, N.Y.

George Morell, 47, Mount. Kisco, N.Y.

Steven P. Morello, 52, Bayonne, N.J.

Vincent S. Morello, 34, New York, N.Y.

Arturo Alva Moreno, 47, Mexico City, Mexico

Yvette Nicole Moreno, 25, New York, N.Y.

Dorothy Morgan, 47, Hempstead, N.Y.

Richard Morgan, 66, Glen Rock, N.J.

Nancy Morgenstern, 32, New York, N.Y.

Sanae Mori, 27, Tokyo, Japan

Blanca Morocho, 26, New York, N.Y.

Leonel Morocho, 36, New York, N.Y.

Dennis G. Moroney, 39, Eastchester, N.Y.

Lynne Irene Morris, 22, Monroe, N.Y.

Seth A. Morris, 35, Kinnelon, N.J.

Stephen Philip Morris, 31, Ormond Beach, Fla.

Christopher M. Morrison, 34, Charlestown, Mass.

Ferdinand V. Morrone, 63, Lakewood, N.J.

William David Moskal, 50, Brecksville, Ohio

Manuel Da Mota, 43, Valley Stream, N.Y.

Marco Motroni, 57, Fort Lee, N.J.

Iouri A. Mouchinski, 55, New York, N.Y.

Jude J. Moussa, 35, New York, N.Y.

Peter C. Moutos, 44, Chatham, N.J.

Damion Mowatt, 21, New York, N.Y.

Christopher Mozzillo, 27, New York, N.Y.

Stephen V. Mulderry, 33, New York, N.Y.

Richard Muldowney, 40, Babylon, N.Y.

Michael D. Mullan, 34, New York, N.Y.

Dennis Michael Mulligan, 32, New York, N.Y.

Peter James Mulligan, 28, New York, N.Y.

Michael Joseph Mullin, 27, Hoboken, N.J.

James Donald Munhall, 45, Ridgewood, N.J.

Nancy Muniz, 45, New York, N.Y.

Carlos Mario Munoz, 43, New York, N.Y.

Francisco Munoz, 29, New York, N.Y.

Theresa (Terry) Munson, 54, New York, N.Y.

Robert M. Murach, 45, Montclair, N.J.

Cesar Augusto Murillo, 32, New York, N.Y.

Marc A. Murolo, 28, Maywood, N.J.

Robert Eddie Murphy, 56, New York, N.Y.

Brian Joseph Murphy, 41, New York, N.Y.

Christopher W. Murphy, 35, Easton, Md.

Edward C. Murphy, 42, Clifton, N.J.

James F. Murphy, 30, Garden City, N.Y.

James Thomas Murphy, 35, Middletown, N.J.

Kevin James Murphy, 40, Northport, N.Y.

Patrick Sean Murphy, 36, Millburn, N.J.

Lt. Raymond E. Murphy, 46, New York, N.Y.

Charles Murphy, 38, New York, N.Y.

John Joseph Murray, 32, Hoboken, N.J.

John Joseph Murray, 52, Colts Neck, N.J.

Susan D. Murray, 54, Summit, N.J.

Valerie Victoria Murray, 65, New York, N.Y.

Richard Todd Myhre, 37, New York, N.Y.

Lt. Robert B. Nagel, 55, New York, N.Y.

Takuya Nakamura, 30, Tuckahoe, N.Y.

Alexander J.R. Napier, 38, Morris Township, N.J.

Frank Joseph Naples, 29, Cliffside Park, N.J.

John Napolitano, 33, Ronkonkoma, N.Y.

Catherine A. Nardella, 40, Bloomfield, N.J.

Mario Nardone, 32, New York, N.Y.

Manika Narula, 22, Kings Park, N.Y.

Narender Nath, 33, Colonia, N.J.

Karen S. Navarro, 30, New York, N.Y.

Joseph M. Navas, 44, Paramus, N.J.

Francis J. Nazario, 28, Jersey City, N.J.

Glenroy Neblett, 42, New York, N.Y.

Marcus R. Neblett, 31, Roslyn Heights, N.Y.

Jerome O. Nedd, 39, New York, N.Y.

Laurence Nedell, 51, Lindenhurst, N.Y.

Luke G. Nee, 44, Stony Point, N.Y.

Pete Negron, 34, Bergenfield, N.J.

Ann Nicole Nelson, 30, New York, N.Y.

David William Nelson, 50, New York, N.Y.

James Nelson, 40, Clark, N.J.

Michele Ann Nelson, 27, Valley Stream, N.Y.

Peter Allen Nelson, 42, Huntington Station, N.Y.

Oscar Nesbitt, 58, New York, N.Y.

Gerard Terence Nevins, 46, Campbell Hall, N.Y.

Christopher Newton-Carter, 51, Middletown, N.J.

Kapinga Ngalula, 58, McKinney, Texas

Nancy Yuen Ngo, 36, Harrington Park, N.J.

Jody Tepedino Nichilo, 39, New York, N.Y.

Martin Niederer, 23, Hoboken, N.J.

Alfonse J. Niedermeyer, 40, Manasquan, N.J.

Frank John Niestadt, 55, Ronkonkoma, N.Y.

Gloria Nieves, 48, New York, N.Y.

Juan Nieves, 56, New York, N.Y.

Troy Edward Nilsen, 33, New York, N.Y.

Paul R. Nimbley, 42, Middletown, N.J.

John Ballantine Niven, 44, Oyster Bay, N.Y.

Katherine (Katie) McGarry Noack, 30, Hoboken, N.J.

Curtis Terrence Noel, 22, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

Daniel R. Nolan, 44, Hopatcong, N.J.

Robert Walter Noonan, 36, Norwalk, Conn.

Daniela R. Notaro, 25, New York, N.Y.

Brian Novotny, 33, Hoboken, N.J.

Soichi Numata, 45, Irvington, N.Y.

Brian Felix Nunez, 29, New York, N.Y.

Jose R. Nunez, 42, New York, N.Y.

Jeffrey Nussbaum, 37, Oceanside, N.Y.

James A. Oakley, 52, Cortlandt Manor, N.Y.

Dennis O’Berg, 28, Babylon, N.Y.

James P. O’Brien, 33, New York, N.Y.

Scott J. O’Brien, 40, New York, N.Y.

Timothy Michael O’Brien, 40, Brookville, N.Y.

Michael O’Brien, 42, Cedar Knolls, N.J.

Captain Daniel O’Callaghan, 42, Smithtown, N.Y.

Richard J. O’Connor, 49, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

Dennis J. O’Connor, 34, New York, N.Y.

Diana J. O’Connor, 38, Eastchester, N.Y.

Keith K. O’Connor, 28, Hoboken, N.J.

Amy O’Doherty, 23, New York, N.Y.

Marni Pont O’Doherty, 31, Armonk, N.Y.

Douglas Oelschlager, 36, New York, N.Y.

Takashi Ogawa, 37, Tokyo, Japan

Albert Ogletree, 49, New York, N.Y.

Philip Paul Ognibene, 39, New York, N.Y.

James Andrew O’Grady, 32, Harrington Park, N.J.

Joseph J. Ogren, 30, New York, N.Y.

Lt. Thomas O’Hagan, 43, New York, N.Y.

Samuel Oitice, 45, Peekskill, N.Y.

Patrick O’Keefe, 44, Oakdale, N.Y.

Capt. William O’Keefe, 49, New York, N.Y.

Gerald Michael Olcott, 55, New Hyde Park, N.Y.

Gerald O’Leary, 34, Stony Point, N.Y.

Christine Anne Olender, 39, New York, N.Y.

Elsy Carolina Osorio Oliva, 27, New York, N.Y.

Linda Mary Oliva, 44, New York, N.Y.

Edward K. Oliver, 31, Jackson, N.J.

Leah E. Oliver, 24, New York, N.Y.

Eric T. Olsen, 41, New York, N.Y.

Jeffrey James Olsen, 31, New York, N.Y.

Maureen L. Olson, 50, Rockville Centre, N.Y.

Steven John Olson, 38, New York, N.Y.

Matthew Timothy O’Mahony, 39, New York, N.Y.

Toshihiro Onda, 39, New York, N.Y.

Seamus L. Oneal, 52, New York, N.Y.

John P. O’Neill, 49, New York, N.Y.

Sean Gordon Corbett O’Neill, 34, Rye, N.Y.

Peter J. O’Neill, 21, Amityville, N.Y.

Michael C. Opperman, 45, Selden, N.Y.

Christopher Orgielewicz, 35, Larchmont, N.Y.

Margaret Orloske, 50, Windsor, Conn.

Virginia A. Ormiston, 42, New York, N.Y.

Kevin O’Rourke, 44, Hewlett, N.Y.

Juan Romero Orozco, Acatlan de Osorio, Puebla, Mexico

Ronald Orsini, 59, Hillsdale, N.J.

Peter K. Ortale, 37, New York, N.Y.

Emilio (Peter) Ortiz, 38, New York, N.Y.

David Ortiz, 37, Nanuet, N.Y.

Paul Ortiz, 21, New York, N.Y.

Sonia Ortiz, 58, New York, N.Y.

Alexander Ortiz, 36, Ridgewood, N.Y.

Pablo Ortiz, 49, New York, N.Y.

Masaru Ose, 36, Fort Lee, N.J.

Robert W. O’Shea, 47, Wall, N.J.

Patrick J. O’Shea, 45, Farmingdale, N.Y.

James Robert Ostrowski, 37, Garden City, N.Y.

Timothy O’Sullivan, 68, Albrightsville, Pa.

Jason Douglas Oswald, 28, New York, N.Y.

Michael Otten, 42, East Islip, N.Y.

Isidro Ottenwalder, 35, New York, N.Y.

Michael Chung Ou, 53, New York, N.Y.

Todd Joseph Ouida, 25, River Edge, N.J.

Jesus Ovalles, 60, New York, N.Y.

Peter J. Owens, 42, Williston Park, N.Y.

Adianes Oyola, 23, New York, N.Y.

Angel M. Pabon, 54, New York, N.Y.

Israel Pabon, 31, New York, N.Y.

Roland Pacheco, 25, New York, N.Y.

Michael Benjamin Packer, 45, New York, N.Y.

Deepa K. Pakkala, 31, Stewartsville, N.J.

Jeffrey Matthew Palazzo, 33, New York, N.Y.

Thomas Anthony Palazzo, 44, Armonk, N.Y.

Richard (Rico) Palazzolo, 39, New York, N.Y.

Orio Joseph Palmer, 45, Valley Stream, N.Y.

Frank A. Palombo, 46, New York, N.Y.

Alan N. Palumbo, 42, New York, N.Y.

Christopher M. Panatier, 36, Rockville Centre, N.Y.

Dominique Pandolfo, 27, Hoboken, N.J.

Paul Pansini, 34, New York, N.Y.

John M. Paolillo, 51, Glen Head, N.Y.

Edward J. Papa, 47, Oyster Bay, N.Y.

Salvatore Papasso, 34, New York, N.Y.

James N. Pappageorge, 29, Yonkers, N.Y.

Vinod K. Parakat, 34, Sayreville, N.J.

Vijayashanker Paramsothy, 23, New York, N.Y.

Nitin Ramesh Parandkar, 28, Waltham, Mass.

Hardai (Casey) Parbhu, 42, New York, N.Y.

James Wendell Parham, 32, New York, N.Y.

Debra (Debbie) Paris, 48, New York, N.Y.

George Paris, 33, New York, N.Y.

Gye-Hyong Park, 28, New York, N.Y.

Philip L. Parker, 53, Skillman, N.J.

Michael A. Parkes, 27, New York, N.Y.

Robert Emmett Parks, 47, Middletown, N.J.

Hasmukhrai Chuckulal Parmar, 48, Warren, N.J.

Robert Parro, 35, Levittown, N.Y.

Diane Marie Moore Parsons, 58, Malta, N.Y.

Leobardo Lopez Pascual, 41, New York, N.Y.

Michael J. Pascuma, 50, Massapequa Park, N.Y.

Jerrold H. Paskins, 56, Anaheim Hills, Calif.

Horace Robert Passananti, 55, New York, N.Y.

Suzanne H. Passaro, 38, East Brunswick, N.J.

Victor Antonio Martinez Pastrana, 38, Tlachichuca, Puebla, Mexico

Manish K. Patel, 29, Edison, N.J.

Avnish Ramanbhai Patel, 28, New York, N.Y.

Dipti Patel, 38, New Hyde Park, N.Y.

Steven B. Paterson, 40, Ridgewood, N.J.

James Matthew Patrick, 30, Norwalk, Conn.

Manuel Patrocino, 34, New York, N.Y.

Bernard E. Patterson, 46, Upper Brookville, N.Y.

Cira Marie Patti, 40, New York, N.Y.

Robert Edward Pattison, 40, New York, N.Y.

James R. Paul, 58, New York, N.Y.

Sharon Cristina Millan Paz, 31, New York, N.Y.

Patrice Paz, 52, New York, N.Y.

Victor Paz-Gutierrez, 43, New York, N.Y.

Stacey L. Peak, 36, New York, N.Y.

Richard Allen Pearlman, 18, New York, N.Y.

Durrell Pearsall, 34, Hempstead, N.Y.

Thomas E. Pedicini, 30, Hicksville, N.Y.

Todd D. Pelino, 34, Fair Haven, N.J.

Michel Adrian Pelletier, 36, Greenwich, Conn.

Anthony Peluso, 46, New York, N.Y.

Angel Ramon Pena, 45, River Vale, N.J.

Richard Al Penny, 53, New York, N.Y.

Salvatore F. Pepe, 45, New York, N.Y.

Carl Allen Peralta, 37, New York, N.Y.

Robert David Peraza, 30, New York, N.Y.

Jon A. Perconti, 32, Brick, N.J.

Alejo Perez, 66, Union City, N.J.

Angel Perez, 43, Jersey City, N.J.

Angela Susan Perez, 35, New York, N.Y.

Ivan Perez, 37, New York, N.Y.

Nancy E. Perez, 36, Secaucus, N.J.

Anthony Perez, 33, Locust Valley, N.Y.

Joseph John Perroncino, 33, Smithtown, N.Y.

Edward J. Perrotta, 43, Mount Sinai, N.Y.

Lt. Glenn C. Perry, 41, Monroe, N.Y.

Emelda Perry, 52, Elmont, N.Y.

John William Perry, 38, New York, N.Y.

Franklin Allan Pershep, 59, New York, N.Y.

Daniel Pesce, 34, New York, N.Y.

Michael J. Pescherine, 32, New York, N.Y.

Davin Peterson, 25, New York, N.Y.

William Russel Peterson, 46, New York, N.Y.

Mark Petrocelli, 28, New York, N.Y.

Lt. Philip S. Petti, 43, New York, N.Y.

Glen Kerrin Pettit, 30, Oakdale, N.Y.

Dominick Pezzulo, 36, New York, N.Y.

Kaleen E. Pezzuti, 28, Fair Haven, N.J.

Lt. Kevin Pfeifer, 42, New York, N.Y.

Tu-Anh Pham, 42, Princeton, N.J.

Lt. Kenneth John Phelan, 41, New York, N.Y.

Michael V. San Phillip, 55, Ridgewood, N.J.

Eugenia Piantieri, 55, New York, N.Y.

Ludwig John Picarro, 44, Basking Ridge, N.J.

Matthew Picerno, 44, Holmdel, N.J.

Joseph O. Pick, 40, Hoboken, N.J.

Christopher Pickford, 32, New York, N.Y.

Dennis J. Pierce, 54, New York, N.Y.

Joseph A. Della Pietra, 24, New York, N.Y.

Bernard T. Pietronico, 39, Matawan, N.J.

Nicholas P. Pietrunti, 38, Belford, N.J.

Theodoros Pigis, 60, New York, N.Y.

Susan Elizabeth Ancona Pinto, 44, New York, N.Y.

Joseph Piskadlo, 48, North Arlington, N.J.

Christopher Todd Pitman, 30, New York, N.Y.

Josh Michael Piver, 23, New York, N.Y.

Joseph Plumitallo, 45, Manalapan, N.J.

John M. Pocher, 36, Middletown, N.J.

William Howard Pohlmann, 56, Ardsley, N.Y.

Laurence M. Polatsch, 32, New York, N.Y.

Thomas H. Polhemus, 39, Morris Plains, N.J.

Steve Pollicino, 48, Plainview, N.Y.

Susan M. Pollio, 45, Long Beach Township, N.J.

Joshua Poptean, 37, New York, N.Y.

Giovanna Porras, 24, New York, N.Y.

Anthony Portillo, 48, New York, N.Y.

James Edward Potorti, 52, Princeton, N.J.

Daphne Pouletsos, 47, Westwood, N.J.

Richard Poulos, 55, Levittown, N.Y.

Stephen E. Poulos, 45, Basking Ridge, N.J.

Brandon Jerome Powell, 26, New York, N.Y.

Shawn Edward Powell, 32, New York, N.Y.

Tony Pratt, 43, New York, N.Y.

Gregory M. Preziose, 34, Holmdel, N.J.

Wanda Ivelisse Prince, 30, New York, N.Y.

Vincent Princiotta, 39, Orangeburg, N.Y.

Kevin Prior, 28, Bellmore, N.Y.

Everett Martin (Marty) Proctor, 44, New York, N.Y.

Carrie B. Progen, 25, New York, N.Y.

David Lee Pruim, 53, Upper Montclair, N.J.

Richard Prunty, 57, Sayville, N.Y.

John F. Puckett, 47, Glen Cove, N.Y.

Robert D. Pugliese, 47, East Fishkill, N.Y.

Edward F. Pullis, 34, Hazlet, N.J.

Patricia Ann Puma, 33, New York, N.Y.

Hemanth Kumar Puttur, 26, White Plains, N.Y.

Edward R. Pykon, 33, Princeton, N.J.

Christopher Quackenbush, 44, Manhasset, N.Y.

Lars Peter Qualben, 49, New York, N.Y.

Lincoln Quappe, 38, Sayville, N.Y.

Beth Ann Quigley, 25, New York, N.Y.

Lt. Michael Quilty, 42, New York, N.Y.

Ricardo Quinn, 40, New York, N.Y.

James Francis Quinn, 23, New York, N.Y.

Carol Rabalais, 38, New York, N.Y.

Christopher Peter A. Racaniello, 30, New York, N.Y.

Leonard Ragaglia, 36, New York, N.Y.

Eugene J. Raggio, 55, New York, N.Y.

Laura Marie Ragonese-Snik, 41, Bangor, Pa.

Michael Ragusa, 29, New York, N.Y.

Peter F. Raimondi, 46, New York, N.Y.

Harry A. Raines, 37, New York, N.Y.

Ehtesham U. Raja, 28, Clifton, N.J.

Valsa Raju, 39, Yonkers, N.Y.

Edward Rall, 44, Holbrook, N.Y.

Lukas (Luke) Rambousek, 27, New York, N.Y.

Julio Fernandez Ramirez, 51, New York, N.Y.

Maria Isabel Ramirez, 25, New York, N.Y.

Harry Ramos, 41, Newark, N.J.

Vishnoo Ramsaroop, 44, New York, N.Y.

Lorenzo Ramzey, 48, East Northport, N.Y.

  1. Todd Rancke, 42, Summit, N.J.

Adam David Rand, 30, Bellmore, N.Y.

Jonathan C. Randall, 42, New York, N.Y.

Srinivasa Shreyas Ranganath, 26, Hackensack, N.J.

Anne Rose T. Ransom, 45, Edgewater, N.J.

Faina Rapoport, 45, New York, N.Y.

Robert Arthur Rasmussen, 42, Hinsdale, Ill.

Amenia Rasool, 33, New York, N.Y.

Roger Mark Rasweiler, 53, Flemington, N.J.

David Alan James Rathkey, 47, Mountain Lakes, N.J.

William Ralph Raub, 38, Saddle River, N.J.

Gerard Rauzi, 42, New York, N.Y.

Alexey Razuvaev, 40, New York, N.Y.

Gregory Reda, 33, New Hyde Park, N.Y.

Sarah Prothero Redheffer, 35, London, England

Michele Reed, 26, Ringoes, N.J.

Judith A. Reese, 56, Kearny, N.J.

Donald J. Regan, 47, Wallkill, N.Y.

Lt. Robert M. Regan, 48, Floral Park, N.Y.

Thomas M. Regan, 43, Cranford, N.J.

Christian Michael Otto Regenhard, 28, New York, N.Y.

Howard Reich, 59, New York, N.Y.

Gregg Reidy, 26, Holmdel, N.J.

Kevin O. Reilly, 28, New York, N.Y.

James Brian Reilly, 25, New York, N.Y.

Timothy E. Reilly, 40, New York, N.Y.

Joseph Reina, 32, New York, N.Y.

Thomas Barnes Reinig, 48, Bernardsville, N.J.

Frank B. Reisman, 41, Princeton, N.J.

Joshua Scott Reiss, 23, New York, N.Y.

Karen Renda, 52, New York, N.Y.

John Armand Reo, 28, Larchmont, N.Y.

Richard Rescorla, 62, Morristown, N.J.

John Thomas Resta, 40, New York, N.Y.

Sylvia San Pio Resta, 26, New York, N.Y.

Eduvigis (Eddie) Reyes, 37, New York, N.Y.

Bruce A. Reynolds, 41, Columbia, N.J.

John Frederick Rhodes, 57, Howell, N.J.

Francis S. Riccardelli, 40, Westwood, N.J.

Rudolph N. Riccio, 50, New York, N.Y.

AnnMarie (Davi) Riccoboni, 58, New York, N.Y.

Eileen Mary Rice, 57, New York, N.Y.

David Rice, 31, New York, N.Y.

Kenneth F. Rice, 34, Hicksville, N.Y.

Lt. Vernon Allan Richard, 53, Nanuet, N.Y.

Claude D. Richards, 46, New York, N.Y.

Gregory Richards, 30, New York, N.Y.

Michael Richards, 38, New York, N.Y.

Venesha O. Richards, 26, North Brunswick, N.J.

James C. Riches, 29, New York, N.Y.

Alan Jay Richman, 44, New York, N.Y.

John M. Rigo, 48, New York, N.Y.

Theresa (Ginger) Risco, 48, New York, N.Y.

Rose Mary Riso, 55, New York, N.Y.

Moises N. Rivas, 29, New York, N.Y.

Joseph Rivelli, 43, New York, N.Y.

Isaias Rivera, 51, Perth Amboy, N.J.

Linda Rivera, 26, New York, N.Y.

Juan William Rivera, 27, New York, N.Y.

Carmen A. Rivera, 33, Westtown, N.Y.

David E. Rivers, 40, New York, N.Y.

Joseph R. Riverso, 34, White Plains, N.Y.

Paul Rizza, 34, Park Ridge, N.J.

John Frank Rizzo, 50, New York, N.Y.

Stephen Louis Roach, 36, Verona, N.J.

Joseph Roberto, 37, Midland Park, N.J.

Leo A. Roberts, 44, Wayne, N.J.

Michael Roberts, 30, New York, N.Y.

Michael Edward Roberts, 31, New York, N.Y.

Donald Walter Robertson, 35, Rumson, N.J.

Catherina Robinson, 45, New York, N.Y.

Jeffrey Robinson, 38, Monmouth Junction, N.J.

Michell Lee Robotham, 32, Kearny, N.J.

Donald Robson, 52, Manhasset, N.Y.

Antonio Augusto Tome Rocha, 34, East Hanover, N.J.

Raymond J. Rocha, 29, Malden, Mass.

Laura Rockefeller, 41, New York, N.Y.

John M. Rodak, 39, Mantua, N.J.

Antonio Jose Carrusca Rodrigues, 35, Port Washington, N.Y.

Anthony Rodriguez, 36, New York, N.Y.

Carmen Milagros Rodriguez, 46, Freehold, N.J.

Marsha A. Rodriguez, 41, West Paterson, N.J.

Richard Rodriguez, 31, Cliffwood, N.J.

Gregory E. Rodriguez, 31, White Plains, N.Y.

David B. Rodriguez-Vargas, 44, New York, N.Y.

Matthew Rogan, 37, West Islip, N.Y.

Karlie Barbara Rogers, 25, London, England

Scott Rohner, 22, Hoboken, N.J.

Keith Roma, 27, New York, N.Y.

Joseph M. Romagnolo, 37, Coram, N.Y.

Elvin Santiago Romero, 34, Matawan, N.J.

Efrain Franco Romero, 57, Hazleton, Pa.

James A. Romito, 51, Westwood, N.J.

Sean Rooney, 50, Stamford, Conn.

Eric Thomas Ropiteau, 24, New York, N.Y.

Aida Rosario, 42, Jersey City, N.J.

Angela Rosario, 27, New York, N.Y.

Fitzroy St. Rose, 40, New York, N.Y.

Mark H. Rosen, 45, West Islip, N.Y.

Linda Rosenbaum, 41, Little Falls, N.J.

Brooke David Rosenbaum, 31, Franklin Square, N.Y.

Sheryl Lynn Rosenbaum, 33, Warren, N.J.

Lloyd D. Rosenberg, 31, Morganville, N.J.

Mark Louis Rosenberg, 26, Teaneck, N.J.

Andrew I. Rosenblum, 45, Rockville Centre, N.Y.

Joshua M. Rosenblum, 28, Hoboken, N.J.

Joshua A. Rosenthal, 44, New York, N.Y.

Richard David Rosenthal, 50, Fair Lawn, N.J.

Daniel Rossetti, 32, Bloomfield, N.J.

Norman Rossinow, 39, Cedar Grove, N.J.

Nicholas P. Rossomando, 35, New York, N.Y.

Michael Craig Rothberg, 39, Greenwich, Conn.

Donna Marie Rothenberg, 53, New York, N.Y.

Nick Rowe, 29, Hoboken, N.J.

Timothy A. Roy, 36, Massapequa Park, N.Y.

Paul G. Ruback, 50, Newburgh, N.Y.

Ronald J. Ruben, 36, Hoboken, N.J.

Joanne Rubino, 45, New York, N.Y.

David Michael Ruddle, 31, New York, N.Y.

Bart Joseph Ruggiere, 32, New York, N.Y.

Susan Ann Ruggiero, 30, Plainview, N.Y.

Adam K. Ruhalter, 40, Plainview, N.Y.

Gilbert Ruiz, 57, New York, N.Y.

Stephen P. Russell, 40, Rockaway Beach, N.Y.

Steven Harris Russin, 32, Mendham, N.J.

Lt. Michael Thomas Russo, 44, Nesconset, N.Y.

Wayne Alan Russo, 37, Union, N.J.

John J. Ryan, 45, West Windsor, N.J.

Edward Ryan, 42, Scarsdale, N.Y.

Jonathan Stephan Ryan, 32, Bayville, N.Y.

Matthew Lancelot Ryan, 54, Seaford, N.Y.

Kristin A. Irvine Ryan, 30, New York, N.Y.

Tatiana Ryjova, 36, South Salem, N.Y.

Christina Sunga Ryook, 25, New York, N.Y.

Thierry Saada, 27, New York, N.Y.

Jason E. Sabbag, 26, New York, N.Y.

Thomas E. Sabella, 44, New York, N.Y.

Scott Saber, 36, New York, N.Y.

Joseph Sacerdote, 48, Freehold, N.J.

Mohammad Ali Sadeque, 62, New York, N.Y.

Francis J. Sadocha, 41, Huntington, N.Y.

Jude Elias Safi, 24, New York, N.Y.

Brock Joel Safronoff, 26, New York, N.Y.

Edward Saiya, 49, New York, N.Y.

John Patrick Salamone, 37, North Caldwell, N.J.

Hernando R. Salas, 71, New York, N.Y.

Juan Salas, 35, New York, N.Y.

Esmerlin Salcedo, 36, New York, N.Y.

John Salvatore Salerno, 31, Westfield, N.J.

Richard L. Salinardi, 32, Hoboken, N.J.

Wayne John Saloman, 43, Seaford, N.Y.

Nolbert Salomon, 33, New York, N.Y.

Catherine Patricia Salter, 37, New York, N.Y.

Frank Salvaterra, 41, Manhasset, N.Y.

Paul R. Salvio, 27, New York, N.Y.

Samuel R. Salvo, 59, Yonkers, N.Y.

Carlos Samaniego, 29, New York, N.Y.

Rena Sam-Dinnoo, 28, New York, N.Y.

James Kenneth Samuel, 29, Hoboken, N.J.

Hugo Sanay-Perafiel, 41, New York, N.Y.

Alva Jeffries Sanchez, 41, Hempstead, N.Y.

Jacquelyn P. Sanchez, 23, New York, N.Y.

Erick Sanchez, 43, New York, N.Y.

Eric Sand, 36, Westchester, N.Y.

Stacey Leigh Sanders, 25, New York, N.Y.

Herman Sandler, 57, New York, N.Y.

James Sands, 39, Bricktown, N.J.

Ayleen J. Santiago, 40, New York, N.Y.

Kirsten Santiago, 26, New York, N.Y.

Maria Theresa Santillan, 27, Morris Plains, N.J.

Susan G. Santo, 24, New York, N.Y.

Christopher Santora, 23, New York, N.Y.

John Santore, 49, New York, N.Y.

Mario L. Santoro, 28, New York, N.Y.

Rafael Humberto Santos, 42, New York, N.Y.

Rufino Conrado F. (Roy) Santos, 37, New York, N.Y.

Kalyan K. Sarkar, 53, Westwood, N.J.

Chapelle Sarker, 37, New York, N.Y.

Paul F. Sarle, 38, Babylon, N.Y.

Deepika Kumar Sattaluri, 33, Edison, N.J.

Gregory Thomas Saucedo, 31, New York, N.Y.

Susan Sauer, 48, Chicago, Ill.

Anthony Savas, 72, New York, N.Y.

Vladimir Savinkin, 21, New York, N.Y.

John Sbarbaro, 45, New York, N.Y.

Robert L. Scandole, 36, Pelham Manor, N.Y.

Michelle Scarpitta, 26, New York, N.Y.

Dennis Scauso, 46, Dix Hills, N.Y.

John A. Schardt, 34, New York, N.Y.

John G. Scharf, 29, Manorville, N.Y.

Fred Claude Scheffold, 57, Piermont, N.Y.

Angela Susan Scheinberg, 46, New York, N.Y.

Scott M. Schertzer, 28, Edison, N.J.

Sean Schielke, 27, New York, N.Y.

Steven Francis Schlag, 41, Franklin Lakes, N.J.

Jon S. Schlissel, 51, Jersey City, N.J.

Karen Helene Schmidt, 42, Bellmore, N.Y.

Ian Schneider, 45, Short Hills, N.J.

Thomas G. Schoales, 27, Stony Point, N.Y.

Marisa Di Nardo Schorpp, 38, White Plains, N.Y.

Frank G. Schott, 39, Massapequa Park, N.Y.

Gerard P. Schrang, 45, Holbrook, N.Y.

Jeffrey Schreier, 48, New York, N.Y.

John T. Schroeder, 31, Hoboken, N.J.

Susan Lee Kennedy Schuler, 55, Allentown, N.J.

Edward W. Schunk, 54, Baldwin, N.Y.

Mark E. Schurmeier, 44, McLean, Va.

Clarin Shellie Schwartz, 51, New York, N.Y.

John Schwartz, 49, Goshen, Conn.

Mark Schwartz, 50, West Hempstead, N.Y.

Adriane Victoria Scibetta, 31, New York, N.Y.

Raphael Scorca, 61, Beachwood, N.J.

Randolph Scott, 48, Stamford, Conn.

Christopher J. Scudder, 34, Monsey, N.Y.

Arthur Warren Scullin, 57, New York, N.Y.

Michael Seaman, 41, Manhasset, N.Y.

Margaret Seeliger, 34, New York, N.Y.

Carlos Segarra, 54, New York, N.Y.

Anthony Segarra, 52, New York, N.Y.

Jason Sekzer, 31, New York, N.Y.

Matthew Carmen Sellitto, 23, Morristown, N.J.

Howard Selwyn, 47, Hewlett, N.Y.

Larry John Senko, 34, Yardley, Pa.

Arturo Angelo Sereno, 29, New York, N.Y.

Frankie Serrano, 23, Elizabeth, N.J.

Alena Sesinova, 57, New York, N.Y.

Adele Sessa, 36, New York, N.Y.

Sita Nermalla Sewnarine, 37, New York, N.Y.

Karen Lynn Seymour-Dietrich, 40, Millington, N.J.

Davis (Deeg) Sezna, 22, New York, N.Y.

Thomas Joseph Sgroi, 45, New York, N.Y.

Jayesh Shah, 38, Edgewater, N.J.

Khalid M. Shahid, 25, Union, N.J.

Mohammed Shajahan, 41, Spring Valley, N.Y.

Gary Shamay, 23, New York, N.Y.

Earl Richard Shanahan, 50, New York, N.Y.

Shiv Shankar, New York, N.Y.

Neil G. Shastri, 25, New York, N.Y.

Kathryn Anne Shatzoff, 37, New York, N.Y.

Barbara A. Shaw, 57, Morris Township, N.J.

Jeffrey J. Shaw, 42, Levittown, N.Y.

Robert J. Shay, 27, New York, N.Y.

Daniel James Shea, 37, Pelham Manor, N.Y.

Joseph Patrick Shea, 47, Pelham, N.Y.

Linda Sheehan, 40, New York, N.Y.

Hagay Shefi, 34, Tenafly, N.J.

John Anthony Sherry, 34, Rockville Centre, N.Y.

Atsushi Shiratori, 36, New York, N.Y.

Thomas Shubert, 43, New York, N.Y.

Mark Shulman, 47, Old Bridge, N.J.

See-Wong Shum, 44, Westfield, N.J.

Allan Shwartzstein, 37, Chappaqua, N.Y.

Johanna Sigmund, 25, Wyndmoor, Pa.

Dianne T. Signer, 32, New York, N.Y.

Gregory Sikorsky, 34, Spring Valley, N.Y.

Stephen Gerard Siller, 34, West Brighton, N.Y.

David Silver, 35, New Rochelle, N.Y.

Craig A. Silverstein, 41, Wyckoff, N.J.

Nasima H. Simjee, 38, New York, N.Y.

Bruce Edward Simmons, 41, Ridgewood, N.J.

Arthur Simon, 57, Thiells, N.Y.

Kenneth Alan Simon, 34, Secaucus, N.J.

Michael John Simon, 40, Harrington Park, N.J.

Paul Joseph Simon, 54, New York, N.Y.

Marianne Simone, 62, New York, N.Y.

Barry Simowitz, 64, New York, N.Y.

Jeff Simpson, 38, Lake Ridge, Va.

Roshan R. (Sean) Singh, 21, New York, N.Y.

Khamladai K. (Khami) Singh, 25, New York, N.Y.

Thomas E. Sinton, 44, Croton-on-hudson, N.Y.

Peter A. Siracuse, 29, New York, N.Y.

Muriel F. Siskopoulos, 60, New York, N.Y.

Joseph M. Sisolak, 35, New York, N.Y.

John P. Skala, 31, Clifton, N.J.

Francis J. Skidmore, 58, Mendham, N.J.

Toyena Corliss Skinner, 27, Kingston, N.J.

Paul A. Skrzypek, 37, New York, N.Y.

Christopher Paul Slattery, 31, New York, N.Y.

Vincent R. Slavin, 41, Belle Harbor, N.Y.

Robert Sliwak, 42, Wantagh, N.Y.

Paul K. Sloan, 26, New York, N.Y.

Stanley S. Smagala, 36, Holbrook, N.Y.

Wendy L. Small, 26, New York, N.Y.

Catherine T. Smith, 44, West Haverstraw, N.Y.

Daniel Laurence Smith, 47, Northport, N.Y.

George Eric Smith, 38, West Chester, Pa.

James G. Smith, 43, Garden City, N.Y.

Joyce Smith, 55, New York, N.Y.

Karl Trumbull Smith, 44, Little Silver, N.J.

Kevin Smith, 47, Mastic, N.Y.

Leon Smith, 48, New York, N.Y.

Moira Smith, 38, New York, N.Y.

Rosemary A. Smith, 61, New York, N.Y.

Sandra Fajardo Smith, 37, New York, N.Y.

Jeffrey Randall Smith, 36, New York, N.Y.

Bonnie S. Smithwick, 54, Quogue, N.Y.

Rochelle Monique Snell, 24, Mount Vernon, N.Y.

Leonard J. Snyder, 35, Cranford, N.J.

Astrid Elizabeth Sohan, 32, Freehold, N.J.

Sushil Solanki, 35, New York, N.Y.

Ruben Solares, 51, New York, N.Y.

Naomi Leah Solomon, 52, New York, N.Y.

Daniel W. Song, 34, New York, N.Y.

Michael C. Sorresse, 34, Morris Plains, N.J.

Fabian Soto, 31, Harrison, N.J.

Timothy P. Soulas, 35, Basking Ridge, N.J.

Gregory T. Spagnoletti, 32, New York, N.Y.

Donald F. Spampinato, 39, Manhasset, N.Y.

Thomas Sparacio, 35, New York, N.Y.

John Anthony Spataro, 32, Mineola, N.Y.

Robert W. Spear, 30, Valley Cottage, N.Y.

Maynard S. Spence, 42, Douglasville, Ga.

George E. Spencer, 50, West Norwalk, Conn.

Robert Andrew Spencer, 35, Red Bank, N.J.

Mary Rubina Sperando, 39, New York, N.Y.

Frank J. Spinelli, 44, Short Hills, N.J.

William E. Spitz, 49, Oceanside, N.Y.

Joseph P. Spor, 35, Yorktown Heights, N.Y.

Klaus Johannes Sprockamp, 42, Muhltal, Germany

Saranya Srinuan, 23, New York, N.Y.

Michael F. Stabile, 50, New York, N.Y.

Lawrence T. Stack, 58, Lake Ronkonkoma, N.Y.

Capt. Timothy Stackpole, 42, New York, N.Y.

Richard James Stadelberger, 55, Middletown, N.J.

Eric A. Stahlman, 43, Holmdel Township, N.J.

Gregory M. Stajk, 46, Long Beach, N.Y.

Corina Stan, 31, Middle Village, N.Y.

Alexandru Liviu Stan, 34, New York, N.Y.

Mary D. Stanley, 53, New York, N.Y.

Joyce Stanton

Patricia Stanton

Anthony M. Starita, 35, Westfield, N.J.

Jeffrey Stark, 30, New York, N.Y.

Derek James Statkevicus, 30, Norwalk, Conn.

Craig William Staub, 30, Basking Ridge, N.J.

William V. Steckman, 56, West Hempstead, N.Y.

Eric Thomas Steen, 32, New York, N.Y.

William R. Steiner, 56, New Hope, Pa.

Alexander Robbins Steinman, 32, Hoboken, N.J.

Andrew Stergiopoulos, 23, New York, N.Y.

Andrew Stern, 41, Bellmore, N.Y.

Martha Jane Stevens, 55, New York, N.Y.

Richard H. Stewart, 35, New York, N.Y.

Michael James Stewart, 42, New York, N.Y.

Sanford M. Stoller, 54, New York, N.Y.

Lonny J. Stone, 43, Bellmore, N.Y.

Jimmy Nevill Storey, 58, Katy, Texas

Timothy Stout, 42, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.

Thomas S. Strada, 41, Chatham, N.J.

James J. Straine, 36, Oceanport, N.J.

Edward W. Straub, 48, Morris Township, N.J.

George Strauch, 53, Avon-by-the-Sea, N.J.

Edward T. Strauss, 44, Edison, N.J.

Steven R. Strauss, 51, Fresh Meadows, N.Y.

Steven F. Strobert, 33, Ridgewood, N.J.

Walwyn W. Stuart, 28, Valley Stream, N.Y.

Benjamin Suarez, 36, New York, N.Y.

David S. Suarez, 24, Princeton, N.J.

Ramon Suarez, 45, New York, N.Y.

Yoichi Sugiyama, 34, Fort Lee, N.J.

William Christopher Sugra, 30, New York, N.Y.

Daniel Suhr, 37, Nesconset, N.Y.

David Marc Sullins, 30, New York, N.Y.

Lt. Christopher P. Sullivan, 38, Massapequa, N.Y.

Patrick Sullivan, 32, New York, N.Y.

Thomas Sullivan, 38, Kearney, N.J.

Hilario Soriano (Larry) Sumaya, 42, New York, N.Y.

James Joseph Suozzo, 47, Hauppauge, N.Y.

Colleen Supinski, 27, New York, N.Y.

Robert Sutcliffe, 39, Huntington, N.Y.

Selina Sutter, 63, New York, N.Y.

Claudia Suzette Sutton, 34, New York, N.Y.

John F. Swaine, 36, Larchmont, N.Y.

Kristine M. Swearson, 34, New York, N.Y.

Brian Edward Sweeney, 29, Merrick, N.Y.

Kenneth J. Swensen, 40, Chatham, N.J.

Thomas F. Swift, 30, Jersey City, N.J.

Derek O. Sword, 29, New York, N.Y.

Kevin T. Szocik, 27, Garden City, N.Y.

Gina Sztejnberg, 52, Ridgewood, N.J.

Norbert P. Szurkowski, 31, New York, N.Y.

Harry Taback, 56, New York, N.Y.

Joann Tabeek, 41, New York, N.Y.

Norma C. Taddei, 64, New York, N.Y.

Michael Taddonio, 39, Huntington, N.Y.

Keiji Takahashi, 42, Tenafly, N.J.

Keiichiro Takahashi, 53, Port Washington, N.Y.

Phyllis Gail Talbot, 53, New York, N.Y.

Robert R. Talhami, 40, Shrewsbury, N.J.

Sean Patrick Tallon, 26, Yonkers, N.Y.

Paul Talty, 40, Wantagh, N.Y.

Maurita Tam, 22, New York, N.Y.

Rachel Tamares, 30, New York, N.Y.

Hector Tamayo, 51, New York, N.Y.

Michael Andrew Tamuccio, 37, Pelham Manor, N.Y.

Kenichiro Tanaka, 52, Rye Brook, N.Y.

Rhondelle Cherie Tankard, 31, Devonshire, Bermuda

Michael Anthony Tanner, 44, Secaucus, N.J.

Dennis Gerard Taormina, 36, Montville, N.J.

Kenneth Joseph Tarantino, 39, Bayonne, N.J.

Allan Tarasiewicz, 45, New York, N.Y.

Ronald Tartaro, 39, Bridgewater, N.J.

Darryl Taylor, 52, New York, N.Y.

Donnie Brooks Taylor, 40, New York, N.Y.

Lorisa Ceylon Taylor, 31, New York, N.Y.

Michael M. Taylor, 42, New York, N.Y.

Paul A. Tegtmeier, 41, Hyde Park, N.Y.

Yeshavant Moreshwar Tembe, 59, Piscataway, N.J.

Anthony Tempesta, 38, Elizabeth, N.J.

Dorothy Temple, 52, New York, N.Y.

Stanley L. Temple, 77, New York, N.Y.

David Tengelin, 25, New York, N.Y.

Brian J. Terrenzi, 29, Hicksville, N.Y.

Lisa Marie Terry, 42, Rochester, Mich.

Goumatie T. Thackurdeen, 35, New York, N.Y.

Harshad Sham Thatte, 30, Norcross, Ga.

Thomas F. Theurkauf, 44, Stamford, Conn.

Lesley Anne Thomas, 40, Hoboken, N.J.

Brian T. Thompson, 49, Dix Hills, N.Y.

Clive Thompson, 43, Summit, N.J.

Glenn Thompson, 44, New York, N.Y.

Perry Anthony Thompson, 36, Mount Laurel, N.J.

Vanavah Alexi Thompson, 26, New York, N.Y.

Capt. William Harry Thompson, 51, New York, N.Y.

Nigel Bruce Thompson, 33, New York, N.Y.

Eric Raymond Thorpe, 35, New York, N.Y.

Nichola A. Thorpe, 22, New York, N.Y.

Sal Tieri, 40, Shrewsbury, N.J.

John Patrick Tierney, 27, New York, N.Y.

Mary Ellen Tiesi, 38, Jersey City, N.J.

William R. Tieste, 54, Basking Ridge, N.J.

Kenneth F. Tietjen, 31, Matawan, N.J.

Stephen Edward Tighe, 41, Rockville Centre, N.Y.

Scott C. Timmes, 28, Ridgewood, N.Y.

Michael E. Tinley, 56, Dallas, Texas

Jennifer M. Tino, 29, Livingston, N.J.

Robert Frank Tipaldi, 25, New York, N.Y.

John J. Tipping, 33, Port Jefferson, N.Y.

David Tirado, 26, New York, N.Y.

Hector Luis Tirado, 30, New York, N.Y.

Michelle Titolo, 34, Copiague, N.Y.

John J. Tobin, 47, Kenilworth, N.J.

Richard J. Todisco, 61, Wyckoff, N.J.

Vladimir Tomasevic, 36, Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada

Stephen K. Tompsett, 39, Garden City, N.Y.

Thomas Tong, 31, New York, N.Y.

Azucena de la Torre, 50, New York, N.Y.

Doris Torres, 32, New York, N.Y.

Luis Eduardo Torres, 31, New York, N.Y.

Amy E. Toyen, 24, Newton, Mass.

Christopher M. Traina, 25, Bricktown, N.J.

Daniel Patrick Trant, 40, Northport, N.Y.

Abdoul Karim Traore, 41, New York, N.Y.

Glenn J. Travers, 53, Tenafly, N.J.

Walter (Wally) P. Travers, 44, Upper Saddle River, N.J.

Felicia Traylor-Bass, 38, New York, N.Y.

Lisa L. Trerotola, 38, Hazlet, N.J.

Karamo Trerra, 40, New York, N.Y.

Michael Trinidad, 33, New York, N.Y.

Francis Joseph Trombino, 68, Clifton, N.J.

Gregory J. Trost, 26, New York, N.Y.

William Tselepis, 33, New Providence, N.J.

Zhanetta Tsoy, 32, Jersey City, N.J.

Michael Patrick Tucker, 40, Rumson, N.J.

Lance Richard Tumulty, 32, Bridgewater, N.J.

Ching Ping Tung, 44, New York, N.Y.

Simon James Turner, 39, London, England

Donald Joseph Tuzio, 51, Goshen, N.Y.

Robert T. Twomey, 48, New York, N.Y.

Jennifer Tzemis, 26, New York, N.Y.

John G. Ueltzhoeffer, 36, Roselle Park, N.J.

Tyler V. Ugolyn, 23, New York, N.Y.

Michael A. Uliano, 42, Aberdeen, N.J.

Jonathan J. Uman, 33, Westport, Conn.

Anil Shivhari Umarkar, 34, Hackensack, N.J.

Allen V. Upton, 44, New York, N.Y.

Diane Maria Urban, 50, Malverne, N.Y.

John Damien Vaccacio, 30, New York, N.Y.

Bradley H. Vadas, 37, Westport, Conn.

William Valcarcel, 54, New York, N.Y.

Mayra Valdes-Rodriguez, 39, New York, N.Y.

Felix Antonio Vale, 29, New York, N.Y.

Ivan Vale, 27, New York, N.Y.

Santos Valentin, 39, New York, N.Y.

Benito Valentin, 33, New York, N.Y.

Manuel Del Valle, 32, New York, N.Y.

Carlton Francis Valvo, 38, New York, N.Y.

Edward Raymond Vanacore, 29, Jersey City, N.J.

Jon C. Vandevander, 44, Ridgewood, N.J.

Frederick T. Varacchi, 35, Greenwich, Conn.

Gopalakrishnan Varadhan, 32, New York, N.Y.

David Vargas, 46, New York, N.Y.

Scott C. Vasel, 32, Park Ridge, N.J.

Santos Vasquez, 55, New York, N.Y.

Azael Ismael Vasquez, 21, New York, N.Y.

Arcangel Vazquez, 47, New York, N.Y.

Peter Anthony Vega, 36, New York, N.Y.

Sankara S. Velamuri, 63, Avenel, N.J.

Jorge Velazquez, 47, Passaic, N.J.

Lawrence Veling, 44, New York, N.Y.

Anthony M. Ventura, 41, Middletown, N.J.

David Vera, 41, New York, N.Y.

Loretta A, Vero, 51, Nanuet, N.Y.

Christopher Vialonga, 30, Demarest, N.J.

Matthew Gilbert Vianna, 23, Manhasset, N.Y.

Robert A. Vicario, 40, Weehawken, N.J.

Celeste Torres Victoria, 41, New York, N.Y.

Joanna Vidal, 26, Yonkers, N.Y.

John T. Vigiano, 36, West Islip, N.Y.

Joseph Vincent Vigiano, 34, Medford, N.Y.

Frank J. Vignola, 44, Merrick, N.Y.

Joseph B. Vilardo, 44, Stanhope, N.J.

Sergio Villanueva, 33, New York, N.Y.

Chantal Vincelli, 38, New York, N.Y.

Melissa Vincent, 28, Hoboken, N.J.

Francine A. Virgilio, 48, New York, N.Y.

Lawrence Virgilio, 38

Joseph G. Visciano, 22, New York, N.Y.

Joshua S. Vitale, 28, Great Neck, N.Y.

Maria Percoco Vola, 37, New York, N.Y.

Lynette D. Vosges, 48, New York, N.Y.

Garo H. Voskerijian, 43, Valley Stream, N.Y.

Alfred Vukosa, 37, New York, N.Y.

Gregory Wachtler, 25, Ramsey, N.J.

Gabriela Waisman, 33, New York, N.Y.

Wendy Alice Rosario Wakeford, 40, Freehold, N.J.

Courtney Wainsworth Walcott, 37, New York, N.Y.

Victor Wald, 49, New York, N.Y.

Benjamin Walker, 41, Suffern, N.Y.

Glen J. Wall, 38, Rumson, N.J.

Mitchel Scott Wallace, 34, Mineola, N.Y.

Lt. Robert F. Wallace, 43, New York, N.Y.

Roy Michael Wallace, 42, Wyckoff, N.J.

Peter G. Wallace, 66, Lincoln Park, N.J.

Jean Marie Wallendorf, 23, New York, N.Y.

Matthew Blake Wallens, 31, New York, N.Y.

John Wallice, 43, Huntington, N.Y.

Barbara P. Walsh, 59, New York, N.Y.

James Walsh, 37, Scotch Plains, N.J.

Jeffrey Patrick Walz, 37, Tuckahoe, N.Y.

Ching H. Wang, 59, New York, N.Y.

Weibin Wang, 41, Orangeburg, N.Y.

Lt. Michael Warchola, 51, Middle Village, N.Y.

Stephen Gordon Ward, 33, Gorham, Maine

James A. Waring, 49, New York, N.Y.

Brian G. Warner, 32, Morganville, N.J.

Derrick Washington, 33, Calverton, N.Y.

Charles Waters, 44, New York, N.Y.

James Thomas (Muddy) Waters, 39, New York, N.Y.

Capt. Patrick J. Waters, 44, New York, N.Y.

Kenneth Watson, 39, Smithtown, N.Y.

Michael H. Waye, 38, Morganville, N.J.

Walter E. Weaver, 30, Centereach, N.Y.

Todd C. Weaver, 30, New York, N.Y.

Nathaniel Webb, 56, Jersey City, N.J.

Dinah Webster, 50, Port Washington, N.Y.

Joanne Flora Weil, 39, New York, N.Y.

Michael Weinberg, 34, New York, N.Y.

Steven Weinberg, 41, New City, N.Y.

Scott Jeffrey Weingard, 29, New York, N.Y.

Steven Weinstein, 50, New York, N.Y.

Simon Weiser, 65, New York, N.Y.

David T. Weiss, 50, New York, N.Y.

David M. Weiss, 41, Maybrook, N.Y.

Vincent Michael Wells, 22, Redbridge, England

Timothy Matthew Welty, 34, Yonkers, N.Y.

Christian Hans Rudolf Wemmers, 43, San Francisco, Calif.

Ssu-Hui (Vanessa) Wen, 23, New York, N.Y.

Oleh D. Wengerchuk, 56, Centerport, N.Y.

Peter M. West, 54, Pottersville, N.J.

Whitfield West, 41, New York, N.Y.

Meredith Lynn Whalen, 23, Hoboken, N.J.

Eugene Whelan, 31, Rockaway Beach, N.Y.

John S. White, 48, New York, N.Y.

Edward James White, 30, New York, N.Y.

James Patrick White, 34, Hoboken, N.J.

Kenneth W. White, 50, New York, N.Y.

Leonard Anthony White, 57, New York, N.Y.

Malissa White, 37, New York, N.Y.

Wayne White, 38, New York, N.Y.

Adam S. White, 26, New York, N.Y.

Leanne Marie Whiteside, 31, New York, N.Y.

Mark Whitford, 31, Salisbury Mills, N.Y.

Michael T. Wholey, 34, Westwood, N.J.

Mary Lenz Wieman, 43, Rockville Centre, N.Y.

Jeffrey David Wiener, 33, New York, N.Y.

William J. Wik, 44, Crestwood, N.Y.

Alison Marie Wildman, 30, New York, N.Y.

Lt. Glenn Wilkinson, 46, Bayport, N.Y.

John C. Willett, 29, Jersey City, N.J.

Brian Patrick Williams, 29, New York, N.Y.

Crossley Williams, 28, Uniondale, N.Y.

David Williams, 34, New York, N.Y.

Deborah Lynn Williams, 35, Hoboken, N.J.

Kevin Michael Williams, 24, New York, N.Y.

Louis Calvin Williams, 53, Mandeville, La.

Louie Anthony Williams, 44, New York, N.Y.

Lt. John Williamson, 46, Warwick, N.Y.

Donna Wilson, 48, Williston Park, N.Y.

William E. Wilson, 58, New York, N.Y.

Cynthia Wilson, 52, New York, N.Y.

David H. Winton, 29, New York, N.Y.

Glenn J. Winuk, 40, New York, N.Y.

Thomas Francis Wise, 43, New York, N.Y.

Alan L. Wisniewski, 47, Howell, N.J.

Frank T. Wisniewski, 54, Basking Ridge, N.J.

David Wiswall, 54, North Massapequa, N.Y.

Sigrid Charlotte Wiswe, 41, New York, N.Y.

Michael R. Wittenstein, 34, Hoboken, N.J.

Christopher W. Wodenshek, 35, Ridgewood, N.J.

Martin P. Wohlforth, 47, Greenwich, Conn.

Katherine S. Wolf, 40, New York, N.Y.

Jenny Seu Kueng Low Wong, 25, New York, N.Y.

Jennifer Y. Wong, 26, New York, N.Y.

Siu Cheung Wong, 34, Jersey City, N.J.

Yin Ping (Steven) Wong, 34, New York, N.Y.

Yuk Ping Wong, 47, New York, N.Y.

Brent James Woodall, 31, Oradell, N.J.

James J. Woods, 26, New York, N.Y.

Patrick Woods, 36, New York, N.Y.

Richard Herron Woodwell, 44, Ho-Ho-Kus, N.J.

Capt. David Terence Wooley, 54, Nanuet, N.Y.

John Bentley Works, 36, Darien, Conn.

Martin Michael Wortley, 29, Park Ridge, N.J.

Rodney James Wotton, 36, Middletown, N.J.

William Wren, 61, Lynbrook, N.Y.

John Wright, 33, Rockville Centre, N.Y.

Neil R. Wright, 30, Asbury, N.J.

Sandra Wright, 57, Langhorne, Pa.

Jupiter Yambem, 41, Beacon, N.Y.

Suresh Yanamadala, 33, Plainsboro, N.J.

Matthew David Yarnell, 26, Jersey City, N.J.

Myrna Yaskulka, 59, New York, N.Y.

Shakila Yasmin, 26, New York, N.Y.

Olabisi L. Yee, 38, New York, N.Y.

Edward P. York, 45, Wilton, Conn.

Kevin Patrick York, 41, Princeton, N.J.

Raymond York, 45, Valley Stream, N.Y.

Suzanne Youmans, 60, New York, N.Y.

Jacqueline (Jakki) Young, 37, New York, N.Y.

Barrington L. Young, 35, New York, N.Y.

Elkin Yuen, 32, New York, N.Y.

Joseph Zaccoli, 39, Valley Stream, N.Y.

Adel Agayby Zakhary, 50, North Arlington, N.J.

Arkady Zaltsman, 45, New York, N.Y.

Edwin J. Zambrana, 24, New York, N.Y.

Robert Alan Zampieri, 30, Saddle River, N.J.

Mark Zangrilli, 36, Pompton Plains, N.J.

Ira Zaslow, 55, North Woodmere, N.Y.

Kenneth Albert Zelman, 37, Succasunna, N.J.

Abraham J. Zelmanowitz, 55, New York, N.Y.

Martin Morales Zempoaltecatl, 22, New York, N.Y.

Zhe (Zack) Zeng, 28, New York, N.Y.

Marc Scott Zeplin, 33, Harrison, N.Y.

Jie Yao Justin Zhao, 27, New York, N.Y.

Ivelin Ziminski, 40, Tarrytown, N.Y.

Michael Joseph Zinzi, 37, Newfoundland, N.J.

Charles A. Zion, 54, Greenwich, Conn.

Julie Lynne Zipper, 44, Paramus, N.J.

Salvatore J. Zisa, 45, Hawthorne, N.J.

Prokopios Paul Zois, 46, Lynbrook, N.Y.

Joseph J. Zuccala, 54, Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y.

Andrew Steven Zucker, 27, New York, N.Y.

Igor Zukelman, 29, New York, N.Y.

The Pentagon (Arlington Co., Virginia)

Lt. Col. Canfield Boone, 54, Clifton, VA

Sgt. First Class Jose Calderon, 44, Puerto Rico

Lt. Col. Jerry Dickerson, 41, Durant, MS

Maj. Wallace Cole Hogan Jr., 40, FL

Lt. Col. Stephen Neil Hyland Jr., 45, Burke, VA

Sgt. Maj. Lacey Ivory, 43, Woodbridge, VA

Lt. Col. Dennis Johnson, 48, Port Edwards, WI

Maj. Steve Long, 39, GA

Lt. Col. Dean Mattson, 57, CA

Lt. Gen. Timothy Maude, 53, Fort Meyer, VA

Maj. Ron Milam, 33, Washington, D.C.

Spc. Chin Sun Pak, 25, Lawton, OK

Capt. Clifford Patterson, 33, Alexandria, VA

William Ruth, 57, Mount Airy, MD

Lt. Col. Dave Scales, 44, Cleveland, OH

Sgt. Maj. Larry Strickland, 52, Washington, D.C.

Maj. Leonard Kip Taylor, 44, Reston, VA

Sgt. Tamara Thurmond, 25, Brewton, AL

Lt. Col. Karen Wagner, 40, Houston, TX

Staff Sgt. Maudlyn White, 38, St. Croix, Virgin Islands

Maj. Dwayne Williams, 40, Jacksonville, AL

Kris Romeo Bishundat, 23, Waldorf, MD

Christopher Lee Burford, 23, Hubert, N.C.

Daniel Martin Caballero, 21, Houston, TX

Lt. Eric Allen Cranford, 32, Drexel, N.C.

Captain Gerald Francis Deconto, 44, Sandwich, MA

Johnnie Doctor Jr., 32, Jacksonville, FL

Commander Robert Edward Dolan, 43, Florham Park, N. J.

Commander William Howard Donovan Jr., 37, Nunda, N.Y.

Commander Patrick Dunn, 39, Fords, N. J.

Edward Thomas Earhart, 26, Salt Lick, KY

Lt. Commander Robert Randolph Elseth, 37, N.Y.

Jamie Lynn Fallon, 23, Woodbridge, VA

Matthew Michael Flocco, 21, Newark, DE

Captain Lawrence Daniel Getzfred, 57, Elgin, NE

Ronald John Hemenway, 37, Shawnee, KS

Lt. Michael Scott Lamana, 31, Baton Rouge, LA

Nehamon Lyons IV, 30, Mobile, AL

Brian Anthony Moss, 34, Sperry, OK

Lt. Commander Patrick Jude Murphy, 38,  IL

Michael Allen Noeth, 30, Jackson Heights, N.Y.

Lt. Jonas Martin Panik, 26, Mingoville, PA

Lt. J.G. Darin Howard Pontell, 26, Columbia, MD

Joseph John Pycior Jr., 39, Carlstadt, N. J.

Marsha Dianah Ratchford, 34, Prichard, AL

Commander Robert Allan Schlegel, 38, Gray, ME

Commander Dan Frederic Shanower, 40,  IL

Gregg Harold Smallwood, 44, Overland Park, KS

Lt. Commander Otis Vincent Tolbert, 38, CA

Lt. Commander Ronald James Vauk, 37, ID

Lt. Commander David Lucian Williams, 32, OR

Kevin Wayne Yokum, 27, Lake Charles, LA

Donald McArthur Young, 41, Roanoke, VA

Angela Houtz, 27, La Plata, MD

Brady Howell, 26, Arlington, VA

Judith Jones, 53, Woodbridge, VA

James Lynch, 55, Manassas, VA

Retired Capt. Jack Punches, 51, Clifton, VA

Julian Cooper, 39, Springdale, MD

Jerry Moran, 39, Upper Marlboro, MD

Khang Nguyen, 41, Fairfax, VA

Marvin Woods, 58, Great Mills, MD

Donna Bowen, 42, Verizon Communications

Allen Boyle, 30, Fredericksburg, VA

Rosa Maria Rosemary Chapa, 55, Springfield, VA

Gerald Fisher, 57, Booz-Allen Inc.

Sandra N. Foster, 41, Clinton, MD

Herbert Homer, Milford, MA

Robert J. Hymel, 55, Woodbridge, VA

Terrance Lynch, 55, Booz-Allen Inc.

Shelley A. Marshall, 37, Marbury, MD

Patricia E. (Patti) Mickley, 41, Springfield, VA

Scott Powell, 35, BTG Inc.

Charles E. Sabin, 54, Burke, VA

Karl W. Teepe, 57, Centreville, VA

Ernest Willcher, 62, Booz-Allen Inc.

Edmond Young, 22, BTG Inc.

Samantha Allen, Hillside, MD

Craig Amundson, 28, KS

Melissa Rose Barnes, 27, Redlands, CA

Retired Master Sgt. Max Beilke, 69, Laurel, MD

Carrie Blagburn, 48, Temple Hills, MD

Angelene Carter, 51, Forestville, MD

Sharon Carver, 38, MD

John Chada, 55, Manassas, VA

Ada Davis, 57, Camp Springs, MD

Amelia Fields, 36, Dumfries, VA

Cortz Ghee, 54, Reisterstown, MD

Brenda Gibson, 59, Falls Church, VA

Ron Golinski, 60. Columbia, MD

Carolyn Halmon, 48, Washington, D.C.

Sheila Hein, 51, University Park, MD

Jimmie Holley, 54, Lanham, MD

Peggie Hurt, 51, Crewe, VA

Brenda Kegler, 49, Washington, D.C.

David Laychak, 40, Manassas, VA

Teresa Martin, 45, Stafford, VA

Ada Mason, 50, Springfield, VA

Robert Maxwell, 53, Manassas, VA

Molly McKenzie, 38, Dale City, VA

Diane Hale McKinzy, Alexandria, VA

Odessa Morris, 54, Upper Marlboro, MD

Ted Moy, 48, Silver Spring, MD

Diana Padro, Woodbridge, VA

Debbie Ramsaur, 45, Annandale, VA

Rhonda Rasmussen,  44, Woodbridge, VA

Martha Reszke, 56, Stafford, VA

Cecelia Richard, 41, Fort Washington, MD

Edward Rowenhorst, 32, Fredricksburg, VA

Judy Rowlett, 44, Woodbridge, VA

Robert Russell, 52, Oxen Hill, MD

Marjorie Salamone, 53, Springfield, VA

Janice Scott, 46, Springfield, VA

Michael Selves, 53, Fairfax, VA

Marion Serva, 37, Stafford, VA

Don Simmons, Dumfries, VA

Cheryle Sincock, 53, Dale City, VA

Retired Lt. Col. Gary Smith, 55, Alexandria, VA

Pat Statz, 41, Tacoma Park, MD

Edna Stephens, 53, Washington, D.C.

Sandra Taylor, A51, lexandria, VA

Willie Troy, 51, Aberdeen, MD

Meta Waller, 60, Alexandria, VA

Sandra White, 44, Dumfries, VA

Lisa Young, 36, Germantown, MD

Flight 93 (Shanksville, Pennsylvania)


Jason Dahl, 43, Littleton, CO

LeRoy Homer, Jr., 36, Marlton, N. J.

Lorraine Bay, 58, East Windsor, N. J.

Sandra Bradshaw, 38, Greensboro, NC

Cee Cee Lyles, 33, Fort Pierce, FL

Wanda Green, 49, Oakland, CA

Deborah Anne Jacobs Welsh, 49, New York, N.Y.


Christian Adams, 37, Biebelsheim, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany

Todd Beamer, 32, Cranbury, N. J.

Alan Beaven, 48, Oakland, CA

Mark Bingham, 31, San Francisco, CA

Deora Bodley, 20, San Diego, CA

Marion Britton, 53, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Thomas E. Burnett Jr., Bloomington, MN

Willam Cashman, 50, West New York, N. J.

Georgine Rose Corrigan, 55, Honolulu, HI

Patricia Cushing, 69, Bayonne, N. J.

Joseph DeLuca, 52, Succasunna, N. J.

Patrick “Joe” Driscoll, 70, Manalapan, N. J.

Edward Porter Felt, 41, Matawan, N. J.

Jane Folger, 73, Bayonne, N. J.

Colleen L. Fraser, 51, Elizabeth, N. J.

Andrew Garcia, 62, Portola Valley, CA

Jeremy Glick, 31, Hewitt, N. J.

Lauren Grandcolas, 38, San Rafael, CA

Donald F. Greene, 52, Greenwich, CT

Linda Gronlund, 46, Greenwood Lake, N.Y.

Richard Guadagno, 38, Eureka, CA/Trenton, N. J.

Toshiya Kuge, 20, Osaka, Japan

Hilda Marcin, 79, Mount Olive, N. J.

Waleska Martinez, 37, Jersey City, N. J.

Nicole Miller, 21, San Jose, CA

Louis J. Nacke II, 42, New Hope, PA

Donald Peterson, 66, Spring Lake, N. J.

Jean Peterson, 55, Spring Lake, N. J.

Mark “Mickey” Rothenberg, 52, Scotch Plains, N. J.

Christine Snyder, 32, Kailua, HI

John Talignani, 74, Staten Island, N.Y.

Honor Elizabeth Wainio, 27, Baltimore, MD

Kristin Gould White, 65, Somerset County, PA


Celebrate Irvine’s 2020 Global Village Festival with Three Weeks of Interactive Online Experiences and Two Drive-In Concerts!

Join us for three weeks of unique, interactive online experiences and two socially distanced drive-in concerts that will highlight memories of festivals past and create new memories uniting the community.

My favorite event of the year is the Irvine Global Village Festival, founded in 1998 by a group of Irvine residents to help promote understanding and build harmony within Irvine’s many diverse cultures.  Over the years, the Global Village Festival has expanded from one day to two days, and moved from Col. Bill Barber Park across from Irvine City Hall to the much larger Orange County Great Park.

Because of COVID-19, this year’s festival will be somewhat different.  While we can’t gather in person this year, we look forward to celebrating Orange County’s premier multicultural event in innovative ways that keep the public safe, connected, and engaged.

The 2020 Global Village Festival will consist of a series of responsibly planned events that adhere to social distancing guidelines as we navigate these unusual times.

From September 21-October 10, 2020, you’re invited to celebrate Irvine’s multicultural community through music, art, food, and fun:

  • Browse photo albums and videos exploring the history of the Irvine Global Village Festival. Share your own photos of favorite memories from past festivals to see them included on the City’s social media accounts.
  • Make new memories of Irvine Global Village Festival at home. Families can take part in weekly themed art activities and classes from home, including downloadable coloring sheets for kids.
  • Explore a list of multicultural restaurants in Irvine with outdoor dining or take-home options to dine globally and celebrate Irvine’s rich diversity while staying safe at home. Share photos of your festive meals with the City so we can share them online!
  • Enjoy entertaining videos featuring the international cuisine, dance, and musical performances of previous Irvine Global Village Festivals.

The Irvine Global Village Festival also includes two drive-in concerts at the Orange County Great Park, put on in partnership between the City and Irvine Barclay Theatre. On Friday, September 25, enjoy a live show by Willie Nelson tribute band True Willie and the Boys.

Round out the festival’s celebrations on Saturday, October 10, with a show by award-winning all-female mariachi band Mariachi Divas. Park your cars and enjoy a picnic to pay tribute to the rich musical history of the Irvine Global Village Festival, all while safely practicing social distancing.

Tickets for these concerts are $25 per car for general admission and $40 per car for VIP front-row access. Pre-registration is required.

Tickets will be on sale at for three weeks prior to the start of each event; the first week of sales is open to Irvine residents only, and the remaining two weeks are open to all members of the public. A $5 non-resident fee will be applied.

For more information, visit or call 949-724-6600.

Join Me for a COVID-19 Town Hall with Renowned Pediatrician Dr. Charles L. Schleien

Join me on Thurs., September 10 at 5:00 p.m. for a Town Hall on COVID-19 with renowned pediatrician Dr. Charles L. Schleien, the Philip Lanzkowsky Professor of Pediatrics and pediatrician-in-chief at Northwell Health, a nonprofit integrated healthcare network and New York State’s largest healthcare provider.

Dr. Schleien received an M.D. from Mount Sinai School of Medicine and a Master of Business Administration from Columbia University. He completed a pediatric residency at Baylor Texas Children’s Hospital; an anesthesia residency at The Johns Hopkins Hospital; and a fellowship in pediatric critical care medicine at The Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Prior to joining Northwell Health, Dr. Schleien was executive vice chair of the Department of Pediatrics at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, and professor of pediatrics and anesthesiology at Columbia University/New York Presbyterian Hospital. He is past director of the Division of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, which he founded upon his arrival at Columbia in 1999, and served as medical director of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at the Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of Columbia University. Dr. Schleien previously served as director of pediatric critical care medicine in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Medical Center, and professor of pediatrics and anesthesiology at the University of Miami School of Medicine.

Dr. Schleien has not only dealt with the coronavirus as a pediatrician during the height of the pandemic in New York City, he is also a recovered COVID-19 patient. He became extremely ill with the coronavirus and was hospitalized in early March, an experience he recounted in an article in the New York Times.


ZOOM link provided on RSVP

We hope you can join us for this important and timely discussion!

Learn more about Melissa Fox for California Assembly at

See the Facebook page for this event HERE.

Irvine Community Land Trust Distributes Free Face Masks to Affordable Housing Residents

As Chair of the Irvine Community Land Trust, I’m pleased to announce that the Land Trust has distributed hundreds of free face masks to residents of our affordable housing communities.

I want to thank FivePoint for its generous contribution of these masks.

I also want to thank Farrah Khan, my colleague on the Irvine City Council and a Community Land Trust Board Member, for arranging and coordinating the delivery of the face masks from FivePoint to the Land Trust so that we can distribute them free of charge.

COVID-19 spreads when an infected person speaks, sneezes, or coughs within 6 feet of others. You may have the virus and spread it even if you feel well.

To prevent infection, you must cover your nose and mouth when outside your home. Wearing a mask or cloth face covering can slow the spread of COVID-19 by limiting the release of virus into the air. It also reinforces physical distancing, and shows you care about the health of others. Wearing a mask is now required statewide. It’s also the law in Irvine, and common sense and good neighborliness everywhere.

I am honored to serve as Chair of the Irvine Community Land Trust  guiding its mission of providing secure, high-quality affordable housing for the benefit of income-eligible families.  

We’re all in this together!



UPDATED! Tell the Irvine City Council to Oppose the Slow Down of the U.S. Postal Service!

I have received numerous reports of postal boxes suddenly disappearing across Orange County, including Irvine.  These reports are consistent with recent changes in policy by the Postmaster General of the United States Postal Service, which have included removing thousands of postal boxes and mail-sorting machines, eliminating overtime for mail carriers, and reducing post office hours.

These changes in U.S. Postal Service policy have been faulted for slowing mail delivery — including the delivery of medicine and medical supplies veterans benefits, Social Security checks, census forms, and rent checks — and for making it more difficult for our residents to vote safely and with confidence that their ballots will be timely received during the COVID-19 pandemic.

For these reasons, Councilmember Farrah Khan and I will be asking our colleagues on the Irvine City Council to speak up on behalf of our residents and our businesses to urge the Postmaster General to immediately end and rescind these changes.

Here is the proposed Resolution:


WHEREAS, The United States Postal Service is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution “to bind the country together through the correspondence of the people”; and

WHEREAS, The Postal Service guarantees universal delivery to everyone, ensuring affordable and equitable communication and delivery as a basic right; and is indispensable, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, to the American people, especially veterans, seniors, and small businesses, delivering medications, stimulus checks, social security checks, census forms, rent checks, medical supplies, and election ballots;

WHEREAS, The Postal Service is one of the most important employers in the United States, providing family sustaining jobs, especially to veterans;

WHEREAS, By failing to seek regulatory approval on policy changes that have a nationwide impact, the United States Postmaster General has unilaterally implemented a series of revisions to the postal service’s protocols and procedures that threaten to undermine the timely delivery of mail across the country, including Irvine. These unilateral changes have included:

  • Removing mailbox locations around the country, including in Irvine and other cities in Orange County;
  • Decommissioning mail-sorting machines, with severe reductions in sorting capacity and the speed of delivery;
  • Severely limiting employees from working overtime, despite reported increases in demand and the need to compensate for employees who are out sick or at home quarantining; and
  • Instructing letter carriers to leave mail behind if it delays routes, running counter to the training postal workers traditionally receive to ensure prompt delivery of the mail;

WHEREAS, The USPS’s actions align with the President’s own recent assertion that he will prevent the postal service from being able to handle the expected surge in demand for voting by mail, and the USPS has warned several states, including California, that it could no longer guarantee timely compliance with all state election deadlines and delivery of all ballots cast by mail for the presidential election.


PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of Irvine at the meeting held on the 8th day of September 2020.

Please join us in urging the Irvine City Council to adopt this Resolution.

You can contact the other three members of the Irvine City Council to tell them to urge the Postmaster General to immediately cease and rescind that slow down or undermine the prompt delivery of the U.S. mail here:

Mayor Christina Shea:

Councilmember Anthony Kuo:

Councilmember Michael Carroll:

You can also SIGN OUR PETITION here.


UPDATE: On August 27, 2020, the California Assembly voted 50-0 in favor of a Resolution that “urges the federal administration and the Republican-controlled U.S. Senate to cease and desist from all efforts to reduce the ability of voters to cast their ballots by mail or diminish public confidence in the vote by mail program as it relates to the November 3, 2020, general election” and that United States Postmaster General Louis DeJoy to immediately restore all mailboxes and mail sorters back to the communities from which they were removed in order to guarantee the timely and efficient delivery of vote by mail ballots in the November 3, 2020, general election.”

Of course, I would have voted in favor of this Resolution. Our current representative to Sacramento for the 68th AD, Steven Choi, again failed to show up to vote. In fact, Choi has one of the highest no-show rates in the CA legislature.  It’s time for us in AD68 to have a representative in Sacramento who cares about the people’s business and shows up to do the job he was elected to do.

UPDATE: Thank you to everyone who wrote to the Irvine City Council in support of the Postal Service. As the result of your efforts, the Council at its meeting on September 8. 2020, unanimously agreed to send an official letter to the U.S. Postmaster, on behalf of our residents, to cease amd rescind any actions that undermine prompt delivery of the mail.

Congratulations to Rabbi Richard Steinberg, Distinguished Citizen Honree on the Irvine Wall of Recognition

I recently had the pleasure of nominating Rabbi Richard Steinberg, Senior Rabbi at Congregation of Shir Ha-Ma’alot in Irvine, to be honored as a Distinguished Citizen on the City of Irvine Wall of Recognition.

Established in 2006 and located in Colonel Bill Barber Marine Corps Memorial Park across the from Civic Center, the Wall of Recognition is a hallmark of Irvine. Even before Irvine became a city, there was a spirit of community activism, involvement, and pride that set the tone for the municipality Irvine would become. Since the City’s incorporation in 1971, hundreds of individuals have dedicated themselves in service to Irvine as Mayors, City Council Members, Commissioners, Committee Members, and leaders of community organizations. The Wall of Recognition honors these individuals, groups, organizations, and businesses who have made significant contributions to the community.

Rabbi Steinberg embodies the spirit of service to the community. Born in Northern California, Rabbi Steinberg initially studied criminal justice in college and trained to be a police officer.  He then felt a calling to serve as a rabbi, earned a masters degrees in Hebrew letters and family therapy, and was ordained as a rabbi in 1995. After serving a congregation in Cincinnati, Ohio, Rabbi Steinberg returned to California to lead Shir Ha-Ma’alot in July of 2001.  At that time, the congregation consisted of 300 member families. Today, it is a thriving congregation of well over 600 families.

In the years since he assumed the leadership of Shir Ha-Ma’alot, Rabbi Steinberg has become a community leader in Irvine and Orange County.  He has long served as Chaplin for the Irvine Police Department and as a member and Chair of the Orange County Human Relations Commission, whose mission is to “seek out the causes of tension and conflict, discrimination and intolerance and attempt to eliminate those causes.”

Rabbi Steinberg also serves on the Boards of the Jewish Federation, Orange County Board of Rabbis, the American Jewish Congress, and the Anti-Defamation League. He is extremely active at the Jewish Community Center, Tarbut v’Torah and Morasha Day Schools.  He is key point person on the University of California, Irvine, campus dealing with the issues of tolerance and diversity. He is the recipient of the “Outstanding Devotion to the Jewish Community Center” award, the “Yachad Award for Outstanding Jewish Community Service” given to a local Jewish professional each year and he was honored by the Central Region of B’nai B’rith Youth Organization.

I have known Rabbi Steinberg as a friend and spiritual advisor.  When my mother passed away, he visited and brought kindness and healing to my father.

I have also known Rabbi Steinberg as a fighter for justice, a powerful voice against bigotry and intolerance, and as an inspiration in my own journey toward more effective servant leadership.

In response to the hatefull, White Supremist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, Rabbi Steinberg urged the OC Human Relations Commission to speak out against it loudly and clearly. “When there is hatred, it needs to be called out as such and responded to with a loud voice that is unequivocal,” Rabbi Steinberg said.  The OC Register wrote that “[Rabbi] Steinberg became emotional as he described his feelings as a Jewish man listening to anti-Semitic chants and seeing flags bearing the swastika, the symbol of Adolf Hitler’s regime that exterminated 6 million Jews in the Holocaust. ‘We need to find ways to have peaceful conversations,’ he said.”

When there were anti-Jewish incidents in Orange County, Rabbi Steinberg wrote that “Hate always begins with words. Then words un-responded to will always lead to hate action. And hate action un-responded to will always lead to hate violence.  Let us be people who respond.  If we lose friendships over our responses, so be it.  If we are not part of the group because of our righteous response, then so be it.  The alternative of not responding at the very least is re-wounding those who have been literally scared by violence rooted in hate.  The very most that can happen if we respond is that we might change someone’s heart from hate to love, from ignorance to knowledge, from foe to friend.”

Irvine is a far better place because of Rabbi Richard Steinberg and he well deserves to be honored as a Distinguished Citizen on the City of Irvine Wall of Recognition.

But it is not only Irvine that is a better place — the world is better place because Rabbi Steinberg lives among us.


Top photo credit: Paul Rodriguez, Orange County Register/SCNG.





Watch Our “OC Education Forum on COVID-19 Safety and Our Schools” with School Board Trustees Gina Clayton-Tarvin, Kris Erickson, Keri Kropke and Jamison Power!

On Wednesday, August 12, I hosted an OC Education Forum on COVID-19 Safety and Our Schools, discussing when and how to re-open our classrooms with four leading members of Orange County school boards currently dealing with the COVID-19 crisis.

For many of us, there is no bigger question right now than whether our children will be attending in-person classes this fall.

President Trump seems desperate to have schools re-open regardless of the danger to students, teachers, and staff, even threatening to cut federal aid to school districts that decide that the risk of COVID-19 infection is too great to return to in-person classes.

Yet the federal government has provided no real guidance for determining when it is safe to re-open schools, or the proper procedures for school to follow to limit the spread of COVID-19 if they do re-open.

As USA Today put it, “Abandoned by any semblance of national leadership during a raging pandemic, students, teachers and staff are being told to jump into the deep end and return to school buildings.”

In the absence of federal leadership, these decisions and procedures have been left to governors and, crucially, local school districts.

Here in Orange County, our Board of Education made national headlines when it voted 4-1 (with the sole Democrat dissenting) to re-open this fall, without requiring the use of face masks or social distancing.

For many, there was tremendous relief when California Governor Gavin Newsom stepped in to mandate that any schools in counties on the state COVID-19 watch list, which includes Orange County, could not have students in classrooms. The Republicans on the OC Board of Education then responded by suing the Governor over his decision to prevent schools from opening in-person.

I asked four outstanding, progressive school board members in Orange County to join me in a discussion of this critical situation for parents, students, teachers, and school staff:

Keri Kropke of the Brea Olinda School Board. Keri earned a B.A. in political economy from U.C. Berkeley, an M.A. from Cal State Fullerton in History, a post baccalaureate from Chapman University in Communication Disorders, and a M.A. from Cal State Fullerton in Communication Sciences.  She is an elementary public educator with a California Clear Multiple Subject Teaching Credential and has recently become a speech language pathologist specializing in language, early intervention and autism spectrum disorder.

Gina Clayton-Tarvin of the Ocean View School Board. Gina is a long-time educator, and was first elected to the OVSD Board of Trustees in 2012. She was recently voted President of the Board, after serving as Clerk, Vice President, and three terms as President of the Board. Gina holds a Bachelors of Arts degree in Anthropology and a California Multiple Subjects Teaching Credential, as well as a California Secondary Single Subject Credential in Biology. She holds an English Learner (EL) Authorization and Cross-cultural, Language, and Academic Development (CLAD) Certificate and is authorized to provide instruction to English learners. She has also worked for Special Education as a home school teacher. She successfully completed the California School Board Association Masters of Governance program and received her certification in 2014.

Kris Erickson of Orange Unified School Board. Kris is the founding attorney at the Law Office of Kristin A. Erickson. She has held board positions on PTA, put on fundraisers for student events, mentored at-risk kids, coached mock trial, and planned our annual staff appreciations to honor hard-working teachers. She also started a grassroots organization, CARE, with several other parents to bring long-needed improvements to our high school campuses. Kris attended Western State University School of Law.

Jamison Power of the Westminster School Board. Jamison was first elected to the Westminster School Board in 2012 and was re-elected in 2016.  He received his B.A. from UC Irvine and his J.D. from UCLA.  In his professional life, Jamison serves as in-house counsel for Hyundai Motor America.  He also provides free legal assistance to low income families, and has received multiple awards for his work.  He previously served as a member of the Vietnamese-American Education Advisory Council, and he worked closely with the Superintendent and the Board to ensure that WSD became the first district in California to implement a Vietnamese-English dual immersion program.

I think you’ll find our discussion very timely and informative.  Watch it here:

Full Public Participation in City Council Meetings Must Be Ensured During the COVID-19 Crisis!

The Voice of OC recently noted that “Throughout the coronavirus shutdown, many of Orange County’s public agencies have struggled to provide access for constituent voices to be heard.”

In Irvine, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced our city to limit in-person participation for members of the public during City Council meetings.  As a result, since the onset of social distancing and emergency public safety measures in March 2020, members of the public have been limited in their ability to participate in the decisions made by the City Council during public meetings.

Currently, the public can make comments only through the eComment feature on the City of Irvine website, and only a very limited number of these comments have been read aloud during our live City Council meetings.

I believe this situation raises serious questions about government openness and public participation under the Brown Act, which states that “the public commissions, boards and councils and the other public agencies in this State exist to aid in the conduct of the people’s business. It is the intent of the law that their actions be taken openly and that their deliberations be conducted openly. The people of this State do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies which serve them. The people, in delegating authority, do not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them to know. The people insist on remaining informed so that they may retain control over the instruments they have created.”  As I told the Voice of OC, “This isn’t actually a hearing, [since] there’s no testimony from the public.”

Clearly, we need to do much better to ensure public participation in our City Council meetings, while still maintaining public safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.  

For this reason, Councilmember Farrah Khan and I have placed a discussion for better accommodating public participation and accessibility on the agenda for the Irvine City Council meeting on August 11, 2020. 

In addition, we must also ensure that the public can fully participate in our very important Commission meetings.

We look forward to hearing from City staff, the Mayor and other City Councilmembers, and the public, on ways to best ensure full public participation in our meetings during the COVID-19 crisis.

Please use the eComment feature to make your views on this important topic known to the Mayor and the City Council.

Watch the City Council meeting live online HERE.


Join Our OC Education Forum on COVID -19 Safety and Our Schools! Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 5 PM!

Join me on Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 5 PM for an Orange County Education Forum on COVID-19 Safety and Our Schools.

For many of us, there is no bigger question right now than whether our children will be attending in-person classes this fall.

President Trump seems desperate to have schools re-open regardless of the danger to students, teachers, and staff, even threatening to cut federal aid to school districts that decide that the risk of COVID-19 infection is too great to return to in-person classes.

Yet the federal government has provided no real guidance for determining when it is safe to re-open schools, or the proper procedures for school to follow to limit the spread of COVID-19 if they do re-open.

In the absence of federal leadership, these decisions and procedures have been left to governors and, crucially, local school districts. As USA Today put it, “Abandoned by any semblance of national leadership during a raging pandemic, students, teachers and staff are being told to jump into the deep end and return to school buildings.”

Here in Orange County, our Board of Education made national headlines when it voted 4-1 (with the sole Democrat dissenting) to re-open this fall, without requiring the use of face masks or social distancing.

For many, there was tremendous relief when California Governor Gavin Newsom stepped in to mandate that any schools in counties on the state COVID-19 watch list, which includes Orange County, could not have students in classrooms. The Republicans on the OC Board of Education then responded by suing the Governor over his decision to prevent schools from opening in-person.

We will be discussing this lawsuit, as well as the larger questions when and how to re-open our classrooms, with three leading members of Orange County school boards currently dealing with the COVID-19 crisis: 

Kerie Kropke of the Brea Olinda School Board. Kerie earned a B.A. in political economy from U.C. Berkeley, an M.A. from Cal State Fullerton in History, a post baccalaureate from Chapman University in Communication Disorders, and a M.A. from Cal State Fullerton in Communication Sciences.  She is an elementary public educator with a California Clear Multiple Subject Teaching Credential and has recently become a speech language pathologist specializing in language, early intervention and autism spectrum disorder.

Gina Clayton-Tarvin of the Ocean View School Board. Gina is a long-time educator, and was first elected to the OVSD Board of Trustees in 2012. She was recently voted President of the Board, after serving as Clerk, Vice President, and three terms as President of the Board. Gina holds a Bachelors of Arts degree in Anthropology and a California Multiple Subjects Teaching Credential, as well as a California Secondary Single Subject Credential in Biology. She holds an English Learner (EL) Authorization and Cross-cultural, Language, and Academic Development (CLAD) Certificate and is authorized to provide instruction to English learners. She has also worked for Special Education as a home school teacher. She successfully completed the California School Board Association Masters of Governance program and received her certification in 2014.

Kris Erickson of Orange Unified School Board. Kris is the founding attorney at the Law Office of Kristin A. Erickson. She has held board positions on PTA, put on fundraisers for student events, mentored at-risk kids, coached mock trial, and planned our annual staff appreciations to honor hard-working teachers. She also started a grassroots organization, CARE, with several other parents to bring long-needed improvements to our high school campuses. Kris attended Western State University School of Law.

Jamison Power of the Westminster School Board. Jamison was first elected to the Westminster School Board in 2012 and was re-elected in 2016.  He received his B.A. from UC Irvine and his J.D. from UCLA.  In his professional life, Jamison serves as in-house counsel for Hyundai Motor America.  He also provides free legal assistance to low income families, and has received multiple awards for his work.  He previously served as a member of the Vietnamese-American Education Advisory Council, and he worked closely with the Superintendent and the Board to ensure that WSD became the first district in California to implement a Vietnamese-English dual immersion program.


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See our Facebook Event Page Here.

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Irvine Community Land Trust to Distribute Free Face Masks

As Chair of the Irvine Community Land Trust, I’m pleased to announce that the Land Trust will be among the non-profit organizations that will be distributing the face masks that FivePoint Communities has donated to the City of Irvine.

I want to thank FivePoint for its generous contribution.

I also want to thank Farrah Khan, my colleague on the Irvine City Council and a Community Land Trust Board Member, for arranging and coordinating the delivery of these face masks from FivePoint to the Land Trust so that we can distribute them free of charge.

We hope these free face masks will help you to continue staying safe during these unprecedented times.

We ask that you do your part as well, and wear your mask when in public, especially when shopping.  It’s the law in Irvine, and common sense and good neighborliness everywhere.

Specific details regarding mask distribution are being arranged and will be posted soon.

I am honored to serve as Chair of the Irvine Community Land Trust  guiding its mission of providing secure, high-quality affordable housing for the benefit of income-eligible families.  

We’re all in this together!

Irvine Again Extends COVID-19 Testing at the Great Park

Due to continued high demand, the City of Irvine has again extended the time period for COVID-19 testing at the Great Park.

Irvine began to offer COVID-19 testing on July 13.  On July 24, we added additional test appointments.  Tonight, we agreed to have the testing program continue for an additional 30 days.

Testing is available for individuals who live or work in Irvine, regardless of whether they are symptomatic or asymptomatic. Only PCR testing, which determines if someone currently has the SARS-CoV-2 virus, is available.

Testing is by appointment only and is available Mondays through Thursdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Lot 6 at the Great Park. There is no out of pocket fee for this COVID-19 testing.

To sign up for an appointment, visit Please note that Chrome and Firefox are the preferred web browsers for registering.

In order to facilitate the registration process, please have the following information available:

  • Insurance card, if you have insurance.
  • Driver’s license or state ID.
  • Proof of residence or employment in Irvine (i.e. any utility bill with Irvine address and your name or copy of pays tub from work with an Irvine address. If your pay stub lists a corporate address NOT in Irvine, please ALSO include some identifying document with your name and place of work in Irvine.

Once residency or employment verification is complete, you will receive an opportunity to select an appointment. This may take several days and participants will be processed in order of registration.

At the appointment, patients must remain in their vehicle, bring a driver’s license or photo ID, and registration confirmation. During the appointment, a licensed healthcare professional will be present during the self-administered nasal or oral swab test to collect the specimen to send to FDA-approved laboratories. Test results should be expected within three days after the appointment.

Tests will be conducted by Curogram and multiple medical laboratories, including Orange County based Pangea Laboratory.  Curogram has worked with many other cities, including New York City and Atlanta, to provide COVID-19 testing.

The Orange County Great Park is located at 8000 Great Park Blvd. Lot 6 can be accessed via Marine Way and Skyhawk. Visit for complete directions. Please note that GPS systems may not provide reliable directions.

For more information, please review the FAQ at

As I have said before, while I am pleased to have authorized expanding these much-needed tests, Irvine should never have had to provide COVID-19 testing on its own.  We are now doing so because of the failure of the federal government and Orange County Board of Supervisors to provide adequate COVID-19 testing. 

Irvine does not have a public health officer or a public health department.  We rely on Orange County to provide these critical services.  The taxes we pay to the State of California for public health services go to Orange County, not the City of Irvine.  Orange County received all of our CARES ACT funds from the federal government.  But regarding COVID-19, we can not rely on Orange County.

The City of Irvine is providing COVID-19 testing — at our own taxpayers’ expense — because at this point, with COVID-19 infections setting new records on an almost daily basis in both Orange County and the nation, we have no other choice.

We should not be in this position.  While other nations are seeing declines in the number of new COVID-19 infections, our new infections continue to rise.  The basic reason for our continuing rise in infections and deaths is the catastrophic failure of our federal government to deal with the COVID-19 crisis, including President Trump’s continuing denial of its seriousness and his undermining of social distancing and face coverings as the best weapons we now have against this virus.

Our Board of Supervisors followed Trump’s lead and also bear responsibility for the rising number of COVID-19 infections and deaths in Orange County.  For months, it was unclear how or even if California’s statewide mask mandate would be enforced in Orange County

As the Voice of OC reported, “Throughout the pandemic, OC officials haven’t strictly enforced business closures on restaurants and bars.  And OC Sheriff Don Barnes said he wouldn’t enforce former health officer Dr. Nichole Quick’s mandatory mask order, which was issued over Memorial Day weekend as diners and shopping centers reopened.”

The Board of Supervisors also allowed Orange County’s chief health officer Dr. Nichole Quick to be driven from office by threats against her life from anti-mask and conspiracy theory extremists, failing to back up her public health orders or provide her with protection.

Under these circumstances, it is good that Irvine is now providing free COVID-19 testing for residents and people who work in Irvine. But Irvine’s COVID-19 testing also highlights the failure of our federal government and the Orange County Board of Supervisors to provide testing or any effective strategy in response to this deadly disease. Our friends and neighbors who live or work in other Orange County cities still have no good COVID-19 testing options.

Be safe and wear a mask!

Schedule a COVID-19 Test Appointment HERE.


Say Thank You From Orange County to Governor Newsom For His COVID-19 Leadership!

Dear Governor Newsom,

As residents of Orange County, California, we wish to thank you for your caring, steadfast, and science-based leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Specifically, we wish to counter the narrative that a majority of Orange County’s residents object to Governor Newsom’s orders mandating social distancing and face covering in order to stop the spread of this deadly virus.

We are appalled by the much-publicized and politically motivated opposition to the Governor’s COVID-19 orders by the Orange County Board of Supervisors, the Orange County Board of Education, and individual “anti-maskers” in Orange County.

They do not represent us.

On the contrary, we stand with the great majority of scientists, doctors, nurses, and other health care and public health professionals in calling for mask wearing and social distancing.

We want our economy and our schools to reopen, but we know that to do so safely we will need to increase testing and reduce the rate of infection.

We join with you, Governor Newsom, in saying that social distancing and wearing a face covering is critical for keeping people safe and healthy, keeping businesses open, and getting people back to work and school.

Again, thank you, Governor Newsom, for your leadership during this challenging time!

Melissa Fox

Sign on to this letter HERE.

Irvine Adds Additional COVID-19 Testing Appointments

The Irvine City Council has expanded COVID-19 testing capacity at the Great Park.  Registration for testing will re-open on Friday, July 24 at 12:00 p.m. to fill additional appointments available through this expansion.

Testing is available for individuals who live or work in Irvine, regardless of whether they are symptomatic or asymptomatic. Only PCR testing, which determines if someone currently has the SARS-CoV-2 virus, is available.

Testing is by appointment only and is available Mondays through Thursdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Lot 6 at the Great Park. There is no out of pocket fee for this COVID-19 testing.

To sign up for an appointment, visit Please note that Chrome and Firefox are the preferred web browsers for registering.

In order to facilitate the registration process, please have the following information available:

  • Insurance card, if you have insurance.
  • Driver’s license or state ID.
  • Proof of residence or employment in Irvine (i.e. any utility bill with Irvine address and your name or copy of pays tub from work with an Irvine address. If your pay stub lists a corporate address NOT in Irvine, please ALSO include some identifying document with your name and place of work in Irvine.

Once residency or employment verification is complete, you will receive an opportunity to select an appointment. This may take several days and participants will be processed in order of registration.

At the appointment, patients must remain in their vehicle, bring a driver’s license or photo ID, and registration confirmation. During the appointment, a licensed healthcare professional will be present during the self-administered nasal or oral swab test to collect the specimen to send to FDA-approved laboratories. Test results should be expected within three days after the appointment.

Tests will be conducted by Curogram and multiple medical laboratories, including Orange County based Pangea Laboratory.  Curogram has worked with many other cities, including New York City and Atlanta, to provide COVID-19 testing.

The Orange County Great Park is located at 8000 Great Park Blvd. Lot 6 can be accessed via Marine Way and Skyhawk. Visit for complete directions. Please note that GPS systems may not provide reliable directions.

For more information, please review the FAQ at

As I have said before, while I am pleased to have authorized expanding these much-needed tests, Irvine should never have had to provide COVID-19 testing on its own.  We are now doing so because of the failure of the federal government and Orange County Board of Supervisors to provide adequate COVID-19 testing. 

Irvine does not have a public health officer or a public health department.  We rely on Orange County to provide these critical services.  The taxes we pay to the State of California for public health services go to Orange County, not the City of Irvine.  Orange County received all of our CARES ACT funds from the federal government.  But regarding COVID-19, we can not rely on Orange County.

The City of Irvine is providing COVID-19 testing — at our own taxpayers’ expense — because at this point, with COVID-19 infections setting new records on an almost daily basis in both Orange County and the nation, we have no other choice.

We should not be in this position.  While other nations are seeing declines in the number of new COVID-19 infections, our new infections continue to rise.  The basic reason for our continuing rise in infections and deaths is the catastrophic failure of our federal government to deal with the COVID-19 crisis, including President Trump’s continuing denial of its seriousness and his undermining of social distancing and face coverings as the best weapons we now have against this virus.

Our Board of Supervisors followed Trump’s lead and also bear responsibility for the rising number of COVID-19 infections and deaths in Orange County.  For months, it was unclear how or even if California’s statewide mask mandate would be enforced in Orange County

As the Voice of OC reported, “Throughout the pandemic, OC officials haven’t strictly enforced business closures on restaurants and bars.  And OC Sheriff Don Barnes said he wouldn’t enforce former health officer Dr. Nichole Quick’s mandatory mask order, which was issued over Memorial Day weekend as diners and shopping centers reopened.”

The Board of Supervisors also allowed Orange County’s chief health officer Dr. Nichole Quick to be driven from office by threats against her life from anti-mask and conspiracy theory extremists, failing to back up her public health orders or provide her with protection.

Under these circumstances, it is good that Irvine is now providing free COVID-19 testing for residents and people who work in Irvine. But Irvine’s COVID-19 testing also highlights the failure of our federal government and the Orange County Board of Supervisors to provide testing or any effective strategy in response to this deadly disease. Our friends and neighbors who live or work in other Orange County cities still have no good COVID-19 testing options.

Be safe and wear a mask!

Schedule a COVID-19 Test Appointment HERE.


Helping Each Other in a Time of Crisis: Here are Some Organizations that Could Use Your Help Now.

Over the last several months during the COVID-19 crisis, Second Harvest Food Bank and OC Food Bank have seen record volumes of food distribution.  As the crisis continues, it is likely that the demand for food assistance will continue to increase.

I participated today in a food drive today in support of Save Our Youth (SOY).  The food drive was sponsored by my friend, Assemblymember Cottie Petrie-Norris, who represents California’s 74th Assembly District. Thank you, Cottie, for this opportunity to help others!

As we work together to fight back against COVID-19, there are many volunteer organizations in our community looking for additional resources and support.  In particular, many families in Orange County are in need of food.  Blood centers are also in urgent need.

Here are some organizations that could use your help right now:

Community Action Partnership of Orange County (CAPOC) w/ Orange County Food Bank

11870 Monarch St.

Garden Grove, CA 92841

(714) 897-6670

Possible volunteer tasks: Box and deliver lunches.

Meals on Wheels Orange County

1200 N Knollwood Circle

Anaheim, CA 92801

(714) 220-0224

Possible volunteer tasks: Drivers and donations.

Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County

8014 Marine Way

Irvine, CA 92618

(949) 653-2900

Possible volunteer tasksHarvest Truck Brigade, Field Distribution Team, Donations.

Red Cross (Desert to the Sea Region)

Multiple locations: please visit the website for a location close to you.

Possible volunteer tasks: Blood donation.

Pathways of Hope

1231 E Chapman Avenue

Fullerton, CA 92831

(714) 680-3691

Possible volunteer tasksTransporting, sorting, stocking food.

During this time of crisis, it is important that we all look out for our fellow community members.

If you have any questions or need assistance connecting to other community resources, please contact my Senior Executive Assistant, Alli Binder at

See also: My up-to-date COVID-19 Resources and Information Page.

Please wear a mask in public and practice social distancing. Let’s work together to stop the spread of COVID-19 so we can all return to work, school, and our normal lives!

Tell the Irvine City Council to Implement Community Choice Energy (CCE) Now!

At our Irvine City Council meeting on July 14, 2020, we will be discussing Irvine’s next steps regarding implementation of a Community Choice Energy Plan.

Community Choice Energy (CCE) is a way for cities, counties or regions in California to look out for their own energy interests, a hybrid between regulated and deregulated electricity supply. CCE programs seek to provide energy that is cheaper and cleaner than energy provided by for-profit utility companies.

Nearly two years ago, on September 25, 2018, before a standing-room crowd, as Chair of Irvine’s Green Ribbon Committee, I joined with my colleagues on the Irvine City Council to vote to commission a feasibility study to determine the pros and cons of implementing a Community Choice Energy program in Irvine, including potential economic benefits for the community.

At the direction of the Irvine City Council, EES Consulting completed a comprehensive analysis of the feasibility (including costs and benefits) of a Community Choice Energy program in Irvine.  For this work, the taxpayers of the City of Irvine paid EES Consulting over $180,000.  We received the EES Consulting Feasibility Study in June 2019.

Among the study’s crucial conclusions was the projection that a CCE in Irvine would result in savings of $7.7 million per year in citywide electricity cost savings for Irvine residents and businesses, and a $112,000 per year savings for the City itself in municipal energy costs, as well as driving additional local economic development benefits, such as new jobs and $10 million in annual economic output.

Despite the extremely positive results of the feasibility study (or perhaps precisely because of these very positive results), the Republicans on the Irvine City Council insisted that we undertake a second study to evaluate the results of the first study.

I believed at the time that this second study was unnecessary and feared that it was really a scheme to delay and ultimately derail implementation of CCE in Irvine.

These fears have been born out.

In this second study (a so-called “third-party peer review”), MRW & Associates reviewed the EES Consulting Feasibility Study and found that, while there were some quibbles about the EES Consulting Feasibility Study’s assumptions and analysis, (1) the analytical approach of the EES Consulting Feasibility Study was sound; (2) the rate savings projected by the EES Consulting Feasibility Study is consistent with what current CCE programs are offering, and (3) a CCE program in Irvine could be financially viable.

In addition, MRW & Associates found that (4) the EES Consulting Feasibility Study adequately addressed the four CCE governance options available to the City, and (5) agreed with EES Consulting Feasibility Study that the two most reasonable options are forming an Irvine-only CCE or developing a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) with other Orange County cities.

Nevertheless, according to the staff report, “Given the uncertainty of some variable inputs, MRW recommends that if the City pursues formation of a CCE, a more extensive and detailed pro forma analysis be required prior to implementation.”

In other words, despite overall agreement with the analytical approach and the positive conclusions of the EES Consulting Feasibility Study, the MSW report recommends that Irvine undertake (and pay for and wait for) yet another study, and of course, more paralysis by analysis.

Instead, the City Council should immediately implement the Community Choice Energy program that studies we have twice paid for show to be a tremendous benefit to both the City and the planet.

We also need to adopt and implement the stand-alone Climate Action Plan that the Irvine City Council unanimously voted to develop, with lots of public fanfare and self-congratulations, in July 2019.   Like the Community Choice Energy plan, I am concerned that the Republican majority on the Irvine City Council has no intention of adopting a stand-alone Climate Action Plan and is delaying implementation with no intention to move forward.

For all of these reasons, I call on all Irvine residents to sign the petition to “Tell Irvine’s City Council to Implement Community Choice Energy (CCE) Now.”

I also ask you to submit an e-comment to the Irvine City Council in support of implementing a CCE now, without further and unnecessary delay.

The Climate Action Campaign has created an engaging 10 minute video explaining the issue.

Watch it here:



Irvine Providing Free COVID-19 Testing at the Great Park! Make an Appointment Now!

The City of Irvine will begin providing free drive-up COVID-19 testing for individuals who live or work in Irvine beginning Monday, July 13, 2020, at the Orange County Great Park.

Irvine will be the first city in Orange County to provide testing to those who live or work in Irvine, regardless of whether they have symptoms.

This month long testing program will be available by appointment only and will take place Mondays through Thursdays, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Lot 6 at the Great Park. To schedule an appointment, visit

The Great Park testing site can accommodate approximately 200-260 tests per day. Only PCR testing, which determines if someone currently has the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2 virus), is available.  No testing will be provided for the presence of anti-bodies.

At the appointment, patients must remain in their vehicle, bring a driver’s license or photo ID, and registration confirmation. During the appointment, a licensed healthcare professional will be present during the self-administered nasal or oral swab test to collect the specimen to send to FDA-approved laboratories. Test results should be expected within three days after the appointment.

Tests will be conducted by Curogram and multiple medical laboratories, including Orange County based Pangea Laboratory.  Curogram has worked with many other cities, including New York City and Atlanta, to provide COVID-19 testing.

The Orange County Great Park is located at 8000 Great Park Blvd. Lot 6 can be accessed via Marine Way and Skyhawk. Visit for complete directions. Please note that GPS systems may not provide reliable directions.

For more information, including an important FAQ, visit

I agree with my Irvine City Council colleague Farrah Khan that “I’m happy to see that we will now be offering COVID-19 testing in our City. I understand that people were frustrated with the delay. However, it is important for us to make sure that we provide residents and workers with a quality test vendor.”

I would also add that Irvine should never have had to provide COVID-19 testing on its own.  We are now doing so because of the utter failure of the federal government and Orange County Board of Supervisors to provide testing. 

Irvine does not have a public health officer or a public health department.  We rely on Orange County to provide these critical services.  The taxes we pay to the State of California for public health services go to Orange County, not the City of Irvine.  Orange County received all of our CARES ACT funds from the federal government.  But regarding COVID-19, we can not rely on Orange County.

The City of Irvine is providing COVID-19 testing — at our own taxpayers’ expense — because at this point, with COVID-19 infections setting new records on an almost daily basis in both Orange County and the nation, we have no other choice.

We should not be in this position.  While other nations are seeing declines in the number of new COVID-19 infections, our new infections continue to rise.  The basic reason for our continuing rise in infections and deaths is the catastrophic failure of our federal government to deal with the COVID-19 crisis, including President Trump’s continuing denial of its seriousness and his undermining of social distancing and face coverings as the best weapons we now have against this virus.

Our Board of Supervisors followed Trump’s lead and also bear responsibility for the rising number of COVID-19 infections and deaths in Orange County.  For months, it was unclear how or even if California’s statewide mask mandate would be enforced in Orange County

As the Voice of OC reported, “Throughout the pandemic, OC officials haven’t strictly enforced business closures on restaurants and bars.  And OC Sheriff Don Barnes said he wouldn’t enforce former health officer Dr. Nichole Quick’s mandatory mask order, which was issued over Memorial Day weekend as diners and shopping centers reopened.”

The Board of Supervisors also allowed Orange County’s chief health officer Dr. Nichole Quick to be driven from office by threats against her life from anti-mask and conspiracy theory extremists, failing to back up her public health orders or provide her with protection.

As a result of the Board of Supervisors’ failures to follow or enforce basic state-mandated guidelines for stopping the spread of COVID-19, a Harvard University website that shows “How severe is the pandemic where you live?” places Orange County in the red extreme danger zone.   Today, the Orange County Register reports that “In the last five days, 5,796 new cases were reported [in Orange County], and more than half the cases of the virus in the county have been reported in the last 30 days.”

Under these circumstances, it is good that Irvine is now providing free COVID-19 testing for residents and people who work in Irvine. But Irvine’s COVID-19 testing also highlights the failure of our federal government and the Orange County Board of Supervisors to provide testing or any effective strategy in response to this deadly disease. Our friends and neighbors who live or work in other Orange County cities still have no good COVID-19 testing options.

Be safe and wear a mask!

Schedule a COVID-19 Test Appointment HERE.

California Needs a Racial Bias Strike Team Against Anti-Asian COVID-19 Racism

Asian Americans in California have self-reported 832 incidents of discrimination and harassment in the last three months, including 81 incidents of assault and 64 potential civil rights violations, according to Stop AAPI Hate, a reporting center and the leading aggregator of incidents against Asian Americans during the pandemic, founded by the Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council (A3PCON) and San Francisco State University Asian American Studies Department.

As California Assemblymember David Chiu, Chair of the Asian Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus, told the Los Angeles Times, “There’s not just a pandemic of health — there’s a pandemic of hate.”

Discrimination and harassment of Asian Americans in California has drawn national attention recently after a series of videos in Torrance, California, featured a woman using graphic racist language against Asian Americans. The videos have received millions of views, and reflect just a handful of the incidents reported to Stop AAPI Hate in California. The new report shows that incidents of racism and discrimination are not isolated to any particular area but are a statewide problem — Asian Americans have reported incidents in 34 counties so far. Incidents are reportedly taking place in California in retail stores, in the workplace, and online.

Anti-Asian American harassment has been further stoked by President Trump’s repeated use of the term “Kung Flu” in recent rallies and comments on Twitter scapegoating China for the United States’ devastating failure to control the coronavirus. 

I am appalled by these acts of hatred and by President Trump’s continued stoking of anti-Chinese and anti-Asian bigotry.

I first raised the issue of the COVID-19 outbreak and incidents of discrimination, harassment, and bullying of people thought to be Chinese at the Irvine City Council meeting on more than a month ago, on March 10.  I stated that we needed to do more to educate the public about how racism and xenophobia will hurt us in this crisis, and that we are all in this together.

I continue to be concerned, especially as reports increased of a surge in racially charged attacks unfairly directing blame for the pandemic on Asians and Asian Americans, while President Trump insists on using the phrase “Chinese virus” or “Kong Flu” when speaking of COVID-19.

In May, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that “the pandemic continues to unleash a tsunami of hate and xenophobia, scapegoating and scare-mongering” and urged governments to “act now to strengthen the immunity of our societies against the virus of hate.”

In response to these attacks, Stop AAPI Hate has now called on California Governor Gavin Newsom to establish a Racial Bias Strike Team comprised of key state agencies and departments that have jurisdiction over public education, implementing state and federal civil rights laws, overseeing workplace and employment discrimination, providing mental health services to vulnerable communities, and offering support to local Asian American-serving community-based organizations.

As Dr. Russell Jeung, Chair and Professor of Asian American Studies at San Francisco State University, explains, “Without government accountability, we risk COVID-related racism against Asian Americans becoming deeply entrenched, ultimately impacting the lives of millions of people in California and around the country.”

I join with Stop AAPI Hate in calling on California Governor Gavin Newsom to establish a Racial Bias Strike Team against anti-Asian COVID-19 racism.

I further call on all my colleagues in elected office in Orange County, both Democratic and Republican, to join me in loudly and unequivocally condemning these acts of hatred, as well as President Trump’s continued stoking of anti-Chinese and anti-Asian hatred and bigotry by using the terms “Chinese virus” and “Kung Flu” in reference to COVID-19.

No one, especially not the president, should use racial or racist terms in describing COVID-19.

Sadly, no Orange County Republican elected official has explicitly condemned Trump’s racist, anti-Asian “Chinese virus” and “Kung Flu” language regarding COVID-19. Their cowardice and complicity leaves an indelible stain on their party and themselves.

All who have witnessed or experienced anti-Asian attacks are encouraged to file a report HERE.

Reports may be made in English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Hindi, Japanese, Hmong, Tagalog, Khmer, Thai and Punjabi.

If you have experienced anti-Asian bullying, harassment, hate speech, or violence in Irvine, please also contact the Irvine Police Department at 949-724-7000.  In an emergency, call 911.  Neither the Irvine Police Department nor the Irvine City Council will tolerate any such anti-Asian attacks or discrimination in Irvine.

Please also let me know at

We’re in this together.  Don’t hate, stay safe, and wear a mask!

July 4th: We Hold These Truths . . .

We hold these Truths to be self-evident,

that all Men are created equal,

that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights

that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

— That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men,

deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed,

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

We, therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the Rectitude of our Intentions, do, in the Name, and by the Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly Publish and Declare, that these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be, Free and Independent States, that they are absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political Connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do.

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”

    —  The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.

Tell the Irvine City Council To Repeal Its Unconstitutional Anti-LGBTQ Law!

“If the broad light of day could be let in upon men’s actions, it would purify them as the sun disinfects.” — Louis Brandeis, Justice of the United States Supreme Court

Please join us on July 14, 2020, when the Irvine City Council decides whether to approve the motion from Councilmembers Melissa Fox and Farrah N. Khan to repeal and remove a cruel and unconstitutional anti-LGBTQ ordinance that has been part of Irvine’s Municipal Code as Sec. 3-5-501 through 503 since 1989.

[UPDATE: Sign our Petition to Repeal and Remove Irvine’s Ant-LGBTQ Ordinance].

Most residents of Irvine do not know that our diverse and forward-thinking city has an ordinance on the books that specifically and explicitly denies anti-discrimination protection to people based on their sexual orientation.

In fact, most residents are shocked when they learn that the Irvine Municipal Code includes the following:

“Sec. 3-5-503. – City Council parameters.

Except as provided in section 3-5-502, the City Council shall not enact any City policy, law or ordinance that:

A.  Defines sexual orientation as a fundamental human right.

B.  Uses sexual orientation, in whole or in part, as the basis for determining an unlawful discriminatory practice and/or establishes a penalty or civil remedy for such practice.

C.  Provides preferential treatment or affirmative action for any person on the basis of their sexual orientation.”

We believe it is outrageous that this cruel and unconstitutional law is still on the books in Irvine! It’s long past time for it to be repealed and removed!

These provisions were added by Ord. No. 89-1, which was adopted as Measure N by 53% of the voters as an initiative on Nov. 7, 1989, overturning an Irvine Human Rights Ordinance enacted by the Council in July 1988 that prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation.

The main proponent of the Measure N ballot initiative and the subsequent anti-LGBTQ ordinance was a group calling itself the “Irvine Values Coalition,” led by carwash-developer Michael Shea and his then-wife (and later Irvine mayor) Christina Shea.

According to Christina Shea, the initiative was needed because the earlier Human Rights ordinance gave “special legislative protection to the homosexual, bisexual and lesbian communities” and “homosexuality is characterized by a wide range of sexual perversions, varying degrees of promiscuity and a disproportionate percentage of sexually transmitted diseases.”

Irvine’s anti-LGBTQ ordinance violates both the Equal Protection Clause of the United States Constitution and California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act.

In Romer v. Evans, 517 U.S. 620 (1996), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution prohibits a state from banning LGBTQ people from seeking “specific legal protection from injuries caused by discrimination.”

The facts of Romer v. Evans are as follows: after various cities and counties in Colorado enacted laws prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation, the State of Colorado, through a ballot initiative, amended its state constitution to “prohibit[] all legislative, executive or judicial action at any level of state or local government designed to protect . . . homosexual persons or gays and lesbians.”  As the Supreme Court explained, under the amendment, “Homosexuals, by state decree, are put in a solitary class with respect to transactions and relations in both the private and governmental spheres. The amendment withdraws from homosexuals, but no others, specific legal protection from the injuries caused by discrimination, and it forbids reinstatement of these laws and policies.”

The Supreme Court declared that the Colorado constitutional amendment was based upon animosity toward homosexual people and lacked a rational relation to any legitimate governmental purpose.  Accordingly, the Court determined that Colorado’s constitutional amendment violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 5th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, applicable to the states through the 14th Amendment.

Like the Colorado constitutional amendment that the Supreme Court invalidated in Romer v. Evans, Irvine’s anti-LGBTQ ordinance attempts to prohibit local government action “designed to protect . . . homosexual persons or gays and lesbians” [i.e., protects people based on “sexual orientation.”] and like the Colorado constitutional amendment invalidated in Romer v. Evans, Irvine’s anti-LGBTQ ordinance “withdraws from homosexuals, but no others, specific legal protection from the injuries caused by discrimination.” Accordingly, Romer v. Evans renders Irvine’s anti-LGBTQ ordinance unconstitutional.

Moreover, not only is Irvine’s anti-LGBTQ ordinance unconstitutional, it also clearly contradicts and is superseded by California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act, which explicitly prohibits discrimination against people based on “sexual orientation.”

Because state law supersedes any city law or local ordinance, the Unruh Civil Rights Act’s prohibition of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation anywhere in California means that Irvine lacks the power to declare that “the City Council shall not enact any City policy, law or ordinance that: Uses sexual orientation, in whole or in part, as the basis for determining an unlawful discriminatory practice and/or establishes a penalty or civil remedy for such practice.”

We would like the see the eyes of the world on Irvine. 

We believe that the three others on the Irvine City Council — Mayor Christina Shea and Councilmembers Anthony Kuo and Mike Carroll — are far more likely to vote to repeal and remove this cruel and unconstitutional ordinance from the Municipal Code if they know that PEOPLE ARE WATCHING!

You can read more about the origins of this anti-LGBTQ ordinance — how it was promoted by (now Mayor) Christina Shea and her then-husband Michael Shea out of animosity and fear toward LBGTQ people and as a launching pad for their right-wing political careers — at Melissa Fox’s blog post HERE.

The Irvine City Attorney, who is an ally of Mayor Christina Shea, has stated that because this anti-LGBTQ ordinance was made law by a ballot initiative, it can only be repealed and removed by another ballot initiative. Our argument against this assertion is that this ordinance is clearly unconstitutional under many United States Supreme Court cases, as well as in violation of federal and state law; for this reason, it’s repeal and removal does not change the law in a way that requires another ballot measure.

In fact, the California Legislature dealt with this very issue in its repeal of the unconstitutional sections of Prop 187 by Senate Bill 396 (2014) by a majority vote of the Legislature without a vote of the entire electorate.  As the Judicial Committee of the California Senate noted, “Under existing law, California’s Constitution only authorizes the Legislature to amend or repeal initiative statutes by way of another statute that becomes effective only when approved by the electors –unless the initiative statute permits amendment or repeal without their approval. (Cal. Const., art. II, Sec. 10, subd. (c).) This bill [SB 396] seeks to repeal several state statutes implemented upon voter approval of Proposition 187, which generally prohibited the provision of various benefits to undocumented aliens. That proposition did not authorize the Legislature to amend or repeal its provisions without voter approval.”

Nevertheless, the Judicial Committee found that the Legislature had authority to repeal the unconstitutional sections of Prop 187 without a vote of the entire electorate. It reasoned that because the bill did not modify or repeal any provisions of Prop 187 except those that are unconstitutional and therefore unenforceable, it did not make any change in existing law. Accordingly, “SB 396 would not impermissibly repeal or amend the initiative; rather, it would merely update California statutes to accurately reflect current law.” The bill passed the Assembly and the Senate with only a single No vote.

The same circumstances exist here. Keeping this discriminatory language on the books, “causes confusion and harmful outcomes . . . [Therefore], it is fitting that [we] expressly acknowledge the detrimental impact of the discriminatory [language] by removing its stain from the state’s statutes.”  That is precisely what our City Council needs to do now, and what the precedent of SB 396 gives us clear authority to do: “expressly acknowledge the detrimental impact of the discriminatory [language of Sec. 3-5.501-503] by removing its stain from the [City’s Code.]”

In addition to being unconstitutional and in violation of superseding state laws, Irvine’s anti-LGBTQ ordinance is a cruel and embarrassing relic of a more prejudiced time.

Does Irvine want to remain on record as being one of the very few cities in America, and  indeed the world, that still officially discriminates against people based on their sexual orientation?  We hope not!

Please watch the Irvine City Council Meeting online on July 14.

Please ask your friends and family to watch.


You can WATCH the meeting live on ICTV, Cox Communications local access channel 30, and AT&T U-verse channel 99, and livestreamed online at

You can CONTACT the other three members of the Irvine City Council to tell them to REPEAL AND REMOVE IRVINE’S ANTI-LGBTQ ORDINANCE here:

Mayor Christina Shea:

Councilmember Anthony Kuo:

Councilmember Michael Carroll:

You can SIGN OUR PETITION to Repeal and Remove Irvine’s Ant-LGBTQ Ordinance.

Please see our Facebook event page, hosted by Melissa Fox, Farrah N. Khan, Tammy Kim, and Lauren Johnson-Norris.

United Across Borders Foundation and the City of Irvine Join Together for a HUGE Food Distribution at the Great Park!

United Across Borders Foundation and the City of Irvine join together on Saturday, June 27, for a HUGE food distribution at the Great Park! 

This distribution event will be setup as a drive-thru event from 10:0 am to 1:00 pm

The location is Great Park, LOT 2, 8000 Great Park Blvd, Irvine, CA.


The distribution is first-come, first-served until all food has been given out.

Please follow the instructions of the staff and volunteers.

Please be patient and drive slowly.


Please ensure you have room in your car to receive the food boxes.

United Across Boarders is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization committed to serving local and international communities with love, respect, integrity and compassion.  “We are dedicated to provide communities with grocery assistance, diapers, medical supplies/equipment and various support with the hope that no one will end their day in need or hungry.”

Orange County Needs to Provide Us With More Information and Transparency — and More Leadership — on COVID-19!

The Irvine City Council has repeatedly demanded MORE information and transparency on the effects of COVID-19 from the County, now they are providing even less!

Where are there outbreaks?

Which communities are hardest hit?

Where are the most deaths occurring?

Where should we be increasing testing?

When there is an outbreak in an Orange County nursing home, that goes unrecorded because patients will have an official residence elsewhere, and the nurses who became ill are also unrecorded for the same reason. The same issue is present with OCTA drivers, restaurant workers, grocery clerks, and janitors. If they live elsewhere, when they get sick from COVID-19 while working in Orange County, their illness or death will not be attributed to Orange County.

Anaheim officials were told by Orange County officials to keep secret COVID-19 data that shows how badly it has hit parts of that city. Have they done the same in Irvine? Orange? Tustin? Lake Forest?  In your city?

Orange County residents and city officials need this information!

There were 26 deaths reported from COVID-19 in Orange County just yesterday.

The brute fact is that this pandemic is not on the decline in Orange County, but is on the rise.

Despite this fact, It remains unclear how or even if the statewide coronavirus mask mandate will be enforced in Orange County, after County Supervisors on Tuesday declined to address any enforcement approach, ignoring the scientific consensus that face covering is the best weapon we now have against this virus, Ignoring the numerous residents advocating for it, and ignoring the fact that our infections and deaths from COVID-19 are steadily increasing.

As the Voice of OC reports, “Throughout the pandemic, OC officials haven’t strictly enforced business closures on restaurants and bars.  And OC Sheriff Don Barnes said he wouldn’t enforce former health officer Dr. Nichole Quick’s mandatory mask order, which was issued over Memorial Day weekend as diners and shopping centers reopened.”

As a result of the Board of Supervisors’ failure to follow state-mandated guidelines for stopping the spread of COVID-19, including enforcement of the state’s mask wearing order, Orange County is in grave danger of losing out on our share of a proposed $2.5 billion state bailout package.

Orange County residents and businesses desperately need this financial relief!

The infuriating truth is that the catastrophic failure of leadership in Orange County regarding COVID-19 has mirrored — and is the best direct result of — the catastrophic failure of leadership in the White House.

Like the White House, Orange County needs to stop ignoring science, and stop playing games with the numbers, the facts, and our lives!



Let Us Remember and Honor Those Who Fought for Korea’s Freedom

The Korean War started on this day — June 25 — seventy years ago, when when North Korea invaded South Korea.  By early July, the United States had sent troops into battle against the North Koreans, who were aided by their fellow Communist ally, China.

My father. Stan Kay, in Korea.

More than 36,000 Americans, 170,000 South Korean soldiers, 400,000 North Korean soldiers, 200,000 Chinese soldiers, and 2-3 million Korean civilians would die before the intense three-year conflict came to an end in an uneasy truce that has lasted to the present.

My family was deeply affected by the Korean War.  My father, his brothers, and all of his male first cousins served in combat.  My father’s cousin PFC Irwin Handler, USMC, was 20 years old when he killed in action on December 5, 1950, at the Battle of Chosin Reservoir.  My father served in the U.S. Air Force, flying combat missions as the bombardier on a B-26 Invader.  He lost most of his hearing.

Photo taken by my father during a bombing mission.

Long called “The Forgotten War,” news of the Korean War was censored at the time, and decades later its memory is far overshadowed in public consciousness by World War II and the Vietnam War.

It was not until July 1995, 42 years after the end of the war, that a memorial was finally dedicated in Washington, D.C., to those who served.

But my father and his family have never forgotten those who suffered and died fighting for Korea’s freedom, nor have the millions of Koreans and Korean-Americans whose lives and families were shaped, in part, by those three very bloody years of war.

Let us remember and honor their bravery and sacrifice today and always, as we continue to pray for a Korea that is united and free.

Rally for Flying the Pride Flag in Irvine! Tues., June 23, 2020 Time: 3:30 pm at Irvine City Hall Plaza!

June is Pride Month, when the State of California, and nations and cities around the world, stand with the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community as they declare their pride in who they are and who they love.

Show your support for flying the Pride Flag in Irvine by joining Irvine City Councilmembers Melissa Fox and Farrah N. Khan at a Rally at City Hall before Tuesday’s Irvine City Council Meeting! 

What: Rally for Flying the Pride Flag in Irvine
Where: Irvine City Hall, 1 Civic Center Plaza
Date: Tues., June 23, 2020
Time: 3:30 p.m. 

Click here to see the Facebook event page for the Rally.

Remember face coverings and social distancing is legally required in Irvine! Let’s keep each other safe while we make the world a better place!

Please also show your support for flying the Pride Flag in Irvine by contacting Mayor Christina Shea and the Irvine City Council to let them know. We need only one more vote! Contact the Irvine City Council:

Note: At the following meeting on July 14th, we will be urging the Irvine City to repeal and remove its unconstitutional and cruel anti-LGBTQ ordinance!

Free Summer Concerts and Movies for Irvine Residents!

Enjoy movies and concerts in the park – with a twist – during the Irvine Summer Drive-In Series. This series of modified events brings the community together while safely following social distance guidelines. The Summer Drive-In Series features movies on the big screen and live concerts to the Orange County Great Park in drive-in format every Saturday this August. Park your cars, bring a picnic basket, or plan to purchase treats from gourmet food trucks.

The drive-in will be set up in parking lot 2 at the Great Park.

Movie gates open at 6:45 p.m. and movies begin after sunset, approximately 8:15 p.m.

Concert gates open at 4:30 p.m. and start at 5:30 p.m.

Guests will be able to listen through amplified sound or tune in through their car radios via a special FM station for the events.

Space for this special event is limited, and guests must register in advance.

Summer Drive-In Series Schedule

  • Saturday, August 1: Southland Mega Groove concert (Rocking the Decades), with an intermission performance by Irvine High School Youth Team Akustikoff finalists Haley Tran & Nathan Nguyen
  • Saturday, August 8: “The Secret Life of Pets 2” movie screening (Rated PG)
  • Saturday, August 15: Tijuana Dogs concert (Dance Party Rock), with an intermission performance by Irvine High School Youth Team Akustikoff winner Ana Carvalho
    Saturday, August 22: “Sonic the Hedgehog” movie screening (Rated PG)
  • Saturday, August 29: Yachty by Nature concert (Soft Rock)

Due to limited space available, these events are open to Irvine residents only.  Admission is free and advanced registration is required.

Tickets will be available at beginning July 1.

The Orange County Great Park is located at 8000 Great Park Blvd., in Irvine. For more information, visit or call 949-724-6606.

Irvine Should Repeal Its Anti-LGBTQ Ordinance Now!

At the Tues., July 14, 2020, Irvine City Council meeting, I will move to repeal Irvine’s anti-LGBTQ ordinance [Sec. 3-5-501 through 503] as unconstitutional under the Equal Protection Clause of the United States Constitution and in violation of California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act, which explicitly prohibits discrimination against people based on “sexual orientation.”

Councilmember Farrah Khan has agreed to join me in putting this item on the July 14 Council agenda and in supporting this motion.

Most residents of Irvine do not know that our diverse and forward-thinking city has an ordinance on the books that specifically and explicitly denies anti-discrimination protection to people based on their sexual orientation.

In fact, most residents are shocked when they learn that the Irvine Municipal Code includes the following:

“Sec. 3-5-503. – City Council parameters.

Except as provided in section 3-5-502, the City Council shall not enact any City policy, law or ordinance that:

A.  Defines sexual orientation as a fundamental human right.

B.  Uses sexual orientation, in whole or in part, as the basis for determining an unlawful discriminatory practice and/or establishes a penalty or civil remedy for such practice.

C.  Provides preferential treatment or affirmative action for any person on the basis of their sexual orientation.”

These provisions were added by Ord. No. 89-1, which was adopted as Measure N by 53% of the voters as an initiative on Nov. 7, 1989, overturning an Irvine Human Rights Ordinance enacted by the Council in July 1988 that prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation.

The main proponent of the Measure N ballot initiative and the subsequent anti-LGBTQ ordinance was a group calling itself the “Irvine Values Coalition,” led by carwash-developer Michael Shea and his then-wife (and later Irvine mayor) Christina Shea.

According to Christina Shea, the initiative was needed because the earlier Human Rights ordinance gave “special legislative protection to the homosexual, bisexual and lesbian communities” and “homosexuality is characterized by a wide range of sexual perversions, varying degrees of promiscuity and a disproportionate percentage of sexually transmitted diseases.”

This anti-LGBTQ ordinance violates both the Equal Protection Clause of the United States Constitution and California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act.

In Romer v. Evans, 517 U.S. 620 (1996), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution prohibits a state from banning LGBTQ people from seeking “specific legal protection from injuries caused by discrimination.”

The facts of Romer v. Evans are as follows: after various cities and counties in Colorado enacted laws prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation, the State of Colorado, through a ballot initiative, amended its state constitution to “prohibit[] all legislative, executive or judicial action at any level of state or local government designed to protect . . . homosexual persons or gays and lesbians.”  As the Supreme Court explained, under the amendment, “Homosexuals, by state decree, are put in a solitary class with respect to transactions and relations in both the private and governmental spheres. The amendment withdraws from homosexuals, but no others, specific legal protection from the injuries caused by discrimination, and it forbids reinstatement of these laws and policies.”

The Supreme Court declared that the Colorado constitutional amendment was based upon animosity toward homosexual people and lacked a rational relation to any legitimate governmental purpose.  Accordingly, the Court determined that Colorado’s constitutional amendment violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 5th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, applicable to the states through the 14th Amendment.

Like the Colorado constitutional amendment that the Supreme Court invalidated in Romer v. Evans, Irvine’s anti-LGBTQ ordinance attempts to prohibit local government action “designed to protect . . . homosexual persons or gays and lesbians” [i.e., protects people based on “sexual orientation.”] and like the Colorado constitutional amendment invalidated in Romer v. Evans, Irvine’s anti-LGBTQ ordinance “withdraws from homosexuals, but no others, specific legal protection from the injuries caused by discrimination.”

Accordingly, Romer v. Evans renders Irvine’s anti-LGBTQ ordinance unconstitutional.

Moreover, not only is Irvine’s anti-LGBTQ ordinance unconstitutional, it also clearly contradicts and is superseded by California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act, which explicitly prohibits discrimination against people based on “sexual orientation.”

Because state law supersedes any city law or local ordinance, the Unruh Civil Rights Act’s prohibition of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation anywhere in California means that Irvine lacks the power to declare that “the City Council shall not enact any City policy, law or ordinance that: Uses sexual orientation, in whole or in part, as the basis for determining an unlawful discriminatory practice and/or establishes a penalty or civil remedy for such practice.”

Irvine anti-LBGTQ initiative was one of several ballot measures across the nation in the late 1980s and early 1990s not only to seek to repeal existing anti-discrimination ordinances, but to proactively prohibit any local unit of government from ever passing such ordinances in the future.

Hence, the Irvine anti-LGBTQ ordinance includes provisions that purport to make it extremely difficult for a future Irvine City Council  to repeal it.  According to the ordinance, “Any law or ordinance pertaining to Section 3-5-503 may only be enacted by obtaining the approval of a majority of the voters of the City of Irvine voting on the measure at a regular or special election. Such a measure may only be placed on the ballot by citizen’s initiative or a two-thirds majority vote by the City Council.” [Sec. 3-5-502.].

The Supreme Court in Romer v. Evans made clear that it is an unconstitutional violation of the Equal Protection Clause to single out LGBTQ people for special burdens. including burdening them with special difficulties in enacting anti-discriminatory laws.  According, it is clear that the procedural provisions of Irvine’s anti-LGBTQ ordinance — requiring a 2/3 vote of the Council and then a ballot initiative for repeal — is again a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 5th and 14th Amendments because it is designed to make passage of protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation especially burdensome and difficult.

The California Legislature dealt with this very issue in its repeal of the unconstitutional sections of Prop 187 by Senate Bill 396 (2014) by a majority vote of the Legislature without a vote of the entire electorate.

As the Judicial Committee of the California Senate noted, “Under existing law, California’s Constitution only authorizes the Legislature to amend or repeal initiative statutes by way of another statute that becomes effective only when approved by the electors –unless the initiative statute permits amendment or repeal without their approval. (Cal. Const., art. II, Sec. 10, subd. (c).) This bill [SB 396] seeks to repeal several state statutes implemented upon voter approval of Proposition 187, which generally prohibited the provision of various benefits to undocumented aliens. That proposition did not authorize the Legislature to amend or repeal its provisions without voter approval.”

Nevertheless, the Judicial Committee found that the Legislature had authority to repeal the unconstitutional sections of Prop 187 without a vote of the entire electorate. It reasoned that because the bill did not modify or repeal any provisions of Prop 187 except those that are unconstitutional and therefore unenforceable, it did not make any change in existing law. Accordingly, “SB 396 would not impermissibly repeal or amend the initiative; rather, it would merely update California statutes to accurately reflect current law.” The bill passed the Assembly and the Senate with only a single No vote.

The same circumstances exist here.

Like the parts of Prop 187 repealed by a simple majority vote of the Legislature in 2014, the anti-LGBTQ ordinance is unconstitutional and enforceable. Like the unconstitutional parts of Prop 187, although Irvine’s anti-LGBTQ ordinance is unconstitutional and unenforceable, its language remains on the books. Keeping this discriminatory language on the books, “causes confusion and harmful outcomes . . . [Therefore], it is fitting that [we] expressly acknowledge the detrimental impact of the discriminatory [language] by removing its stain from the state’s statutes.”

That is what our City Council needs to do now, and what the precedent of SB 396 gives us clear authority to do: “expressly acknowledge the detrimental impact of the discriminatory [language of Sec. 3-5.501-503] by removing its stain from the [City’s Code.]”

In addition to being unconstitutional and in violation of superseding state laws, Irvine’s anti-LGBTQ ordinance is a cruel and embarrassing relic of a more prejudiced time.

Does Irvine want to remain on record as being one of the very few cities in America, and  indeed the world, that still officially discriminates against people based on their sexual orientation?  I hope not.

For all of these reasons, I will move to repeal Irvine’s anti-LGBTQ ordinance.  

As noted above, Councilmember Farrah Khan has agreed to join me in putting this item on the next Council agenda for Tues., July 14, 2020, and in supporting this motion.

If you agree with us, please tell Mayor Christina Shea and the rest of the Irvine City Council that Irvine’s anti-LGBTQ ordinance [Sec. 3-5-501 through 503] needs to be repealed NOW.

Contact the Mayor and the Irvine City Council by email here.

Help Celebrate the 100th Birthday of WW2 Army Air Force Veteran Captain Frank Wendzel!

Join the Irvine 2/11 Marine Adoption Committee in celebrating and brightening the 100th birthday of a distinguished Orange County veteran of World War Two and the Cold War.

Captain Frank Wendzel, a Lake Forest resident (and formerly an Irvine resident) who has been in quarantine in assisted living for over 90 days, will be celebrating his 100th birthday on Flag Day, June 14.

Born in Wyoming on June 14, 1920, Captain Wendzel flew B-17s with the United States Army Air Force in World War Two, participated in the nuclear weapon tests of Operation Crossroads, and then worked as an engineer on the Mercury, Atlas, Apollo, space missions.  He moved to Orange County in 1957.

Due to the pandemic, his big party was canceled and he has only had window visits for the last few months.

His mailing address is:
Captain Frank Wendzel
Freedom Village Health Care Center
23442 El Toro Road
Building 2
Room 111-B
Lake Forest, CA 92630

Please join us in thanking Frank for his military service and wishing him a Very Happy 100th Birthday!

Here is a video on the life of Captain Frank Wendzel, USAAF, ret.:

“Breaking Bread”: Councilmember Melissa Fox Joins Dr. Ebony Jade Hilton, Goodstock Consulting, and Others in an Important Discussion on Race in America

GOODSTOCK Consulting, LLC presents a discussion between its directors — Black women Dr. Ebony Jade Hilton, Kellye A. McKenzie, Kimberly Butler Willis and Jocelyn Rogers — and three white women — Betsy Neely Sikma (corporate executive), Janet Robinson Alterman (women’s rights activist) and Melissa Fox (City Council Councilmember and California State Assembly candidate) — in the wake of the murder of Black man George Floyd by Minneapolis police and the racist threats made to Black man Christian Cooper by a white woman in New York’s Central Park.

Irvine City Councilmember Melissa Fox was asked to participate by Dr. Ebony Jade Hilton, following their recent ZOOM Town Hall on “Exposing Inequalities During COVID-19.”

Watch here:

Dr. Ebony Jade Hilton is Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine at the University of Virginia and a nationally recognized expert on how institutional racism has led to more severe impacts for communities of color from diseases such as COVID-19.

Melissa Fox is an Irvine City Councilmember and a candidate to represent the 68th Assembly District in the California State Assembly.

Visit Melissa’s assembly campaign website at

“Like” Melissa’s campaign Facebook page at

Click here to watch Melissa Fox’s conversation with Dr. Ebony Jade Hilton, “Exposing Inequalities During COVID-19.”